The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 394

This sentence, a sudden, zhuwenhao said speechless, the face brush red to the neck root.

Yes, he thought it was a free gold chain from his face. As a result, he slapped his face!

Originally, they were given to Lin Feng, and it had nothing to do with him.

However, in the first few minutes, he asked Liu mother for the gold chain in front of the public. At this time, his face was almost swollen, which was so humiliating!

"Zhu, you want gold chain. I'll give you a 60% discount. You can buy it and pay for it yourself!" Lin Feng said: "people can not get this discount, hurry up, cherish the opportunity Oh, or I will not be happy, you want to get all can not get!"

Zhu Wenhao listened to it, and immediately became angry. An hour ago, he had to wind the wind to rain. All this would have become Lin Feng's, and every time he was beaten in public, he felt that his thick face was completely self-contained.

After that, can you mix up in Jincheng?

Zhu Wenhao's mood is near the edge of collapse, and he cheers: "Lin Feng, do you really pretend to be better than that. Just a few financial groups in Jincheng. What can you wear? Even if all Jincheng people support you, I will not be afraid of you! "

Zhu Wenhao has no other way. He has no place in Jincheng, so he has gone out.

Lin Feng smiled a little, "is it? You are afraid that I don't care! But I have to warn you that I hear Qian Yun say you are a human being. You are a bad person. Smile girl doesn't blink. So I warn you not to harm other girls in the future, or let me know that I will make you die! "

"Lie in the groove, do you think he is who?" "Said Zhu.

Lin Feng's cool hair toss: "I am a flower protector. Do you have any opinion?"

"Do you care!" Zhu Wenhao roared like a crazy man who lost his sense: "I want to play with women. I go back to Songjiang city and play with young girls. I will kill them. I will torture them. Hum, you can't control it!"

"Scum!" Lin Feng, who has not yet spoken, can't bear Liu qianyun first.

From the beginning, Zhu Wenhao was disrespectful to her mother, and she kept holding a breath. At this time, Zhu Wenhao said his real idea without any taboo, making liuqianyun even more angry.

Such a garbage, but also chasing themselves, Liu qianyun felt that the body and mind were greatly insulted.

Liu qianyun scolded Zhu Wenhao: "zhuwenhao, I knew you were a scum, but I didn't expect you to be such a dregs, it was a piece of rubbish!"

"Do I grass you!" Zhu Wenhao scolded Liu qianyun for breaking his head: "what do you think you are? I mean, he wants to get you in his hands and play with you hard. What you do is a bitch, a bitch! "

Hearing Zhu Wenhao say this, Liu Qian was shaking all over the body, a red and white blush on his pretty face, and the giggle of silver teeth.

Liu Fu Liu mother is also angry enough, did not expect the public, Zhu Wenhao unexpectedly said this kind of words.

Zhu Wenhao also felt addicted, and continued to shout: "liuqianyun, you are cheap, your mother is a greedy ghost, your father is strict with his wife, your family is garbage, bah, garbage!"

"Zhuwenhao, have you scolded enough?" At this time, Lin Feng stood up and walked to zhuwenhao.

"You drink? You want to be angry with them, right, OK, there is a kind of practice for us to do alone. I won't kill you! " Zhu Wenhao has been angry for a long time. This will stand out of Lin Feng. He can't help killing Lin Feng.

"Doctor Lin..." waiting for Wei Yunlong to quickly interrupt, he wants Lin Feng not to impulse, he goes to ask bodyguards to solve this matter.

But Lin Feng waved his hand and signaled that he didn't need to intervene and said, "this boy has no courtesy, his mouth is dirty, and I have to teach him to be a man!"

"Am I you!" Zhu Wenhao took the stool beside him, but he was unprepared. He smashed it directly to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was cold and cold, and kicked in the past, and the stool was crushed. Even zhuwenhao was kicked on the ground, covering his stomach and shouting!

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang, and at a glance, it was a foreign telephone number.

Lin Feng Xiaoxiao out the phone, turned around, smiling to pick up the phone!

The voice of that King Kong came, "boss, are you busy now?"

"No hurry, you say it!" Lin Feng said to the phone.

At this time, but listen to liuqianyun exclaimed: "ah! Lin Feng, be careful! "

It was Zhu Wenhao who grabbed the leg of the broken stool on the ground, and directly took the back brain of Lin Feng and hit it.

This can frighten everyone. Lin Feng is talking to Zhu Wenhao on the back at this time. If he is hit by a stick, he will be killed directly!

However, at this time, I saw the forest peak, which had been not slow, suddenly lowered his head and put his mobile phone on the table, and by the way, he dodged the stick.

Then, Lin Feng stepped back on his stomach, but he was pushed on his stomach. Zhu Wenhao was pushed back and forth for a few meters. He lay on the ground with his hands holding his abdomen and bowing into the shape of shrimp."Great!"

Wei Zhentian can't help but give a thumbs up. This seemingly careless foot can turn a big and small guy rolling and turning over. This is not an ordinary force!

At this time, Lin Feng opened the mobile phone hands-free, put it on the table, said with a smile: "King Kong, you continue to say!"

