The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 390

After that, Wei Yunlong went to Lin Feng again and said, "Doctor Lin, I'm really sorry today. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Today, I'll open another table and serve all the special dishes of our hotel. I'll compensate you for it!"

"Oh, how sorry! No more! " Lin Feng said.

"I'm sorry!" Wei Yunlong said respectfully, "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

"Oh, you are so enthusiastic that I can hardly refuse you!" Lin Feng's face also deliberately with a bit of embarrassment, said: "although I'm used to plain food, but my friends and her family still need some good wine and food to serve!"

"Of course, of course!" Wei Yunlong looked at the Liu family, then bowed sincerely and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault that you and Dr. Lin didn't have a good meal today. It's my fault! Come on, waiter, help me serve the best dishes in the hotel for me

Then he said to the Liu family, "let's go and sit on the other side."

Liu's family was still in a state of extreme shock. Liu qianyun was less shocked because she knew that Lin Feng knew Wei Yunlong, but Liu's mother was completely confused. She didn't expect such a reversal.

The Liu qianyun family were invited to a table next to them. Wei Yunlong waved his hand, and three waiters came up and bowed directly to the Lius. Then they presented the menu, wine list and tea list respectively, waiting respectfully for the Lius to order.

The Liu family had never seen such a big show, and suddenly felt like a big man. The sense of glory swept through the whole body, and it felt like a dream.

Liu's mother took the menu and her excited hands trembled.

"Whatever you want, auntie. What's expensive is what you want!" Lin Feng said.

Liu's mother didn't dare to look down on Lin Feng any more, and quickly said, "well, well, we won't order anything, we can't eat anything!"

"It's OK, auntie. Don't mention it!" Lin Feng said: "in any case, it is the general manager Wei who pays the bill."

Wei Yunlong quickly said: "yes, auntie, I'll pay for it all. Even if you order the whole menu, it doesn't matter!"

"No, no, no, we can eat whatever we want." Liu Mu trembled.

"Auntie, don't call me Mr. Wei. Dr. Lin is my good friend. If you don't dislike it, just call me Yunlong!" Wei Yunlong was close to Tao.

"What?" Liu's mother was startled and said, "no, this can't be done. You are the vice president of Changsheng Group, and I have seen you on TV. You are still the director of that bureau. It seems that you are a department related to education. I dare not to be such a big person like you!"

"Auntie, you don't like to call him Yunlong, or Xiao Wei!" Lin Feng said.

Then, he said to Wei Yunlong, "don't get close to me in front of my uncles and aunts!"

"Oh, Doctor Lin, you are my great benefactor. I should flatter you!" Wei Yunlong said with a smile.

This scene shocked everyone present.

The Liu family didn't expect it to be like this, and Liu Xuecheng at the other table beside him had the heart to die. He didn't expect Lin Feng to have so much energy.

Zhu Wenhao was also shocked and looked at this side.

"Uncle, auntie, qianyun, order, don't let what happened just now affect our mood!" Lin Feng said.

Liu's father said, "you don't have to order the wine. The bottle of Maotai has not been opened just now! I'll get it! "

"Uncle, don't take it!" Wei Yunlong said coldly: "they didn't want that bottle of wine, so they sold it to them. Now they can't even buy it!"

Wei Yunlong finished and then said to Lin Feng, "Doctor Lin, I'll give you a better bottle of white wine to drink with you! It's older than Maotai! "

"Well, I really don't want that bottle of wine!" Lin Feng Road.

Zhu Wenhao's heart was flustered when he heard it. Listen to their meaning. Is this bottle of wine for me to buy?

A bottle of wine is worth tens of thousands!

He quickly went to Wei Yunlong and others and said, "Mr. Wei, you see, I didn't drink that bottle of white wine. Can I return it?"

"No!" Wei Yunlong said, "can you take any wine for yourself? Since you like to treat that bottle of white wine as your own, I'll make it for you. I'll buy it at the original price. "

"Mr. Wei, please, I have no money!" Zhu Wenhao cried.

But Lin Feng frowned and said, "brother Wenhao, aren't you a company with a market value of tens of millions? What's more, you still have more than eight million yuan in savings. Can't you afford a bottle of wine with tens of thousands of yuan? "

At this time, Liu Xuecheng also ran over and said to Lin Feng, "Doctor Lin, you really praise him. Where is his company worth tens of millions? His company is a small sesame company, and it has only cooperated with Shen group for several months. No other business has been received. It has a market value of 10 million yuan and a deposit of 8 million yuan. I bah, what kind of big money do you make? "

With that, Liu Xuecheng also scolded Zhu Wenhao. If Zhu Wenhao didn't pretend to know Wei Yunlong, Liu Xuecheng would not have recognized the wrong person, nor would he have worked hard for more than ten years to be ruined in an instant. If the murder did not violate the law, he would like to kill Zhu Wenhao immediately.Zhu Wenhao angrily said: "Liu Xuecheng, you even secretly investigate me?"

"Nonsense, if you want to cooperate with us, I certainly need to know your details!" Liu Xuecheng said.

After listening to their conversation, the people of the Liu family understood instantly. Liu's mother asked, "so, Xiao Hao, what you told me are all deceiving us?"

"Auntie, listen to me. Although I am in debt now, I can turn a loss into a profit by signing a few businesses soon..." Zhu Wenhao explained.

"Stop! Stop it Liu's mother shook her head in disappointment and said, "Xiao Hao, those things you sent me, take them back with you, sell them and pay off the debts."

"Auntie, I..." Zhu Wenhao still wants to fight for it.

"Don't talk. I'll answer the phone!" Wei Yunlong said aloud at this time.

Wei Yunlong's phone call is from his father, Wei Zhentian. Both of them are typical acute sons. Wei Zhentian waited outside for a long time and didn't see any news. So he called Wei Yunlong.

"Hello, Yunlong, is Dr. Lin in there?"

"Oh, yes, yes. I just dealt with something. It was delayed for a while. Dad, let Xiao Wu help you in." Wei Yunlong said.

Finish saying, then hang up the phone.


People were even more surprised when they heard that Wei Yunlong's father was not Wei Zhentian, chairman of Changsheng Group?

Wei Zhentian was a famous figure in Jincheng, and his status was even higher than that of Tang Dongsheng and Shen Yunhai. On the one hand, he was older than Tang Dongsheng and Shen Yunhai. Secondly, Wei Zhentian was not only a businessman. Wei Zhentian was a big man in the medical and educational circles, so he trained Wei Yunlong as an excellent successor.

But even so, Wei Zhentian is still very dissatisfied with Wei Yunlong's ability, enough to see the old man's spirit and vision.

At this time, the Liu family are even more nervous. How can one be bigger than another? I feel like I have stepped into the upper class today.

At this time, Wei Zhentian, assisted by the driver Xiao Wu, walked into the hotel.

Wei Yunlong went over and said, "Dad, be careful!"

"It's OK!" Wei Yunlong just returned a simple sentence, and immediately came to Lin Feng with a smile. He said excitedly, "Mr. Lin, I'm here to thank you in person." , the fastest update of the webnovel!