The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 391

"Sleeping trough! What's the situation? "

The people around were shocked again.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xuecheng would like to slap himself to death.

Wei Zhentian would like to thank people in person, he even humiliated others, but also helped Zhu Wenhao that stupid than almost drive away people, this is his own death!

Zhu Wenhao didn't expect that Lin Feng's background was so strong that even the master of the Wei family came forward directly.

Wei Zhentian was dressed in a Tang suit with white beard. Although he was very thin because of his long illness, his eyes and eyes were sharp, and he was not angry and powerful.

Seeing this, the Liu family subconsciously stood up to welcome Wei Zhentian.

"Sit down, everybody sit down!" Wei Zhentian said with a happy smile, and then sat down beside Lin Feng. Wei Yunlong stood behind him.

Lin Feng did not raise his head but said: "what do you thank? I'm not looking at your face, I'm looking at the morning's face, just to help you

Seeing that Lin Feng is still not warm and not angry, Liu qianyun quickly rebuked Lin Feng with his elbow and said, "Lin Feng, that's the president of prosperous group, and the old man is old. You should respect him a little bit!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I have at least courtesy, but everyone is equal. When we poor people see a rich man, do we have to bow down? You don't need it? "

Wei Zhen said with a smile: "Mr. Lin is indeed a young hero, but he has courage and backbone! I really admire him

"I'm sorry, I'm an adult, and I'm growing well." Lin Feng smiles.

"Ha ha ha ha!" When Wei Zhentian knew that Lin Feng was joking, he laughed again. Because he was still very weak and could not stay with him for long, he chose the key point and said: "anyway, Mr. Lin's life-saving grace is unforgettable. In the future, you, Mr. Lin, will be the first VIP of Changsheng group. If you need any help from Changsheng Group, just start at the beginning!"

"Thank you first. I haven't had any problems recently." Lin Feng said, and then seemed to think of something, said: "Oh, by the way, my friend Liu qianyun works in the Qingshan hospital that you have invested in. When you come back, you can arrange for him to be a director or something, and the salary can be doubled at will."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng said it as light as a joke.

But Liu's father and mother were frightened. They couldn't believe their ears. Is Lin Feng's request too much? Liu's surprised chin almost fell down: "what, director? How many times the salary? Oh, my God

However, Wei Zhentian said: "Doctor Lin, since you have all opened your mouth, there is certainly no problem with this."

"Ah Liu family's heart set off a startling wave, this unreasonable request, the other party did not want to agree? This is... Incredible!

Wei Zhentian continued: "Mr. Lin, I believe that with your eyes, the people you help and promote are absolutely the right talents."

"Of course Lin Feng looked at Liu qianyun with a smile: "Qian Yun is absolutely loud!"

Liu qianyun's face was red to the root of his neck. He said quickly, "don't don't don't do it. I've just graduated, and I still have a lot of things to learn. I'll study hard first and work on my own ability. Don't give me the back door!"

"Ah, Qian Yun, do you know that in today's society, many people are not powerful, but they are superior because of their relationship. After they are on the top, they gradually become familiar with the environment and cultivate their strength. There are fewer and fewer people who really rely on their strength to be superior." Lin Feng said: "I believe you are the best. If you sit in that position, you will be proficient in less than a year."

"This..." Liu qianyun doesn't know what to say!

Wei Zhentian said: "Mr. Lin is right. Our hospital really needs fresh blood like you to join us. I'll make the decision now. The matter Dr. Lin said is settled. Yunlong, you can go back and talk to Gao Qingshan and do it!"

"Good! Dad Wei Yunlong said with a smile.

Liu Fu and Liu Mu dare not breathe. What happened just now? My daughter, in a flash, is the director of the Department of Castle Peak Hospital?

This just graduated is the director, in the future that must be glorified!

However, all of this is due to Lin Feng. No wonder the girl said that it was Lin Feng's help when she became a full-time official. After seeing the live broadcast today, they knew that all this was true, and it was all Lin Feng's role!

