The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 397

In the living room of the inner room, there are pictures of her heroism everywhere, on the wall, on the desktop, all kinds of DIY, all kinds of photos!

Compared with the pink mouse series, the photos of yu'er are more masculine.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "brother, I think I need to talk to you! You are so crazy that I am surprised! "

"How are you! Boss, don't worry before you wait for me to apply a mask. " The mouse went to the bathroom with its orchid finger up!

Wei Yichen got up and wanted to go to the bathroom, gnashing his teeth and saying, "I'm special... I can't bear it. Boss, don't stop me!"

"Don't do it!" Lin Feng quickly stopped: "the mouse will not be abnormal for no reason, we should listen to his inner cry!"

"Boss, do perverts need a reason? Need a reason? " Wei Yichen said.

"Chenchen, if one day your favorite man says to you, Chenchen, I hope you are a little more masculine, what would you do?" Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, if you're the man, for you, I'll be a little more man!" Wei Yichen said.

"No, no, don't talk to me. I'm an example!" Lin Feng said.

"Boss, you don't even want to give an example. Do you dislike me?" Wei Yichen looks at Lin Feng with a little aggrieved look.

"I'm dizzy!" Lin Feng didn't know how to say it. He explained it for the mouse, but how did he get himself.

"Listen to me. Morning, I'm talking about mice. There must be his reason for doing so!" Lin Feng Road.

"Boss, why do you dislike me and change the subject?" Wei Yichen said.

"Ah Lin Feng suddenly speechless!

Sure enough, a woman is an unreasonable creature.

"Yicheng! I don't dislike you... "Said Lin Feng.

"That's good, then I'll be more manly for you!" Wei Yichen was suddenly happy.

"No, Chenchen. I was just giving an example." Lin Feng said.

"I don't care, boss. I take it seriously, huh!" Wei Yichen pouted: "I am your woman man!"

"Alas Lin Feng sighed and found that he could not go on. Did you say he owed? Why explain this to her? Is she a logical and reasonable person?

In fact, Wei Yichen is a very reasonable person, but in the face of Lin Feng, she forgot what the truth is!

at that time, the mouse came out with a mask. She cocked her face and looked at Raymond Lam, and said, "boss, don't you want to talk to me?" Talk now

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I said rat, you rat hole, how to make this pair of virtue?"? Why are you so angry? "

The mouse cocked up the orchid finger and said, "boss, you don't know. I've been chasing yu'er for so long, and she finally has a reply!"

"Oh? Congratulations Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"But yu'er said that he likes people who are gentle, lovely and girlish!" The mouse said, "so I am willing to be a woman for her sake! I believe she is giving me a crazy hint that she will promise to be my girlfriend as long as I become what she says

"Oh, all right."

Lin Feng's heart a smile, sure enough, he guessed right, this mouse is just for jade son to do so.

"Yu'er is really a man and a woman." Lin Feng laughed, then pointed around and asked the mouse: "so you make this pair of Niang gun look like..."

"that's right!" The mouse looks up at the ceiling at a 45 degree angle and looks forward to it: "for love!"

"Well, let me use the toilet. I feel sick!" Wei Yichen is on the sideline.

"Yi Chen, you don't understand love at all, I don't argue with you, hum!" The mouse said to Wei Yi Chen with his orchid finger.

"Oh, you pervert, how dare you laugh at me?" Wei Yichen forked his waist and scolded the mouse.

"Oh, all right, all right!" Lin Feng is also quite convinced of these two people, a meeting like to quarrel, "morning, you sit down!"

"Hum!" Wei Yichen sat down angrily.

Lin Feng looked at the mouse and said, "you also try to control yourself. One day we can't tell the mother and the father from you, you will be useless!"

"Don't worry, boss! No way The mouse said, "by the way, what are you looking for me for?"

Lin Feng straight to the point and asked: "I give you the matter, how?"

"A little bit of a look!" The mouse ran back to the room, and soon came out again. He opened his micro computer, which was half the size of a normal computer. He clattered the keyboard, and then showed the screen to Lin Feng: "boss, look at this!"

