The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 396

"Aurumania, one of the world's top ten most expensive bicycles, has a frame made of gold and 600 Swarovski crystals inlaid all over the body!"

Liu Fu read word by word to his mobile phone, then looked at Liu Mu and Liu qianyun and said:

"look at this picture, it's the bicycle that Lin Feng rode! There are only ten bicycles in the world. Such a precious thing, we also say that other people are broken bicycles. We have no brains

"Ah The family fell into deep silence.

From the very beginning, they didn't believe Lin Feng's words. Lin Feng said that he had a helicopter and had tens of billions of savings. Those two pills were miraculous medicines...

none of the Liu family believed Lin Feng's words and thought that Lin Feng was full of lies.

As a result, every word Lin Feng said was true.

But Lin Feng said that his bicycle, can buy many Zhu Wenhao Audi cars, they still do not have a letter!

It is. Who would think that the value of a bicycle can equal so many Audi cars?

But Liu's father was a man with a very careful mind. He felt that every word Lin Feng said seemed to have his own reason. So just now, Lin Feng said that his bicycle was very expensive. Liu's father went to search for it and found that the car was really Jingui's death!

The cost of this car itself is very high. What's more, the car is limited. There are only ten cars in the world. If it is auctioned, the price will not be too high!

Liu Fu helped his glasses and said with a deep look: "this bicycle, not to mention that it can change dozens of Li Audi, even if it is dozens of BMW, he can also change it!"

Liu's mother and Liu qianyun were surprised to open their mouths. They said they were broken cars just now. Now they are slapping their faces again!

Liu Fu said: "it seems that every word of Lin Feng is careless, but there is not a lie. Such people are generally very powerful people."

Liu's mother quickly said: "daughter, you have a boyfriend like Lin Feng. It's really a blessing that we have built over the past few years. We should take good care of it. If you can, we will go to get the certificate with him immediately."

Liu qianyun is embarrassed. She thinks that she can't go on like this. Since Zhu Wenhao's business has been settled, she should have a showdown.

She said, "Dad, mom, let me tell you the truth! Lin Feng is not my boyfriend at all. I asked others to come and help me pretend to be! "


Liu Mu's heart sank as soon as she heard it.

The drama of life is no more than this. Originally, I didn't look up to others. As a result, I found that I didn't deserve others at all!

Liu's mother said, "well, there's no way. After all, Lin Feng is such an excellent person, and we can't afford it!"

Liu's father said, "that's not necessarily true. If your daughter likes it, go after it bravely and dad will support you! Love to fight will win! "

Liu qianyun could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly. She is the flower of Medical University. She is the kind of Lord who has a group of men around her wherever she goes. Her parents have always been proud of her. For the first time, she heard her parents say that she is not worthy of others! She's not used to it!

But she thought it was OK!

She thought, in the end, whether she like Lin Feng or not? She should like it. Every time she saw Lin Feng, she was very happy. When Lin Feng was around her, she felt that the whole world was bright and warm, especially Lin Feng's low-key but pretentious style, which made Liu qianyun want to laugh every time.

She frowned, heart said that even if I Liu qianyun is not worthy of you, Lin Feng whole person, half can always match on it? As for your other half, don't you have sister Yuqi, sister Yuqi matches your other half, we two sisters gave you a bag!

Thinking of this, Liu qianyun suddenly blushed, as if thinking of some of the Japanese love action movies three split pictures.

Oh, shame! How could I have such an evil idea?

Liu qianyun quickly shook his head and said to Liu's father and mother, "Dad, mom, I don't have to worry about my business. I've been tired for a day, and I'm going to have a rest."

With that, he went back to his room with a red face.

After returning to the villa, Lin Feng went to bed early and went to Dongsheng Group with Su Jing in the early morning.

Lin Feng finds Xia Ming's father and tells him about the matters needing attention in mining. He also tells Lao Xia to pay attention to the people of the Jin family. If they have any small moves, they should immediately inform themselves.

Then in the afternoon, he went to the order of Phoenix to talk about exploration with Jin Fenghuang.

Because the first stop of the golden family's project has been determined in crescent lake, the headquarters of the order of Phoenix. There may be treasures below. Even if there is no clue of blood jade, there must be other treasures. Otherwise, why would Jin Fenghuang's cousin give priority to this matter when he died?

A day passed in a hurry.

Another morning, Lin Feng got up early as usual. He was going to look for mice today.Before Lin Feng asked the mice to collect some strange things about Jincheng, collect some interesting places and so on. I believe the mice will soon have some results.

The reason why Lin Feng asked the mice to search for these things is that Jincheng, apart from the rapid development of mining industry a few years ago, has no other place to be worthy of praise. If there is, it is likely that it is related to blood jade again!

