The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 392

Both Liu's father and mother were astonished.

These two pills are worth 20 million?

It turns out that Lin Feng didn't cheat us. This medicine is really two pills of elixir!

At this time, Liu's mother blushed to the root of her neck. When Lin Feng gave her this gift as a meeting gift, he would throw it away, and then sarcastically said that Lin Feng cheated people with two broken pills.

It's not Lin Feng's deception. It's just that I'm too superficial and stupid!

At this time, Liu's mother's heart was deeply sorry and self reproach. She was even embarrassed to look up at Lin Feng!

Liu qianyun is very happy. She is not happy because the medicine can be sold at a high price, but she did not expect that Lin Feng would take this valuable thing out of his parents.

This shows that Lin Feng attaches great importance to his parents, is Lin Feng's meeting ceremony serious? Lin Feng really likes me?

Lin Feng really wants to marry me with such a valuable gift?

Liu qianyun suddenly blushed, secretly took a look at Lin Feng's handsome side face, and was immediately shy. If you are happy, don't go over your head. Your face is hot and your heart is fluttering.

At this time, Lin Feng was very dissatisfied and said, "20 million? Mr. Wei, are you robbing? 20 million want to buy such a precious medicine? "

Wei Zhentian was also said to be a little embarrassed, and said with a smile to Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin, I really don't know how much the two pills are actually worth, but if you can afford it, I won't be stingy!"

Lin Feng stretched out three fingers.

"30 million? OK, no problem! " Wei Zhentian Dao.

"Wrong, three hundred million!" Lin Feng Road.

"What?" One side of the Liu mother heard, immediately feel a little high blood pressure, almost suddenly fainted.

Two pills, 300 million? If this is sold out, the three hundred million will be enough for one's life!

Wei Yunlong was a little anxious at this time. He whispered in Wei Zhentian's ear: "Dad, we can have a good relationship with Dr. Lin. why do you buy such expensive medicine?"

"What do you know?" Wei Zhentian said in a low voice: "if we buy this medicine, we can analyze the ingredients of the medicine with precise instruments, and then we can make it. This is a miracle in the medical field."

Wei Yunlong understood his father's meaning at once. It turned out that this was an investment. If 300 million yuan was put into it, it would be equivalent to getting the formula. Then he would make more of this medicine. Let alone 300 million yuan, that is, 30 billion yuan, it can also earn back!

Wei Zhentian said to Lin Feng, "Mr. Lin, 300 million yuan is OK, but the amount of 300 million yuan is a little large. We have to go back to the board of directors to discuss and go through the motions before we can take out the money."

"I'm sorry, if you're so troublesome, then we won't sell it. I'll go back on it!" Lin Feng said, "well, repent?" Wei Zhentian didn't expect this kind of operation!

Lin Feng said: "I think carefully, in fact, how much money, no life is important, these two drugs, is equal to help uncle and aunt live again, belong to priceless treasure, uncle and aunt, keep it well!"

Liu's mother experienced such ups and downs and exciting reversals. She also enlightened a lot. She said to Lin Feng with a smile: "yes, Lin Feng is right. This medicine is a gift from Lin Feng. We are too embarrassed to take it out and sell it. Mr. Wei, I'm really sorry!"

"It doesn't matter!" Wei Zhentian reluctantly smiles, and the duck that gets it flies like this.

He would have been angry if he had been betrayed in front of him.

But he did not dare to offend Lin Feng. As long as there was Lin Feng, Lin Feng was a living prescription!

Therefore, he must flatter him. Moreover, his life is still in the hands of Lin Feng. He dare not even say no!

Lin Feng laughed and said to Liu's mother, "well, what aunt said is reasonable! Gifts can't be bought and sold casually. "

Liu's mother bit her lip embarrassed, and then said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, don't praise me. I feel my face is hot now. I have to apologize to you!"

"Don't apologize. The culprit is not you. You want Qian Yun to live a good life. It can be understood that the culprit is Zhu Wenhao's scum man who likes to play tricks!" Lin Feng said.

"Who are you talking about?" Zhu Wenhao said angrily.

Zhu Wenhao didn't believe in the sale of pills just now. He thought it was just a scene of collusion between Lin Feng and the Wei family. Since the Wei family was so optimistic about Lin Feng, he could certainly stand up for Lin Feng in front of others. He didn't believe that Lin Feng could easily give others hundreds of millions of drugs? What's more, Lin Feng is so proud? Will you wear all kinds of street goods?

So Zhu Wenhao didn't believe it was true. His arrogance at this time was still very arrogant.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "are you not scum? You are not only scum, but also a sinister villain

"Lin Feng, are you him? Don't slander me, I will sue you for slander!" Zhu Wenhao said.

"Yes? I slander you, don't I? " With a smile, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a strange number directly.

This is the number Lin Feng wrote down at the front desk when he came out of the golf club.Lin Feng's phone is on, hands-free, everyone can hear the voice inside.

"Hello, who is it?" That Xiao Ming answers the phone!

"Xiao Ming, you don't care who I am. I just want to tell you one thing. You tampered with the expensive Wilson golf club and destroyed a kick-off club and a wooden club. It's worth 168000. I'll tell your boss about this! You'll be punished Lin Feng said.

"No, no, no, no!" Xiaoming anxiously said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you Mr. Lin Feng?"

"Yes! You are very smart. I'm Lin Feng! "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin Feng. I sincerely apologize to you. Zhu Wenhao forced me to do that club. He said that if I didn't do it, he would complain to me and let me get out of the club. Our club attaches great importance to the guests. If he complains about me, I certainly can't continue to work here, so I have no choice but to act on the club!" Xiao Ming confessed.

"Have you ever thought about how I feel? If I broke the club, would I have to pay for it? "

"Mr. Lin Feng, I'm really sorry for you. I really know that I'm wrong. I can do whatever you want. Please don't tell our boss. Please, I have a younger sister in college. My sister and I are orphans. She depends on my salary to go to school. Please give me a chance. Please!"

Lin Feng sighed: "OK, then you take out a month's salary and donate it to the orphanage in Jincheng, and then show me the donation list. You can use this kindness to make up for your fault, so I won't investigate your responsibility!"

"Good, good, thank you, Mr. Lin. I'll do it now!" Said Xiao Ming.

Lin Feng hung up the phone, picked eyebrows and said to Zhu Wenhao, "brother Wenhao, do you have anything to say?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!