The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 387

Zhu Wenhao's heart is so cool!

Nima, what kind of luck is it today? Some people give gold chains and others give wine. Even those who flatter themselves all the time, they flatter themselves in turn?

It's just smoke from the ancestral grave!

At this time, Liu Xuecheng went to the table and saw Lin Feng sitting next to Zhu Wenhao. He asked Zhu Wenhao, "boss Zhu, is this?"

"Oh, he, you don't care about him, I have nothing to do with him!" Zhu Wenhao said.

When Liu Xuecheng saw that Zhu Wenhao didn't want to see Lin Feng at all, he suddenly understood that Zhu Wenhao must have had a festival with that boy.

Liu Xuecheng is an old man in the world. When he saw this, he immediately began to stand in line. His boss, Mr. Wei, was so optimistic about Zhu Wenhao. Of course, he had to stand on Zhu Wenhao's side.

"Brother, please excuse me. I want to sit next to boss Zhu. I want to talk to boss Zhu about something." Liu Xuecheng said to Lin Feng.

This is a very rude practice. Liu Xuecheng did it on purpose. On the one hand, he was close to Zhu Wenhao and on the other hand, he belittled Lin Feng, which would make Zhu Wenhao more happy.

"What if I don't want to move?" said Lin Feng

With that, Lin Feng squinted at Liu Xuecheng with a smile.

Liu Xuecheng shook his goat and looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face.

Doesn't this kid know who I am? How dare you fight with me? No wonder boss Zhu doesn't like him. Is he a fool?

This can frighten the Liu family.

In front of him is Mr. Liu, the driver and Secretary of Wei Yunlong. In their opinion, he is a big man. They are very nervous to have a meal at the same table with a big man. Lin Feng, however, does not give face to others. If there is a disturbance, then it will be ok?

Changsheng Group is the investor of Qingshan hospital. Liu qianyun is still working in Qingshan hospital. The Liu family should flatter others. Lin Feng has caused trouble!

Liu's mother was pale and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what are you doing? Are you still polite? Give up your seat quickly

Lin Feng said: "Auntie, I understand that you are for the sake of your daughter. I respect you as qianyun's mother, so I won't be angry with you, but I won't let this seat today!"

"Lin Feng!"

At this time, Liu qianyun was also a little anxious. He didn't want Lin Feng to offend the people of Changsheng Group. If he offended a group of people because he pretended to be his boyfriend, it would be his own fault.

Liu qianyun said, "Lin Feng, why can't you give up your seat to someone else?"

"The truth is simple!" "I'm too hot to move," said Lin Feng

On hearing this reason, Liu Xuecheng is even more angry with his teeth itching. This man obviously can't get along with me!

At this time, Liu qianyun stood up quickly and said, "Mr. Liu, you can sit on my side. I will sit down with my mother."

Liu qianyun gives Liu Xuecheng a seat and then stares at Lin Feng deliberately to make a look.

Liu qianyun is not angry with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has come to help her. Lin Feng has been insulted repeatedly. This time, she was asked to leave his seat and go to one side. This is a violation of human dignity. If Lin Feng really gives up her seat, she will look down on him.

So when Lin Feng did this, she felt that Lin Feng was a man, and secretly took a look at him. The more he saw it, the more he thought he was.

Liu Xuecheng didn't feel embarrassed. He sat right beside Zhu Wenhao.

Zhu Wenhao introduced Liu's family: "this is what I call Liu Xuecheng, general manager Liu. He is the manager of Changsheng Hotel, also the Secretary and driver of general manager Wei Yunlong. He is a big red man around general manager Wei!"

"Oh, boss Zhu is so good at praising people. He is not so powerful!" Liu Xuecheng was modest.

"Hello, Mr. Liu!" Liu's mother and father say hello to Liu Xuecheng.

"Mm-hmm, Hello!" Liu Xuecheng responded with a smile. Then he asked Zhu Wenhao, "are these people?"

"Oh Zhu Wenhao said in a hurry: "this is Liu qianyun, my fiancee. My aunt and uncle are Qian Yun's mother and father respectively."

Then Lin Feng passed by directly without introducing him.

"Well, good Qian Yun, good uncle and aunt!" Liu Xuecheng is good at flattering and bowing.

Liu's mother felt a burst of pride. Today is really the most comfortable day in her life. She not only played golf, but also got the gold chain for free. Moreover, President Liu was such a big man, and she bowed to herself.

It's all thanks to Zhu Wenhao. It's really nice to be a rich man with a lot of money!

Liu's mother was intoxicated for a moment!

At this time, Liu Xuecheng began to flatter Zhu Wenhao.

"Boss Zhu, do you know Mr. Wei? He said just now, you're a young man. You're very powerful Liu Xuecheng said.

"Oh?" Zhu wenhaoxin said that how could I have a chance to see such a big man as Mr. Wei? But at present, the Liu family looked at him with reverence. He pretended to go on, and now he can't take it."Ah, yes! I know Mr. Wei! " Zhu Wenhao said.

After hearing this, Liu Xuecheng was more sure that Wei Yunlong was talking about him. He said, "Oh, boss Zhu, you all know Mr. Wei. Would you like to talk to Mr. Wei directly about your business? What are you doing here? You think highly of me

Zhu Wenhao thought it was ha. If I knew Mr. Wei, why would I take care of you? As soon as he turned his eyes, he lied: "I have only recently known Mr. Wei! It's not convenient to say something directly, but you have to help me say it! "

"Oh, well, I'm sure I can do it for you." Liu Xuecheng said: "you can rest assured, this business has basically become, some other day you take the contract to sign it!"

Liu Xuecheng said that Mr. Wei cared so much about this young man. How could he not give the business to him? He said in advance here, took the credit to himself and took back the business. Zhu Wenhao also had to thank himself for the best of both worlds.

"Oh, that's great!"

Zhu Wenhao felt that today is really very smooth. Before that business was very difficult, now he fell from the sky. Today, Laozi is really lucky!

But the only thing that bothers him today is Lin Feng, who is in the way. Otherwise, take down Liu's parents and get Liu qianyun to bed to have a good time. It will be perfect! It's this guy who's messing around here, so that he hasn't won Liu qianyun.

Zhu Wenhao's face moved, and he said to Liu Xuecheng, "Mr. Liu, I have something I want to ask you to do for me."

"Boss Zhu, if you have something to say!" Liu Xuecheng said.

Zhu Wenhao put his mouth to Liu Xuecheng's ear and said, "help me humiliate this boy next to me, and then drive him out!"

This is exactly what Liu Xuecheng meant. Even if Zhu Wenhao didn't say so, Liu Xuecheng had to find a chance to get rid of Lin Feng.

"Boss Zhu, don't worry. It's up to me."

Liu Xuecheng said, patting his chest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!