Lin Feng saw the mouse's computer screen, playing a fuzzy video.

In the video, it's a self portrait of a man on his deathbed.

The man had a delicate face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. His body was very strong, but he had a three edged knife in his left rib, and half of his skirt was dyed red with blood.His face was bloodless, his whole body trembled, and he was obviously unable to hold on.

The man looked around on guard and said to the camera, "my name is Jin Taishun. Because I heard the secret I shouldn't have heard, I'm being chased and killed now. I don't have the strength to escape. Maybe today is my death date!"

With a trace of sadness on his face, the man continued:

"since they chose to kill me, it means that this secret is very important. So I left this secret in the video today. I hope to be seen by someone who is destined to see it one day and unlock it. Don't give it to someone else who can take advantage of it!"

The man named Jin Taishun took a few breaths and said:

"there is a treasure in Jincheng, called blood jade, which is the treasure of the Lin family of Huaxia. Later, the treasure was reduced to this place, and after several twists and turns, its whereabouts were unknown! However, some people have left four clues to find blood jade! "

"Four clues are hidden in the four directions of Jincheng, one in the fire, one in the water, one in the ground and one in the sky! The secret I heard today is about the specific location of these four clues! "

"The clue of the eastern district is underground, in the mines blocked by the government! The clue of the Northern District lies in Fuhu peak of Lingyun mountain, a volcanic vent, which is considered to be in the fire. The clue of the Southern District lies in a water depression, which is yet to be developed and has no specific location, so it is in the water. I'm sorry I didn't hear the clues of the Western District, but I don't need to know the clues of the western district. They must be in the sky! "

"Behind the blood jade, there is a startling secret. If the blood jade is used by bad people, it will certainly cause a riot in the whole society! So please see this video, find the clues of blood jade, and give it to the Lin family in Kyoto as soon as possible, because the Lin family is the guardian of blood jade generation! "

Speaking of this, the man began to pant. It may be that there was too much blood flow and oxygen was obviously unable to keep up with him. He said with a sad look: "if you see this video, I still have a heartless request. I have two young daughters, one is love month and the other is love evening. I hope you are kind enough to help me find my daughter and bring them up to adulthood. I am golden Thank you very much! Benefactor, please accept my three respects

The pain of the man's wound seemed to be numb. He took his last strength and kowtowed to the camera three times. Then, the video was over!

Lin Feng's heart is very excited, this is equivalent to further know the whereabouts of blood jade clues.

But at the same time, he had an indescribable feeling that the man's appearance was quite familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere!

But he tried to recall whether he had seen such a man as a child? But I didn't remember.

It may be that the video is too fuzzy to see clearly!

"Where did you get this video?" Lin Feng asked the mouse.

The mouse said, "this video is that I broke the database of the relevant departments of the government. There are many unsolved cases, unjust cases, strange people and strange things. I opened one inadvertently, and found that someone mentioned blood jade, so I kept it! I've looked through the rest, and there's nothing to pay attention to! "

"Is there anything else about this video?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's just that there are some official introductions about this video, saying that this man named Jin Taishun is a stranger. He disappeared shortly after he came here. This is the last video before his disappearance. Now the whereabouts of the murderer are unknown." Said the mouse.

"Yes, very well done!" Lin Feng praised the mouse and said, "although you are a little abnormal now, it does not affect your IQ at all."

"Boss, don't make fun of me. I'm also for true love." Said the mouse.

"Well, true love, not bad!" "I will take you to see your true love tomorrow," said Lin Feng! Go to the order of the Phoenix tomorrow

"Great!" The mouse said, "I'm going to make love to yu'er tomorrow. I can't wait!"

"Well, I'll try my best to help you talk." Lin Feng Road.

"Boss, I'm afraid it's useless for you to say it, and you don't have much friendship with her! Moreover, yu'er is very cold. It seems that I can only move him with my true feelings! " Said the mouse.

After hearing this, Lin Feng laughed and didn't make a sound

at this time, he had a strong expectation in his heart: the order of the Phoenix, crescent lake, blood jade clues, I'm here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!