The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 388

At this time, Qingshan hospital.

Weiyunlong meeting was cancelled and was temporarily called to the hospital by his father Wei Zhentian.

Weizhentian has been in a good condition recently and is in a good mood. When he saw weiyunlong coming, he asked weiyunlong to sit down and said, "Yunlong, is everything handled smoothly in recent group affairs?"

"Great, everything is going well!" Said Wei.

"Well!" Wei Zhentian nodded satisfied and said, "I feel a lot of recovery these days, when can I get out of hospital?"

"Dad, you don't have to rush to leave hospital, the group has me to look at it, you will take good care of the disease first!"

"Nonsense, I am all well ill and what else to raise!" Wei Zhen Tiandao.

"Dad, your illness is only temporarily under control, and it has not been fully recovered. You have to wait for Gao Qingshan to put together the prescriptions Lin Shenyi said, and then add a person's blood to make a drug guide to help you get rid of the root!" Weiyunlong road.

"Oh! That's it! " Wei Zhentian that day in the state of daze, it seems to hear Lin Feng said.

"Yunlong, have you seen Doctor Lin recently, I want to thank people very much!" "Not only to thank him, but also to pull him together," Wei said! We Wei family are engaged in medical industry, Mr. narin is a rare medical skill genius, such a person, even if we move our fingers to help us, we will be prosperous group will fly! "

"Yes, Dad, I have always admired your eyes. You see people very well. I have always believed in it!" Said Wei.

"Don't flatter me!" "Said Wei.

"Dad, I'm really talking!" Weiyunlong said what he said. His father, Wei Zhentian, had a pair of eyes. He was absolutely accurate in seeing things.

Wei Zhentian stared at weiyunlong and said, "I am in better shape now. I want to thank Mr. Lin face to face!"

"OK, I'll drive to get Dr LIN to the hospital the other day!" Said Wei.

"Stupid!" Wei Zhentian stared at him and said, "how can I let Mr. Lin come to see me? I am going to see the doctor of Lin!"

"Oh!" Wei Yunlong scratched his head: "Dad, you has the final say!"

Weiyunlong is also a powerful figure in Jincheng, but in front of the old man of Wei, he will always be like a little boy.

In fact, everyone in Changsheng Group knows that Wei Zhentian, the father of Wei, is the fixed sea god needle of Changsheng Group. Wei Yunlong and others have such status today because of the teaching and support of weizhentian.

So if weizhentian body can recover, Changsheng Group should thank Lin Feng well, let alone Wei Laozi.

At this time, weiyunlong said, "Dad, how are you doing now? Can you go with me? "

"Yes!" "What are you doing out?" Wei asked

"Take you to see Dr. Lin, he will have dinner in our hotel. We are in the past and can catch up with him almost," weiyunlong said

"Oh, that feeling is good. Please change my clothes for me. I'll see Mr. Lin in a good face!" "Said Wei.


Weiyunlong picked up the penmanship embroidery Tang clothes on the hanger next to him, and helped weizhentian change it.


br > within the hotel.

Liu Xuecheng is very disgusted with Lin Feng when he sees him. He also looks at Lin Feng. He just gave no face to him. He hates to drive Lin Feng out immediately.

But considering the image of the hotel, he didn't do anything rude, but calmly said to Lin Feng, "right, your name is Lin Feng, right? What are you doing? "

"I'm a security guard!" Said Lin Feng.

"Poop! Security... Security! " Liu Xuecheng almost sprayed out: "how can you get mixed with boss Zhu on a table with a security guard?"

"You should ask boss Zhu, how can you get mixed with me?" "Liuqianyun is my girlfriend. He must lick his face and say he is his fiancee. I can tell you that I am a mean man. I am angry at him for doing this."

"Ha ha ha ha! You say boss Zhu's fiancee is your girlfriend? You're still angry? I wipe! " Liu Xuecheng almost burst into a rough mouth, this boy, but really not face ah! No wonder boss Zhu doesn't want to see him, and nobody will see him!

"What, is there a problem?" Said Lin Feng.

