The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 389

Xiao Wu drives Wei Yunlong and Wei Zhentian to the hotel. Wei Yunlong is very thoughtful. He asks Wei Zhentian to wait in the car first. He goes to the hotel to have a look. If Lin Feng is there, he asks Xiao Wu to bring his father over. If Lin Feng is not, he drives back to the hospital directly.

Otherwise, the old father gets on and off the train, is also very exhausting, for a muscle atrophy patient who has just recovered a little bit, a little physical strength is precious!

So Wei Yunlong advanced into the hotel by himself, and saw that Liu Xuecheng, the Secretary, was angry at Lin Feng. Then the two security guards were eager to try to pull Lin Feng forward.

Wei Yunlong quickly stopped these people and asked in a loud voice, "what's the situation?"

When they saw Wei Yunlong coming, they all shivered.

Wei Yunlong is the boss and successor of Changsheng Group. Liu's mother and father can only watch it on TV, and Zhu Wenhao has never been in contact with Wei Yunlong, so they all look at Wei Yunlong with trepidation.

Wei Yunlong said to Liu Xuecheng, "what are you doing?"

Liu Xuecheng said, "ah, I'll help boss Zhu to drive out the troublemaker!"

"Who is boss Zhu?" Wei Yunlong asked in surprise.

"Zhu Wenhao! He is the boss of Wenhao equipment company. Don't you know him? " Liu Xuecheng said.

Then, he stabbed Zhu Wenhao: "boss Zhu, you have a word!"

Wei Yunlong looked at Zhu Wenhao carefully, and suddenly burst into a drink: "how can I know him?"


Liu Xuecheng was suddenly confused, while Zhu Wenhao was black faced and bowed his head.

Wei Yunlong asked, "who makes trouble? Who do you want to drive out?"

Liu Xuecheng felt that things were wrong, but he had to go on. He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "this boy is making trouble! I dare him to go out? "

At this time, Lin Feng stood up, looked at Wei Yunlong and said, "Wei Yunlong, do you think I look like a troublemaker?"

"Doctor Lin, how can you be a troublemaker?" Wei Yunlong immediately laughed and changed his serious look.

With that, he stepped forward and said with a fawning smile, "Doctor Lin, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Lin Feng sneered and snorted without response.

At this time, other people's hearts are like a huge wave, surprised jaw almost fell down.

Lin Feng calls Wei Yunlong by his name? What's more, Wei Yunlong also looks flattering and apologizes incessantly. He's also called Dr. Lin Fenglin?

What's going on?

Wei Yunlong looked at Liu Xuecheng coldly and said, "Xiao Liu, I asked you to take good care of this table. How did you greet it?"

Liu Xuecheng quickly said: "Mr. Wei, I gave boss Zhu a bottle of Maotai and two bags of supreme Huaxia according to what you said, and told the front desk that we should pay for this meal!"

"Fool --" Wei Yunlong scolded: "you idiot!"

Liu Xuecheng turned pale with fear and said, "boss, I do everything according to what you said. You said that the young man here is not ordinary, he is a big man, and boss Zhu is young and promising..."

"fart!" Wei Yunlong's face was livid: "what I said is Lin Feng! You see, it's Dr. Lin Feng and Dr. Lin. the one sitting in front of you, he is the main character! You idiot

Wei Yunlong wanted to kill the bastard driver with a slap.

"Ah?" Liu Xuecheng was in a daze.

It's not just him, everyone here is confused!

Wei Yunlong said, "I asked you to give the wine to Dr. Lin Fenglin. Where did you send it to me? Ah? What, boss Zhu? Do I know who he is? "

When they heard this, they understood it.

Feelings of these things are given to Lin Feng by general manager Wei.

But Zhu Wenhao licked his face and said that these were given to him by general manager Wei, and he didn't let Lin Feng touch them. Now think about it, Zhu Wenhao's behavior is really shameless!

Liu's mother was pale, and he didn't expect such a result.

At this time, the most regretful thing should be Liu Xuecheng. He didn't expect that he had misjudged the person. That rustic young man is the real big brand!

Liu Xuecheng said with a sad face, "Mr. Wei, I don't know that you are talking about Mr. Lin Feng. I'm wrong. I'm blind!"