Lin Feng finished saying this, but walked toward Zhu Wenhao.

"Boss, the helicopter you parked on the top floor of the Empire State building has been checked by me. The rotor system is OK, the compressor, the combustion chamber and the turbine are all right. The dashboard and console are all right!"

Hearing this, the Liu family immediately looked at each other.

Especially Liu Mu and Liu qianyun, their two eyes are almost falling down.

Listen to the words on the phone, Lin Feng, really have a helicopter?

And what Empire State building is it parked on? The name is very high-end!

All of a sudden, Liu's mother didn't know what to say. Before, she teased Lin Feng and said that Lin Feng was bragging. Now it seems that Lin Feng is the real boss!

At this time, Lin Feng came to Zhu Wenhao, but he called out to the phone: "King Kong, don't talk nonsense. You can directly say that there is something wrong with the helicopter!"

"Boss, there seems to be something wrong with the transmission system. There has been no maintenance for a long time, and the bearings and gears are a little corroded!" Said King Kong.

Lin Feng said with a sad face: "Oh, my little heart!" Then he tilted his head and said to Zhu Wenhao, "ah Hao, I'm not in a good mood. What do you say to do?"

Zhu Wenhao was in a cold sweat with pain. His face was like gold paper. His whole body was scattered. He didn't have any strength at all. But he was angry in his heart and swore: "I'll fuck you!"

"Oh, you faggot Lin Feng fiercely stepped on Zhu Wenhao's leg, and listened to the "click" sound, Zhu Wenhao's leg was trampled on!

"Ah -" Zhu Wenhao grinned and cried out in pain.

"Hahaha, boss, are you killing people?" King Kong asked excitedly on the phone.

"Don't mind my side. Tell me, what's wrong with my helicopter?" Lin Feng asked loudly to the phone.

"The rest is gone! However, if the fault is to be repaired, it will cost at least several million, even tens of millions! " King Kong said: "after all, your helicopter is the strongest brand helicopter, all parts are expensive!"

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I have to spend money. I'm not in a beautiful mood."

"Hao, what do you say I do?" Lin Feng squints at Zhu Wenhao with a smile.

When Zhu Wenhao saw Lin Feng's smile, he felt cold!

But the next second, Lin Feng grabbed Zhu Wenhao's arm and twisted it.


My arm is broken!

"Ah -" Zhu Wenhao's painful face was sweating.

He roared to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you must die, I will kill you sooner or later!"

At this time, Lin Feng Li didn't pay attention to Zhu Wenhao, but said out loud to the phone: "King Kong, calculate how much it needs to repair, and then go to Laohu to ask for it, and say I want it!"

The other end of the phone said, "Oh, OK, by the way, boss, I heard that you have saved tens of billions in Lao Hu. When will you take it out and be cool and unrestrained?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "don't worry, put it in the old man first, let him have an eye addiction!"

"Hey, hey, OK, I'll go to him and ask for money!"

"Go ahead and let me know when it's fixed."

"OK, hang up! Boss


Lin Feng finish saying, that end then sounded the beep sound.

At this time, the people of the Liu family were completely speechless. Liu's mother felt that her blood pressure was high and she was dizzy. If she had not been helped by Liu qianyun, she would have fallen in the past.

"Mom Liu qianyun looks worried at her mother.

Liu Mu said: "Qian Yun, Ma is OK, this helicopter, the tens of billions, everything comes too suddenly, you let mom slow down first!"


At this end, Lin Feng said to Zhu Wenhao, "do you think I really dare not do anything to you?"

Zhu Wenhao broke a leg and an arm, but he still scolded: "Lin Feng, Songjiang is my uncle. If you dare to move me today, you will be right with the boss. Lin Feng, if you are going to be finished, I will peel your skin and cramp your tendon..."

Lin Feng just gave a light smile and took Zhu Wenhao's other arm and twisted it.

"Click --"

the other arm is broken.

"Ah --"

ZHU Wenhao howled like a pig.

"I hate being threatened." Lin Feng stroked his hair and looked at Zhu Wenhao's leg and said, "men all have three legs. You've broken one now. Next, look at your performance. If you don't perform well, I'll amputate the other two. I'll do it!"Zhu Wenhao was scared to death. He had seen a cruel man, but he had never seen Lin Feng so cruel!

Talking to others on the phone can break his hands and feet. This man is killing people without blinking an eye!

And although Lin Feng has a smile on his face, the smile looks like the sneer of hell devil, which can absorb the sneer from the bottom of human heart.

Zhu Wenhao was so scared that he quickly said, "no, no, I know it's wrong. Please let me go. I dare not, and I dare not do it again!"

Lin Feng said coldly, "is it over if you admit your mistake to me? What did you do to Qian Yun and aunt just now

Zhu Wenhao quickly said to Liu qianyun and Liu's mother, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't scold you. I'm scum. I'm garbage. Please treat me as a fart. Let Lin Feng let me go. Please!"

"Hum!" Liu Mu and Liu qianyun don't go too far.

"It seems that they don't agree." "You can't keep the rest of your legs," Lin Feng said , the fastest update of the webnovel!