So if Jincheng wants to say that there are some very strange big people, or some places are very attractive, or some places have been sealed down by the government, then these are likely to be related to blood jade.

Of course, this is not absolute, but it is better to start from these aspects than to look for a needle in a haystack.

Lin Feng finished washing, humming out of the villa.

He was about to go cycling when he found a red Maserati in front of him.

In the driver's seat, a beautiful and playful girl with a little ruffian temperament looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "boss, what a coincidence! Hee hee

"Morning! Good morning Lin Feng said hello to Wei Yichen: "you are cool enough in this outfit!"

Today, Wei Yi Chen has restored the style of the former gothic girl. A black dress in the Middle Ages makes him look very lovely and beautiful. The high and upright collar adds a bit of British spirit.

In particular, Wei Yi Chen also equipped with a blue translucent glasses, the lens has no frame, the metal texture of the two mirror legs is very strong, angular, looks very scientific and technological sense, let Wei Yichen heroic spirit, add cool feeling.

"Cool is of course!" Wei Yichen said with a smile: "so I have the characteristics of crouching in order to show it in front of you!"

"Oh! I thought it was a chance encounter! It turns out that you had a premeditation Lin Feng looks at Wei Yicheng with a smile.

"Well, no, it's not true." Wei Yichen quickly covered his mouth, like a child made a mistake.

Lin Feng will smile, this Wei Yichen, sometimes just like a little girl, lovely and witty, naive, speak straight, this may have something to do with her growth environment, after all, the family has money, you can have no scruples.

"Morning, how is your driving skill? Is there any promotion? " Lin Feng asked.

"Of course Wei Yichen stretched out his beautiful legs and blasted the gas pedal several times. With a smile on his face, he said with great pride: "sister V has taught me a lot of things, boss. I'm afraid you want to win now. I'm not so simple!"

"Is it?" Lin Feng smiles.

"Of course, I and sister V are two management levels of the drag racing party! Big sister V is very nice. She likes to discuss driving skills with me when she's OK! " Wei Yichen said: "but it's not fun to be a manager. You can't laugh, you can't talk more, you can't have too many expressions! Then they will respect me and be afraid of me

"Well, what's your theory?" Lin Feng said: "I'm not cool, but I love to laugh. I have a lot of words, and my expression is very rich. Then no one respects me?"

"Boss, of course you're different. You're cool in everything." Wei Yichen said.

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"Because you are my boss Wei Yichen said.

"Well! You logic, I believe Lin Feng feels Wei Yichen's logic is very mysterious, not ordinary people can see through it! Of course, class two is not good!

"By the way, boss, what are you going to do today?" Wei Yi Chen in the end of a dialogue without nutrition, Wei Yi Chen finally began to talk about the subject.

"Oh, I'm going to sit down with the mouse!" Lin Feng Road.

"Oh, I haven't seen my house for a long time. Let's go. I'll take you." Wei Yichen said.

The house of the mouse is temporarily provided to the mouse by Wei Yicheng. Lin Feng said that, Wei Yicheng also remembered his landlord and had not gone back to see his house for a long time.

"No problem!" Lin Feng got into the driveway: "let's go!"


They talked and laughed all the way to the mouse's house.

A few seconds ago, the thief's head knocks on the door.

"Oh, boss, Yicheng, why are you two here? Sit inside quickly!" The mouse said happily.

They enter the room, feel a burst of aroma, and then, feel into a pink sea.

Pink walls, pink flowers, even the mattress is pink department, there are two Hello Kitty dolls at the head of the bed.

"Lying trough!" Lin Feng exclaimed, "did I enter the room of which little princess?"

Wei Yicheng followed him and sighed: "tut Tut, it's too tender, it's too tender. When did my house become this tune? Mouse, what you are doing is destroying my mother's house

Wei Yichen is forthright and domineering. He can't stand this kind of girl's tone most. He feels that she is te Marius!

The mouse said: "as for such a fuss? Come in and change your slippers, or you will pollute my powder floorFinish saying, wearing a pink pajamas, holding up the orchid finger, twisting the waist to go into the house!


Lin Feng and Wei Yichen look at each other, then look at the ground, pink floor, pink slippers, NIMA, was raped by a piece of pink!

Wei Yichen snuffled and said, "boss, a man has done this. To be honest, I'm a little disgusted!"

"Me too!" Lin Feng said, and then, he suddenly and righteously said: "but, we must resist, we must give the juvenile a chance, quickly put on the evil slippers, only in this way, the mouse will not feel our discrimination, he will tell us from the heart, what he has experienced these days!"

"Oh, all right!" Wei Yichen put on fluffy pink slippers and couldn't bear to look directly. He walked into the room with Lin Feng.

To the house, Lin Feng immediately understood the reason for the abnormal mouse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!