The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 384

"What... What? For free? Not a 60% discount? " Zhu Wenhao was confused.

Miss shopping guide didn't know what was going on, because Shen Yunhai told the secretary that the secretary would give it to the lobby manager, and the lobby manager would pass it on to the shopping guide. It is inevitable that there will be vague deviations in the middle meaning.

In short, the shopping guide didn't say that Zhu Wenhao couldn't give it away. She said that these people could take it for free.

Zhu Wenhao bowed his head and thought for a second. He thought he didn't have such a big face, but he didn't know what the situation was. He should have caught up with some activities in the store? But this is a good chance to play!

Zhu Wenhao suddenly burst out laughing and said, "look, you boss knows that I'm here, and they've given me things for free."

Liu's family immediately surprised Zhu Wenhao. Liu's mother quickly said, "Xiao Hao, I didn't expect your face to be so big. This gold can be taken for free, just like a dream!"

"Ha ha ha, I have a big face!" Zhu Wenhao said triumphantly.

Liu qianyun was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhu Wenhao to do business in Songjiang city. He even had such a wide network in Jincheng, especially the famous Shen group. He felt that Zhu Wenhao was really underestimated.

Zhu Wenhao said: "you can take whatever you like. If the boss sees me, he won't charge you a cent."

Liu's mother was overjoyed. The one she liked just now seemed too cheap. She had to choose a more expensive one.

Liu's mother was not very greedy. He chose one of his own and Liu qianyun's, and then gave Liu's father a big gold chain.

Liu's father refused to say that his temperament was not suitable for a gold chain, but Liu's mother had to choose one for him and said, "Xiao Hao is so filial. If you have Xiaohao, you can take it for free. How can you have such a good chance? Are you stupid? "

Finish saying, still stare Liu father one eye, and then angry will a little thumb thick chain, take in Liu father's neck: "this is very suitable for you!"

Liu Fu sighed for a long time, but he could not accept it.

And Liu qianyun also said: "Mom, eat people soft, take short hands, let's not take advantage of it, this is not good!"

"What do you know?" Liu's mother pointed to Liu qianyun's forehead and said: "you, give me a little heart, I give you such a good birth, is not cheap those poor boys!"

"Mom --"

"OK, I'll choose one for you. If you don't wear it, put it here for me!" She said, "well, I'm satisfied with the price of LiuQian's neck, and then I'm satisfied with the price."

"Auntie, Qian Yun, do you want to take some more? It's OK. If you have my face, you can choose whatever you like! " Zhu Wenhao this wave can be regarded as Feifei, said without taboo.

"Thank you, Xiao Hao. My aunt is not insatiable. I'm so sorry about it." Finish saying, put the selected on the counter: "just these a few bar!"


The counter lady took the three gold chains, looked at them enviously, and then put them into a packing box and gave them to them.

"Take your time

Everyone bowed respectfully to them.

Liu's mother felt that she was about to fly. This feeling was so wonderful.

Out of the door, she said with a full face of spring: "Xiaohao, Auntie is so happy today. She felt that she had a rich man's addiction. On that group of young girls and boys, Shua, she bowed her head and saluted. Oh, the life of rich people is so good!"

Looking at her mother's happy appearance, Liu qianyun also has some heartache.

She understands her mother's idea very well. She married her father for so many years, and her life has been relatively poor. Which woman doesn't like luxury life? So today is the mother's heart that the pursuit of luxury life to hook up.

Zhu Wenhao quickly took the opportunity to say: "Auntie, if you want to live this life, I will marry Qian Yun in the future, you can live this life every day!"

Liu mother's eyes flashed a trace of yearning, but did not answer, after all, the answer, as if she betrayed her daughter for vanity.

Zhu Wenhao didn't say anything in his eyes, but he was more confident. He felt that Liu qianyun's father listened to his mother's, and his mother had been dealt with by himself. So his parents had passed the barrier, and now he was poor for Liu qianyun. Next, he focused on Liu qianyun.

At the same time, he looked at Lin Feng, his heart is even more proud, you a poor hanging silk, how to fight with me, your girlfriend, destined to only kneel in my crotch!

The next step is to eat.

Zhu Wenhao led everyone to a place called prosperous hotel.

The crowd got out of the car and entered with Zhu Wenhao.

Zhu Wenhao walked ahead and kept introducing Liu qianyun: "qianyun, you see, this hotel is one of the few five-star hotels in Jincheng. It is very luxurious and has a wide range of dishes. It is owned by Changsheng Group, one of the three major financial groups in Jincheng. Now the manager of the hotel is Liu Xuecheng, secretary and driver of Wei Yunlong. I know Mr. Liu very well and have talked with him about business several times... "Zhu Wenhao read fragmentary, but Liu qianyun did not listen to it. Don't go over and talk to Lin Feng.

She didn't want to come to eat the meal. Liu's mother had to pull her to come. She had no way.

Zhu Wenhao takes a peek at Liu qianyun's side, which is protruding forward and backward. He is so charming. Zhu Wenhao even has the impulse to commit a crime.

She took a mouthful of saliva, looked for a table to sit down, and said with thick cheek: "Qian cloud, come, sit next to me!"

"Go, go!" Liu Mu said with a smile, "sit down beside Xiao Hao!"

What about Lin Feng Liu qianyun asked.

Speaking of Lin Feng, Liu's mother immediately pulled down her face.

Liu's mother thought to herself, how could Lin Feng be so thick? Did she follow him all the way, and she didn't dislike being humiliated? He is the most superfluous family, but he even shamelessly came to eat with him. It's very irritating.

However, Liu's mother thought that she was a more cultured person. She didn't speak ill of Lin Feng. She just said angrily, "let's sit with your father. They don't like to discuss chess!"

"Well, Lin Feng, come here!" Liu Fu seems to like Lin Feng.

Maybe men's instincts towards men are accurate. Comparatively speaking, Liu Fu really likes Lin Feng a little more, but he has no bad impression on Zhu Wenhao, so he has always been neutral.

After the crowd sat down, Zhu Wenhao saw Liu qianyun sitting on his side. He was in a good mood. He took up the menu and said, "Qian Yun, you can order whatever you like."

"Forget it, you order it!" Liu qianyun has no interest.

"Well, let's order wine first. I'll give you and auntie a bottle of red wine. My uncle and I will drink foreign wine, XO. How about that?" Zhu Wenhao said.

"Oh, in China, what kind of foreign wine to drink, women can drink red wine, for the sake of beauty can be understood, men, of course, drink white wine!" Lin Feng said.

"How can you speak here?" Zhu Wenhao impatiently said: "if not for Qian Yun's face, do you think you can go to such a high-end place to eat? It's a poor hanging wire. There's so much to talk about! "

The reason why Zhu Wenhao dare to say Lin Feng face to face is that he doesn't hide his dislike for Lin Feng, so he can attack Lin Feng personally without any scruples.

But at this time, but listen to Liu Fu said: "according to Lin Feng said, drink white, I am not used to drinking foreign wine!"

Zhu Wenhao bit his teeth and immediately said with a smile: "good, good! Since uncle likes to drink white, then drink white! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!