The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 395

"Ah - no, please, I'm wrong, I'm rubbish, I'm scum, I'll never dare!"

Zhu Wenhao cried hysterically and begged, and there was no longer the arrogance of loading ratio before.

At this time, Liu qianyun could not help but said, "Lin Feng, let him go!"

She is afraid that Lin Feng's attack is too heavy, and it will be bad to make things big!

"Well! Since Qian Yun has spoken, I'll let you go. Thank Qian Yun soon Lin Feng said.

"Thank Qian Yun, thank Qian Yun!" Zhu Wenhao kept nodding to Liu qianyun.

Liu qianyun snorted coldly and turned to look at Zhu Wenhao no longer.

Lin Feng said: "Oh, I didn't want to beat people today. After all, I am an excellent youth full of peace and love. I can't even hurt the flowers and plants on the street! However, some people forced me to do it, which really embarrassed me

He turned to Zhu Wenhao and said, "ah Hao! Now that I've done it, are you satisfied? "

"Ah! Satisfied, satisfied! " Zhu Wenhao ordered it like garlic.

"Well, very good. If you are not satisfied, I have a set meal for you to use!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No, no, I'm very satisfied!" Zhu Wenhao was almost desperate, with tears hanging from the corner of his eyes, just like a little daughter-in-law who had been raped.

"Well, good!" Lin Feng smiles.

Other people on the scene looked at Lin Feng in awe, thinking how dark this guy was!

I can't bear to harm flowers and plants, but when I'm talking on the phone, I'm going to waste people. Moreover, the other party has no ability to fight back, leaving only one leg. It's really terrible.

Wei Zhentian's eyes were shining, and his mouth was full of praise: "Mr. Lin is as quiet as a virgin, as moving as a rabbit. He has a tiger in his heart and sniffs the roses. He will surely make a great achievement in the future."

Wei Yunlong is also looking at Lin Feng, and the respect in his eyes gradually rises to reverence.

After Zhu Wenhao was beaten by Lin Feng, the Liu family felt very happy. It was not too much to deal with such a shameless and insidious villain like Zhu Wenhao.

At this time, Lin Feng looked back at Liu Xuecheng and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu, you can do something for me now!"

Liu Xuecheng got up quickly and said, "please tell Mr. Lin that you are willing to go through fire and water!"

Liu Xuecheng didn't expect Lin Feng to have a task for him. Does that mean that Mr. Lin is not responsible for his past? Can you forgive yourself?

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "Liu Xuecheng, you don't like to sit by Hao's side. Come on, I'll give you a chance to sit there, and then help your dear ah Hao, call a taxi! Then you carry your favorite Hao on your back and get out of here

When he said the last sentence, Lin Feng's tone rose sharply.

Liu Xuecheng was immediately frightened and excited. He didn't want to be beaten and disabled. He said timidly: "good, good, Mr. Lin, I'll listen to you. I'll call you on this wine, and I'll take Zhu Wenhao off with this wine!"

With that, he ran to Zhu Wenhao, picked up the phone and began to call a taxi.

Seeing Liu Xuecheng's flattery, Wei Yunlong couldn't help laughing at himself. He said that I was really hoodwinked by this guy. This guy is a real apple polisher. If it wasn't for Dr. Lin today, I really don't know when I can see his true face.

Soon, the taxi came, Liu Xuecheng obediently picked up Zhu Wenhao and went out.

After walking out of the gate, he heard the sound of "Putong". Liu Xuecheng threw Zhu Wenhao on the ground, and then he scolded: "it's a bad pen. If Mr. Lin asked me to carry you out, I would not care about you as a waste!"

"Liu Xuecheng, you flatterer, you deserve to be fired! Don't depend on me

"Do you lie in bed? Zhu Wenhao, you even dare to provoke Mr. Lin. take me with you. If it's not you, I'll get to this point?"

"It was you who came to the door yourself, and I didn't invite you to come. You're the devil!"

"Do you lie in the manger?"


outside the door, two people quarreled. Inside, Lin Feng said with a smile: "OK, temporarily shield the door. Now our world is quiet. Come on, it's time to serve the food. I'm starving!"

Wei Yunlong said, "the food and wine have been ready for a long time, and will come soon."


Wei Yunlong finished, and the fast food was served.

Indeed, they are all famous dishes. You can see that Lin Feng's mouth water is direct!

A meal Lin Feng rubbed very happily, his two chopsticks swung like two axes, a gust of wind roll residual clouds, the dishes on the table almost empty.

However, the Liu family was frightened. After all, it was hard to avoid being nervous when eating with the big names of Changsheng Group.

During the dinner, Wei Zhentian and Wei Yunlong also tried to please Lin Feng. Wei Zhentian was supposed to go back to the hospital in about half an hour, but he didn't go back. He stayed and continued to eat and drink with Lin Feng!At about four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the meal was finished. Wei Yunlong sent someone to drive Lin Feng and Liu's family back home!

When he got to Liu's house, Lin Feng sat in the yard and drank tea with his father. After chatting a few words, he got up and left.

At this time, Liu's mother didn't look like before. She quickly and politely asked her to stay: "Mr. Lin, it's still early. You'll just sit for a while. My aunt and uncle have been bad to you before. I want to make up for it more."

Liu Mu changed her address! It's called Mr. Lin!

"Nonsense, I'm not bad with Mr. Lin. I see that Mr. Lin is a great man!" Liu Fu said, "especially the chess player, I will die in a few steps."

Liu's mother met his father and said, "don't ink your chess. The tea is cold. Make another pot of tea for Mr. Lin. I'll wash the fruit for Mr. Lin!"

Seeing mom and dad's busy work, Liu qianyun is having a good time. Mom and dad have never treated guests like this! What's more, Mr. Lin's is also very enthusiastic!

"Uncle and aunt, please don't call me Mr. Lin. I've got goose bumps!" Lin Feng had no choice but to smile: "call me Lin Feng!"

"Well, all right." Liu's mother said, "Lin Feng, please sit down first. I'll come when I go."

Lin Feng quickly said: "Auntie, don't be busy. Ha, I have to go back. I still have something to do. I really have to go."

Seeing that Lin Feng had decided to go, Liu's mother was not convenient to retain her and said, "well, what, Lin Feng, you'll come often in the future."


Lin Feng laughed, stood up and went to his bicycle, opened the lock of the car, and pretended to ride on it.

"Lin Feng, if you drink some wine today, don't ride this bicycle. A broken bicycle won't be lost!" Liu Mu came up and said.

Liu qianyun was also a little worried: "Lin Feng, do you have no money? I'll call you a taxi directly! My mother is right, safety first. Your bike is broken enough to not lose it! "

"No, I'm used to cycling!" Lin Feng smile, said: "don't always say that my bike is broken, my bike is really valuable!"

Then, he waved goodbye to the Liu family and left the gate.

Seeing Lin Feng go far away, Liu's mother closed the door and was about to go into the house. However, Liu's father, who was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, cried out: "ah, you come to see it!"

"What's the matter? What a surprise? " Liu Mu didn't have a good temper to say.

"Bicycle, Lin Feng's bicycle... Unexpectedly..." Liu Fu raised his mobile phone and exclaimed incoherently.

Liu's mother and Liu qianyun all come together and take a close look. All of them are frozen in place, and their faces are covered with big exclamation marks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!