Liu's mother looked at Lin Feng with a light face and suddenly felt that she had lived in vain for more than 50 years.

Such a big man sitting in front of him, he just because of that poor shrimp Zhu Wenhao, to ridicule others, he is really blind!

And that swindler Zhu Wenhao, if not the Wei family's person appears, estimated that he is still in the dark.

Think about her just to drive out of Lin Feng, but also cold words run on Lin Feng, at the moment, she felt hot face uncomfortable, a deep sense of shame.But Liu Fu is pleased to smile, he from the beginning and Lin Feng playing chess, feel that Lin Feng this child is not simple.

Along the way, he also had a very good impression of Lin Feng. It turns out that he really did not read the wrong person.

At this time, Liu qianyun was more excited and almost cried. She didn't expect that happiness would come too suddenly. She almost couldn't help it.

She directly took Lin Feng's arm, went up and gave a kiss, saying, "thank you, Lin Feng!"

"Oh, you are welcome." Lin Feng said in a low voice, "come and warm my bed if you have nothing to do."

"Disgusting!" Liu qianyun made great efforts to resist Lin Feng, his face was even more hot.

At this time, Zhu Wenhao was very angry. He worked hard for so long, but today he was turned over by Lin Feng. He couldn't swallow this tone.

Zhu Wenhao is on the verge of breaking up with others because he is on the verge of breaking up business with his uncle Zhu.

However, for this tone, even if Zhu Wenhao kneels back to beg for the boss, he also recognized that, with the support of the big man, there is no need to be afraid of the prosperous group.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenhao suddenly came to the bottom of his heart and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what are you installing? Isn't it related to Changsheng Group? Do you think you're so great? Apart from the relationship between Changsheng Group, what are you? "

Lin Feng smiles and says, "what? You think you're good again, don't you? "

Zhu Hao said, "if you don't have money, why don't you want to taste other goods? Although my business is not good now, I am also a boss. I give gifts to meet people. I am also a luxury product with tens of thousands of yuan. What about you? Two broken pills, ha ha ha

"Well, what do you want me to say about you?" Lin Feng pondered with a smile: "my two pills, you struggle for several life can not afford to buy, do you believe it?"

"Don't you brag B!" Zhu Wenhao scolded.

Lin Feng said, "you don't understand, I don't blame you! Child, your world is too simple

"Lying trough!" Zhu Wenhao gas don't know what to say, this Lin Feng, too he? Can you pretend to compare it?

But at this time, Wei Zhentian's eyes showed a fine light and asked, "pills? What pill? "

Wei Zhentian knows that Lin Feng's medical skills are superb. The pills Lin Feng said are so valuable that they must be cruel.

At this time, Liu Fu took out the small oilcloth bag directly, which he had been carrying with him. He opened the oilcloth bag and showed it to Wei Zhentian: "here, this is the pill!"

Wei Zhentian took a look, frowned, but did not understand.

However, Wei Yunlong behind him suddenly showed a strange luster. He recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the life-saving medicine Lin Feng gave his father?

At that time, when my father was in critical condition, Lin Feng's medicine brought him back to life.

Wei Yunlong reached his father Wei Zhentian's ear and whispered a few words.


Wei Zhentian was suddenly shocked. His eyes were fixed on the two pills as if he were looking at some rare treasure!

Wei Zhentian heard Gao Qingshan mention this medicine afterwards. This kind of medicine can't be seen in the market. Even Gao Qingshan, the president of the hospital with excellent medical skills, also called Lin Feng's pill a miracle. It's just two elixirs.

Wei Zhentian took the two pills, his hands trembled slightly, and said, "these are two magic medicines! Don't you want it? If you don't want it, I'll pay a high price for two pills, 20 million yuan. How about that? "

With that, he looked forward to his father and mother.

All of a sudden, Liu father and Liu mother is a face incomparably surprised expression! , the fastest update of the webnovel!