"Of course there's a problem!" Liu Xuecheng said loudly: "you a rogue, rob someone's fiancee, and also thick face rub rice? What qualifications do you have to sit here? "

Suddenly, he looked at Maotai wine on the table and said, "we always send Zhu boss wine and smoke. Boss Zhu will have unlimited future. In this capacity, can you sit on the table? How old are you? "

Liu Xuecheng said that the mood will, aside Zhu Wenhao heart listen to this comfortable ah!

In the ordinary days, he has been flattering Liu Xuecheng. Today, Liu Xuecheng actually slapped him up vigorously and helped him clean up Lin Feng. It was very cool.And this is in front of Liu qianyun's family. It's so cool to compare with others!

Zhu Wenhao took a sip of wine and said, "this Lin Feng is just a hanging silk. I didn't want him to be here. It was he who had the cheek to eat my food, drink my wine and rob my fiancee!"

"Bah! What a shame Liu Xuecheng scolded.

Then, in a low voice, he flattered Zhu Wenhao and said, "boss Zhu, how do I scold him

"Well, it's great!"

"Good!" Listening to Zhu Wenhao said it was very cool. Liu Xuecheng was very happy. The heart said that Zhu Wenhao was such a cow in the boss's heart. He flattered Zhu Wenhao and absolutely flew to the sky.

At this time, Liu qianyun couldn't listen any more. She brought Lin Feng, but she didn't humiliate them. She said, "enough, I'm not Zhu Wenhao's fiancee, I'm Lin Feng's girlfriend! Don't talk about Lin Feng! I will not eat this meal! "

With that, Liu qianyun stood up and was about to leave.

"Stop for me Liu's mother gave a big drink and said, "Xiao Hao has a heart for you. Can't you see it? What's good about Lin Feng? Can't anyone say anything? "

Then, Liu's mother directly said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, I don't mean you. What do you look like? Don't you count it in your heart? Do you deserve my daughter? Can you compare with Xiao hao? My daughter and Xiao Hao are made for each other, but you have to mess with them. My daughter has just stepped into the society and doesn't know anything. Don't you understand? I think my daughter has been fooled by you

"Mom, how can you say that about Lin Feng?" Liu qianyun is very angry.

"What's wrong with me? Have I suffered less in my life? Do I want to see you jump into the fire with your eyes open? Xiaohao condition so excellent you do not choose, you just stick to such a social blind, what do you think? Are you stupid at school? " Liu's mother is like a tiger with a long hair. Her voice is very strong.

"Auntie, I can understand what you think about Qian Yun! So I can understand why you are so angry, I understand all of them! " Lin Feng smile, also not angry, said: "but, if you let qianyun marry Zhu Wenhao, then you personally put qianyun into the fire pit."

"Lin Feng, you lied to my daughter, do you still come to cheat me?" When Liu's mother heard this, she immediately said, "you said that you have tens of millions of savings, you have a helicopter, your bicycle can be replaced by more than a dozen cars, and also gave us two broken pills as a meeting gift. Do you think our family are all fools?"

The more Liu Mu said, the more angry she was, she had a bloody look to scold Lin Feng.

At this time, Zhu Wenhao also quickly seized the opportunity and yelled: "Lin Feng, you poor hanging silk, don't cheat Qian Yun any more, don't cheat your uncle and aunt, please get out of here! Mr. Liu, ask the security guard to drive him out! "

Liu Xuecheng quickly yelled out to the outside: "security, come here two, there is a disturbance here!"

"Is there trouble?" Lin Feng spread his hands, but his face was light and calm. He said quietly, "I didn't do anything. It's also you who make trouble. Do you want to drive you away?"

"You and him! How dare you resist? " Liu Xuecheng got angry and started swearing. Seeing two security guards coming, he yelled: "you two, throw this boy out to me!"

At this time, however, a voice from the front door of the hotel asked, "what's the matter? How noisy? "

The speaker is Wei Yunlong, vice president of Changsheng Group. , the fastest update of the webnovel!