The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 385

Soon, all the food and wine are ready.

Zhu Wenhao sat in his seat and began to talk.

"Qianyun, this prosperous hotel is opened by Changsheng Group. I am familiar with the Secretary of Wei Yunlong, vice director of Changsheng Group. This hotel is mainly Liu Xuecheng, the Secretary of weiyunlong. I had dinner with Liu Xuecheng last time!"

Zhu Wenhao said that, just to express how capable he is. You see, I am so familiar with the Secretary of the vice director of Changsheng Group. Am I good at it?

"Xiao Hao, how do you know secretary Liu?" Liu Mu asked curiously.

"Auntie, I'm negotiating with them about the next step of business cooperation. I want to put all the monitoring equipment of our company into their hospitals and schools. Now we are still in the negotiation stage. If we can win, it will make tens of millions more than the business!" Zhu Wenhao said.

"Tens of millions?" Liu's mother was surprised and said, "Xiao Hao, you've talked about tens of millions of business at a young age. It's really amazing!"

"It's nothing. Secretary Liu and I are brothers in arms. If he mentions it in front of Wei Yunlong, it's very likely that this will happen." Zhu Wenhao looked proud.

"Mm-hmm!" Liu's mother nodded, and her happy expression could not be concealed.

In fact, Liu Xuecheng, the Secretary of Zhu Wenhao and Wei Yunlong, only met a few times, and they all said a few words.

The reason why Zhu Wenhao dares to say so is because he played kickbacks with Liu Xuecheng in private. If Liu Xuecheng can help him promote this cooperation, he will take 20% of the money he earns to Liu Xuecheng.

Liu Xuecheng did not refuse and did not promise, but said faintly, I will ask you later!

But generally, this attitude means that people agree.

Therefore, Zhu Wenhao flatters Liu Xuecheng all day long. On weekends and holidays, Zhu Wenhao keeps sending short messages and makes an appointment for Liu Xuecheng to come out for dinner. Although Liu Xuecheng only came out once, it is a great honor.

The Secretary of the vice chairman of tangtangtangchangsheng group, can you make an appointment if you want?

So Zhu Wenhao felt that he had a lot of face. He was very proud to come to dinner today. He felt that the hotel was like his friend's home.

At this time, the food was served. The dishes were all exquisite but could not stand the scrutiny. For example, the white radish was carved into a flower, and then a broccoli was put in, and then some soup was poured on it.

Radish, broccoli, two flowers, on the double Jiao! Can't help but make people laugh, this hotel is easy to make money!

As soon as Lin Feng saw Zhu Wenhao's ordering habits, he knew that he was a player who liked to have face to face.

Wine is a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, red wine is a very common foreign brand, a bottle of about several hundred yuan, white wine is Wuliangye, and the price of red wine is similar.

The food and wine are all ready. The dishes look very elegant, tall and still. The Lius don't buy a bottle of wine for hundreds of yuan. So in a word, the Lius are very satisfied with the meal.

However, as soon as everyone was about to start eating, a middle-aged man in a hurry came down the stairs with a pair of black framed glasses and a goatee.

"Mr. Liu!"

Zhu Wenhao called out.

As the place where they had dinner was the card seat in the hall, facing the direction of the stairs, Liu Xuecheng came down from above and was seen by Zhu Wenhao.

Liu Xuecheng looks over at Zhu Wenhao sitting there. He thinks for a few seconds before he reacts. He seems to be Xiaozhu from Wenhao equipment company!

"Oh, Zhu?" Liu said.

Zhu Wenhao quickly stepped forward, shook hands with Liu Xuecheng and said, "Mr. Liu, I'll bring my family to dinner to increase the popularity of your hotel!"

Liu Xuecheng light smile, heart said that my business is so good, you need this popularity? But he said, "well, thank you. I have something else to do. I have to go first."

"What, Mr. Liu!"

"Well, do you have anything else to do?"

"Oh, that's it Zhu Wenhao said in a low voice, "what do you say about the cooperation? I give you 20% of the draw, are ready, the matter 10%, I will call you first! "

After hearing that Liu Wenhao refused to cooperate with the company, he didn't pay attention to it, but he didn't pay attention to it! I really need to go out and do something urgent now

"All right, good. Mr. Liu, take your time!"

"Good!" Liu Xuecheng smiles and glances at Lin Feng's dining table. Then he turns around and goes out the door.

Outside the door, Wei Yunlong sat in the car and couldn't wait. Why hasn't Liu Xuecheng come out?

Hearing Liu Xuecheng's voice, he got out of the car and planned to go in to urge him.

But as soon as he stepped into the door, he saw Liu Xuecheng come out in a hurry. "Boss, boss, you have been waiting for a long time. My fault is my fault. I met an acquaintance and was delayed!""Acquaintances?"

Wei Yunlong looks inside. At the first sight, he sees Lin Feng, who is facing the door. Lin Feng talks to Liu Fu again and doesn't see him!

Wei Yunlong was stunned. Why did Dr. Lin come to his hotel for dinner today? What's more, why didn't you say hello to yourself in advance?

Dr. Lin is really outsider. My father is getting better and better these days, and he is still clamoring to see Lin Feng to thank him in person. Since he knows that Dr. Lin is coming to his hotel for dinner, he must greet him!

Wei Yunlong said to Liu Xuecheng, "are you familiar with the people at that table?"

"Well, I know that young man, I don't know the others!" Liu Xuecheng said Zhu Wenhao.

However, Zhu Wenhao turned his back to Wei Yunlong, but Wei Yunlong didn't notice. He thought that the young man Liu Xuecheng was talking about was Lin Feng. He couldn't help but wonder again. How did Liu Xuecheng know Lin Feng?

But it's no big deal. Who doesn't know a few good people!

Wei Yunlong said to Liu Xuecheng, "go and tell the front desk to give them a bottle of good Maotai wine and two bags of supreme Chinese cigarettes. Then we will pay all the money for this table and give them free of charge!"

"Ah?" Liu Xuecheng is a little confused.

Wei yunlongxin says you what? I have something urgent to do today, or I will have to toast myself. He said to Liu Xuecheng, "I look at the young man's face. That young man is not an ordinary person. Do you know?"

Wei Yunlong said that young people mainly want to keep a high profile in front of their subordinates. Because there is not a face-to-face introduction, so there is no need for forest God Doctor Lin God doctor!

Liu Xuecheng suddenly jumped. He thought that the young man Wei Yunlong was talking about was Zhu Wenhao. He was flustered. Was Zhu Wenhao not an ordinary person?

Fortunately, he did not refuse Zhu Wenhao. Otherwise, his future would be ruined.

He quickly ran to the front desk and said to the front desk lady, "send a bottle of good Maotai wine and two bags of supreme Chinese to the guests at that table. If they come to check out, they will be free of charge!"

The front desk lady looks surprised and says in her heart what a big man this table is? Why such a grand show, mouth said: "Mr. Liu, I know!"

"Go Liu Xuecheng Dao.


Liu Xuecheng left the door and quickly took Wei Yunlong to talk about things.

Wei Yunlong sat in the car, but urged Liu Xuecheng: "try to speed up. If I can have time, I want to come back and have a drink with that young man!"

Liu Xuecheng said, "good boss, you can sit down."

With that, he stepped on the accelerator and the car ran out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!