Wei Yunlong cursed: "fool, apologize to Lin Feng!"

Liu Xuecheng ran to Lin Feng immediately. He bowed and said, "Mr. Lin, please forgive me. I don't know Taishan because I have eyes."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "no, I think you are very knowledgeable. You can see at a glance that Zhu Wenhao is the boss, and he flatters the thief."

Hearing this, Liu Xuecheng quickly slapped his mouth and said, "I'm damned. I'm blind. Mr. Lin, don't be wise with me!"

Liu Xuecheng has been working in this company since he was 18 years old. Today, he can mix with Mr. Wei. Wei's family has entrusted the hotel to him. He has been very successful.He didn't want to lose his future because of this mistake.

Thinking of this, he hated his teeth itching, turned to Zhu Wenhao and said, "Zhu Wenhao, you lied to me, didn't you say you know Mr. Wei?"


ZHU Wenhao was speechless and was exposed among people. What else could he say?

Liu Xuecheng said to Wei Yunlong, "Mr. Wei, I was cheated by Zhu Wenhao. He made himself look like a big man. I was hoodwinked by him!"

Liu Xuecheng began to put the responsibility on Zhu Wenhao, and angrily scolded Zhu Wenhao:

"Zhu Wenhao, you are a small boss of a small company, no one gives you business, and the company will close down in a few months. What are you such a small person pretending to be in front of me? Is that wine for you? Is the cigarette for you? What garlic do you have

Zhu Wenhao's face turned red and white. When Zhu Wenhao saw that the Liu family began to look at him with different eyes, he felt that he could not hold his face.

Zhu Wenhao was also said to be annoyed and retorted to Liu Xuecheng: "it was you who recognized me as soon as you came up. Do you still blame me? I'm not in a hurry to ask you to do anything! "

"Didn't you ask me to help you humiliate Mr. Lin Feng? Isn't it you? " Liu Xuecheng said.

"When I didn't ask you to do it, didn't you? I asked Lin Feng to give you your seat when you came. Did I ask you to do that? " Zhu Wenhao said.

Two people, you come and I go, expose each other's shortcomings, and finally Zhu Wenhao angrily scolds: "Liu Xuecheng, you are a snob, general manager Wei, I want to report Liu Xuecheng, I talk about business with him, and he talks about kickbacks, he takes 20%! He's the stinker of your company

"What? Do you still do that? " Wei Yunlong looks coldly at Liu Xuecheng.

Liu Xuecheng quickly said: "Mr. Wei, don't listen to him nonsense. He said that he asked me to look for cooperation opportunities. After the success, I would give 20% to me, but I didn't pay any attention to him!"

"Nonsense, you said just now that this matter is certain, let me take the contract to you to sign it!" Zhu Wenhao said.

"Asshole!" Wei Yunlong cursed Liu Xuecheng: "who gives you the right? You're just a secretary and driver, that's all? If you have a higher position one day, will the whole prosperous group have to listen to your decision? "

"Boss, I don't have any, I dare not..."

"OK, don't say, you have been removed from office, so please sign the resignation contract, or I will accuse you of using the company's position to commit corruption!" Wei Yunlong road.

"Poop Liu Xuecheng sat on the stool with his face as gray as death.

In front of him, he is still the general manager of Tangtang hotel. He is a popular man around Wei Yunlong. Now he has become a jobless vagrant. His achievements of more than ten years have gone to waste!

He suddenly thought of Lin Feng. He quickly went over and knelt down in front of him and said, "Mr. Lin, please help me to say something. I really didn't mean to offend you. Please tell Mr. Wei, please!"

Lin Feng said coldly: "it's not that you have to offend me. You have a personality problem, so I can't help you!"

Wei Yunlong cursed: "don't go away, fool!"

After that, he walked over to Zhu Wenhao and asked, "your company wants to talk about cooperation projects with me, doesn't it?"

Zhu Wenhao's heart was filled with joy, thinking that I had exposed Liu Xuecheng. Did general Wei reward me?

He quickly said: "yes, yes, Mr. Wei, I'm from Wenhao equipment company...

" sorry, we can't use any products of your company. You should die of this heart! " Wei Yunlong said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!