The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 383

Huanyu gold store is the largest gold store of Shen group in Jincheng.

Shenshi group is an old group of precious metal manufacturing and sales in Jincheng. Although Shen Yunhai retired, the old shop of Shenshi group has been hanging up all the time. When people in Jincheng want to buy gold, they will always think of the gold store of Shenshi group.

Shen group has 30 or 40 branches in Jincheng, and Huanyu gold store in the central area is their head office.

As soon as they entered the hall of the golden shop, they immediately felt the splendor in front of them, just like entering the palace.

The two marble columns are of beautiful luster, with a dragon and a phoenix carved on them, lifelike, implying auspicious dragon and Phoenix.

There are murals of the older generation who are panning for gold all around. Although the scenes of the murals are long, the scenery of the murals is made of gold-plated technology. The four sides are also mounted by gold wires and placed in the crystal frame, which is glittering and luxurious.

The crystal lamp on the head is shining brightly in the hall of the whole gold shop, which makes all the metal in the shop reflect the Soul-catching light.

"How are you, Qian Yun, beautiful?" Zhu Wenhao said triumphantly.

"Well!" Liu qianyun nodded subconsciously.

Liu qianyun only knew that the gold store of Shen group was very famous, but she didn't expect that the interior of the store was so luxurious and gorgeous that she could not help being shocked by the luxury feeling!

At this time, a shopping guide came up and directly asked Zhu Wenhao, "Sir, do you want to buy gold and silver jewelry?"

Zhu Wenhao took out a business card, waved his hand, and said, "my name is Zhu Wenhao. I am the boss of Wenhao instrument company and your old partner. When your boss Shen Yunhai cooperated at that time, he said to give me a VIP card and give me a 60% discount on shopping. You can check it! Here's my card! "

With that, he handed his business card to the shopping guide.

In fact, Shen Wenhao and Zhu Wencai only cooperated for about half a year.

At the beginning, Zhu Wenhao's cousin, big brother, came to Jincheng and conspired with Shen's group to deal with Tang Dongsheng. The boss promised that if Shen Yunhai could defeat Tang Dongsheng, he would help Shen group expand its business in Songjiang city. At the same time, he also mentioned that his cousin had set up a company, which could provide high-tech monitoring equipment to Shen's group, and Shen's group gave him a face Son, and Zhu Wenhao signed a contract, Shen group all gold shop cameras are replaced by Zhu Wenhao company provided.

But later, Shen Yunhai could not help but not overthrow Tang Dongsheng. He also hurt his third son to go to prison. Shen's group also lost the government's bidding project, and its business development plummeted.

In a fit of anger, he broke the contract with Shen's group, but Zhu Wenhao continued to cooperate, but Shen's group did not want to see him.

At this time, the shopping guide took Zhu Wenhao's business card, looked at it carefully, and then said, "good Mr. Zhu! I'll help you to check whether you are the VIP of our store. You can take your family to choose first. Thank you


Zhu Wenhao and the Liu family began to choose gold jewelry. Liu's mother praised: "tut Tut, the jewelry here is really beautiful. It's really profitable to get a discount of 60%! Xiao Hao, you are really capable

"Auntie, it's nothing!" Zhu Wenhao also deliberately pretended to say.

At this time, Lin Feng is seriously looking at the camera!

At the other end of the camera, Shen Yunhai happened to have nothing to do at the moment. He turned on the monitoring in his office and wanted to see the environmental sanitation of various gold stores. Suddenly, he saw a familiar face facing the camera in the gold store.

"Lin Feng!" Shen Yun Haydn felt a burst of excitement.

Last time Shen Yunhai and his daughter Shen man almost died at the hands of Huoshen in the uncompleted building. It was Lin Feng who came forward to save them and kept their Shen family's Centennial foundation. He always wanted to invite Lin Feng to his gold store and wanted to thank him, but Lin Feng always said that he had no time.

Today, however, he saw Lin Feng himself come to the gold shop. Suddenly, the whole person felt the opportunity to repay his kindness. He quickly picked up the phone and called his secretary: "help me have a closer look. The young man in the central district headquarters secretly took a photo and sent it to me for a look!"

