The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 393

Zhu Wenhao's face was livid at this time, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng had such a hand.

This time, his disgusting behavior, all showed in front of the public.

Liu's mother had a look of embarrassment on her face. She had complained about Lin Feng because of the incident. She also said that Lin Feng should not have joked at that time. Zhu Wenhao lost money.

Up to now, Liu's mother has paid Zhu Wenhao more than 100000 yuan. She is guilty.

And now, at last, she understood the truth.

Originally, Lin Feng knew Zhu Wenhao had a bad idea, but Lin Feng didn't expose him, but punished him in another way!

It has to be said that Lin Feng is a wise man!

In her heart, Liu's mother praised and apologized to Lin Feng again. Looking back on this incident, she said to Zhu Wenhao directly:

"Zhu Wenhao, how can you do such a thing? I didn't realize you were so insidious! You take us to play golf because you want to frame Lin Feng! "

Zhu Wenhao is also angry, the heart said good you, as soon as Lin Feng has the support of prosperous group, you immediately went to kneel and lick Lin Feng, and now you call my full name?

I'm so damn nice to you. You don't recognize people! Well, in this case, let's tear our faces!

He said directly to Liu's mother, "why, are you complaining about me now? When I took you to play, you were not like this! When I gave you the gift of meeting, didn't you accept it happily? Hum! Greedy

"Well, Zhu Wenhao, you even talk to me like this. I will return your meeting gift intact. We qianyun should have never known you!"

Liu's mother trembled with anger. She was not greedy for money. When she chose her son-in-law, the first thing was to look at the character of her son-in-law. No matter how much money she had, it was useless!

But he found that Zhu Wenhao not only cheated their family, but also secretly played tricks to harm Lin Feng. Then he shamelessly took all the things that were given to Lin Feng. How bad was his character? Liu's mother really can't look down on this kind of person.

Zhu Wenhao's eyes turned red. Even if Liu qianyun's talk broke down, he would be even more unscrupulous. He cried out: "hum, do you want to return the gift? Good! Take off the gold necklace on your neck and give me the other two! What a goddamn greedy man

"Zhu Wenhao, do you still look like a man?" Liu qianyun shouts.

He knew that his mother liked the gold chain very much, because when she came out of Huanyu gold store, she couldn't help touching the gold chain. Then she took it directly around her neck and looked at the mobile phone for a long time. She was very satisfied.

Mother for so many years, as if this is the first gold chain, think of this, Liu qianyun heart a burst of pain!

And at this time let the mother take it off, one is painful to give up love, second, it is also very humiliating ah!

The reason why Liu qianyun is angry is that Zhu Wenhao does too much! Even if you want to go back, you have to wait until after the event to figure out the account and take off the chain for you. Why do you deliberately disgrace the elderly in front of so many people?

But Liu's mother didn't expect Zhu Wenhao to be like this. She shook her head and said with a bitter smile: "Zhu Wenhao, Zhu Wenhao, I'm really blind. I even want to marry my daughter to you. Now I want to come, I'm really guilty!"

At this time, she felt that Lin Feng was right. To marry her daughter to Zhu Wenhao was to send her to the fire pit!

But at this time, Lin Feng's phone rang, is a strange number!

"Don't make any noise, I have a call to answer!" Lin Feng answered the phone and said, "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Lin?" Asked the other politely.

"Ah! It's me

"Ah, Mr. Lin, this is Shen Yunhai, Shen's group, Shen Yunhai. Do you have any impression?" Said the other end.

Shen Yunhai called. Shen Yunhai had something on hand just now. When he finished, he called Lin Feng quickly.

When Lin Feng heard the phone call from Shen Yunhai, his brain lit up and seemed to understand what was going on.

He deliberately set the mobile phone to the hands-free mode, and the conversation was loud, so that everyone could hear and see it.

"Oh, Shen Yunhai, I have an impression. Why, Shen man, your daughter, has complained to you these days? I'll go to her for a meal, won't I? " Lin Feng said.

"Of course not. You can go to Xiao man's place and have dinner. I'll support you with both hands." Shen Yunhai said.

At this time, the people present were quiet and quiet, and they all listened to the voice of the phone carefully.

Because people were shocked again, Shen Yunhai, chairman of Shen's group, even called Lin Feng. How strong is the background behind Lin Feng?

Lin Feng, however, looked like he was hanging silk. He picked his teeth with a toothpick and scratched his buttocks. Then he said casually:

"what's the matter with you calling me? I said in advance, I don't have time to eat in your restaurant, I don't have time to hang out in your shop. Ha, I'm very busyPeople listen, it is a burst of sigh, the other end of the phone, such a big person, Lin Feng even said not to give face, this is a real bull.

But Shen Yunhai heard it, but he coughed a few times and said, "well, Mr. Lin, you are busy. I know. But today I seem to see you coming to our gold store. Is it my old-fashioned and dim eyed that I see you wrong?"

"Cough, I read it correctly. It's me, but I went with others, so I'm too lazy to stroll around." Lin Feng said.

"Oh Shen Yunhai said, "I'll tell you, Mr. Lin is a good-looking man. I'm sure I can't read it wrong. So, I asked the clerk to give you all the free orders. I heard that your friend selected three gold necklaces. Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, you can come again and choose freely, and you will still be free of charge! "

"Wait a minute. I'll ask you." Lin Feng moved the phone to his ear and asked Liu's mother and Liu qianyun, "Auntie, qianyun, Shen Yunhai gave you your necklace for free just now. My face is still valid now. Do you want to add more? It's all free! "

Liu's mother was so shocked that she quickly waved her hand and said, "no, no, one is enough."

She felt a little trance at this time. Who is Lin Feng? Why do the leaders of Shen group and Changsheng Group respect him so much? As if, still very flatter his appearance, Liu mother at this time and Lin Feng talk, feel in the heart began to be a little nervous.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "Mr. Shen, do you hear me? We don't want it for the time being. We'll make you cheaper today

Shen Yunhai laughed and said: "Mr. Lin is really joking. This money is nothing. As long as Mr. Lin is happy, I can open a green channel for you. In the future, I can buy gold here for free on holidays. I can give you a discount and a cost of work. Ha ha ha!"

"I still have no time to go, but I still want to thank you!" Lin Feng said, "by the way, your daughter has a bad temper. Let her treat a good man like me a little bit!"

"Ha ha, OK!" Shen Yunhai said, "are you satisfied with your visit to the gold store of Shen's group today?"

"Well, it's OK." Lin Feng Road, then thought of a thing, and asked: "what, I ask, Zhu Wenhao is your VIP customer?"

"Zhu Wenhao, of course not!" Shen Yunhai firmly said: "if he wants to buy jewelry, he must have the original price. We Shen's group will not be used to him any more! In addition, when the contract expires in a month, we will immediately terminate the contract with his company and let him go back to Songjiang city! "

"Oh! Well done Lin Feng nodded in a serious way, and then, deliberately looked at Zhu Wenhao.

At this time, Zhu Wenhao, a face choked into pig liver color, extremely ugly.

Lin Feng laughed and said to the phone, "Mr. Shen, I'm a little busy now! Don't say it for a second

"Oh, you are busy!" Shen Yunhai said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng casually put the Shanzhai mobile phone into his pocket, and then said to Zhu Wenhao with a smile:

"ah Hao, have you heard me clearly? Do you want the gold necklace on my aunt's neck , the fastest update of the webnovel!