Because the resolution of the camera is not very high, Shen Yunhai is not sure that it is Lin Feng.

Then, he hung up the phone and fixed his eyes on the monitoring screen, as if afraid of Lin Feng running away.

At this time, in the golden shop hall.

Seeing that Lin Feng was staring at the camera, Zhu Wenhao was very proud and said, "Lin Feng, is this camera beautiful? These are all our products! "

He means obviously, such high-end places, all use my camera, am I good? How can you argue with me?

"Oh Lin Feng nodded, but did not say anything.

Zhu Wenhao did not pay attention to Lin Feng any more, but said to Liu qianyun: "Shen's group is a time-honored brand. The quality of gold is absolutely OK. Qianyun, you and your aunt should choose carefully. If the money is not enough, I can pay for you. Oh, by the way, Lin Feng, do you want to pick one too? But you have to pay yourself! I think in qianyun's face, I can give you a 60% discount"Well, I can choose some, and you can pay for it by the way?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Zhu Wenhao says that Lin Feng is so thick skinned. How can he make himself pay? He said, "you are a man who can't afford a gold chain. Do you deserve a girlfriend?"

"How do you know I can't afford it?" "I'm just too lazy to buy it," said Lin Feng

"You can boast! You can't even afford to tip a few hundred dollars. What can you buy gold jewelry with? You came in here today and didn't get kicked out because I was there. Do you know? Otherwise, you will be driven out as a country bumpkin! " Zhu Wenhao said.

Then he thought he was a bull, turned his head and said to Liu qianyun and Liu's mother: "I'm sorry, I'm too irascible, but this Lin Feng is so disgraceful, it really affects our image!"

Liu's mother shook her head and sighed at Lin Feng. She didn't speak.

Liu qianyun glared at Zhu Wenhao and said, "you are not allowed to bully Lin Feng!"

"How can I bully him? He can't even enter the gate of the gold shop if he is like him, if I'm not here! I've helped him gain insight! " Zhu Wenhao said.

At this time, the shopping guide came over and said, "Mr. Zhu, I'm sorry, you don't have the privilege of 60% discount in our store!"

"How could it be?" Zhu Wenhao was surprised and said: "at that time, your boss Shen Yunhai said personally, give me 60% discount authority, you go to ask him! Go

After hearing this, Liu Mu put the gold chain in her hand and said, "if there is no discount, it's OK, Xiaohao! Don't try to force it

Although she said so, she still reluctantly looked at the gold chain.

Zhu Wenhao is hot on the face, said to the shopping guide: "you go to ask your boss, go quickly!"

"Mr. Zhu, please wait a moment. I'll ask you right away," she said

The shopping guide told the manager about this, and the manager contacted Shen Yunhai's secretary. Then he realized that when the boss broke the contract with Shen's group, Shen Yunhai was angry and revoked Zhu Wenhao's authority.

Not only has he revoked his authority, but the contract will expire in more than a month. When the contract expires, Shen Yunhai will immediately terminate the cooperation with Zhu Wenhao. A big company is not worthy of cooperation with Shen group.

It was. At the beginning, I only bought from Zhu Wenhao, a big sesame company, just for the sake of the big man's face. Now everything has turned upside down. There are some big companies waiting for cooperation in Shen's group.

"I'll call the shopping guide and tell him that he doesn't have any preferential rights!" The lobby manager said.

"If it's not Zhu Wenhao shopping, you don't have to tell him, so as not to hurt his friendship!" Shen Yunhai's secretary is a good person.

At the same time, Shen Yunhai's secretary told the lobby manager another thing

because Shen Yunhai saw that they came in together. No matter how Zhu Wenhao was, Lin Feng was his great benefactor.

Therefore, Shen Yunhai decided that, in addition to Zhu Wenhao, other people gave gold jewelry free of charge because of Lin Feng's face. The lobby manager didn't expect a big man, so he quickly asked the shopping guide to treat them politely.

Therefore, the shopping guide quickly ran back and said to Lin Feng respectfully, "our boss has always spoken. Today you don't have to pay for anything. If you like it, you can give it to you directly!"

All of a sudden, the Liu family were stunned on the spot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!