The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 382

"Wow, you have a poisonous spider on your feet!" Lin Feng points to Zhu Wenhao's feet and shouts.

"Ah -" cried Zhu Wenhao. He jumped up quickly, but accidentally bumped into Xiao Ming's club bag.



The bag of clubs was knocked down, and a large number of clubs fell to the ground, smashing all the way.

Then the two passive clubs were broken.

Because they can't stand any weight on their own!

"This..." Xiaoming saw the broken club, pointed to Zhu Wenhao and said, "Mr. Zhu, you...

ZHU Wenhao's teeth are almost broken, and he is so angry that he wants to kill Lin Feng.

He arranged a huge compensation package for him, but he ate it.

"Lin Feng, do you think that's interesting? What about spiders? Where are the spiders? " Zhu Wenhao said angrily, his eyes were red, and he said in a loud voice: "you made me break the club. What should I do? Two hundred thousand, you compensate! "

Lin Feng said: "the spider ran away, I kindly remind you, who knows you are a big man, but also afraid of jumping up, you lose no shame ah? It's you who break the club, and you only register to play. All these things are in your name. What does it have to do with me? "

What Lin Feng said is very reasonable. Zhu Wenhao brought everyone to play. All this was under Zhu Wenhao's name. Others simply registered their names. In other words, even if these guests smashed the golf club, Zhu Wenhao came to compensate, because Zhu Wenhao brought in, he was fully responsible for it!

"Lin Feng, are you special...

" don't say dirty words, or you won't be a gentleman. Lose money quickly! " Lin Feng said with a smile: "by the way, don't say you can play golf in the future. It's clear that one shot can be done. You have to play six or seven strokes. Are you tired after crossing mountains and rivers! Cut

Then, he took Liu qianyun's hand and said, "dear, let's go out! Exercise for a while, my mood sister Da! "

"Good!" Liu qianyun said.

They went out on their own.

"Honey, how is my skill?"

"How wonderful you are! How handsome

"Of course, I once won the world champion player in Western Europe. Of course, I won in the backyard of that player. There was no reporter present at that time, so many people didn't know about it. Another time, when we played golf on the high seas, the loser had to cut off one of his fingers."

"Wow, it's horrible!"

"Guess what?"

"What's the matter?"

"I won the Golf Master's hand on the other side, ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed wildly.


ZHU Wenhao's lungs almost burst in the back. This guy went into the hole with one stroke, and Niu B began to blow again. Did you return him to the open sea? Is there any bottom line? How come you come across such an irritating thing? Listen to him brag. B can piss people off!

But what's more, I still have no way to refute it. I've got a hole in one shot. This shit luck is really a blind eye!

Zhu Wenhao in his own card to deduct money, in the heart for a long time can not be calm.

I originally took the Liu family to come over and install it. As a result, he let Lin Feng do it, but he also built more than 100000 yuan, and returned a foot of lake mud made by him.

It's so annoying!

Zhu Wenhao teeth clenched, heart secretly vowed, Lin Feng, I will not put in the past today, I do not believe you a small hanging wire, I can not cure you!

I must find a chance to humiliate you and kneel down to beg for mercy. I will take away your girlfriend Liu qianyun, press it under my body to be happy, and then shoot a video to show you!

I, Zhu Wenhao, swear that if I can't do this, I'll be his son of a bitch!

Zhu Wenhao clenched his teeth, hardened his heart, and walked out of the golf club.

At this time, all the people of the Liu family were waiting for him outside. When Zhu Wenhao came out, Liu's mother was the first to worry about him and asked, "Xiao Hao, how much did you lose?"

"More than 100000!" Zhu Wenhao said, the heart is dripping blood can, his company is now business is not depressed at all, this hundred thousand can be for himself, is not a small number of ah!

But helpless, his face still had to put on a pair of indifferent posture, can't be humiliated in front of the Liu family!

Then, he quickly said: "it's OK, it's OK. It's just a hundred thousand dollars. It's all small money."

Lin Feng suddenly cut in: "is it? I just saw your eyes red when you paid? Don't hold back if you want to cry. It's bad for your health

"Lin Feng, which of your eyes saw me cry? What nonsense are you talking about there Zhu Wenhao said angrily.

"Lin Feng, do you want to talk?" Liu's mother couldn't look down. She turned her head and complained to Lin Feng: "it's all your fault. How could you make a joke at that time? You see, what a loss! A hundred thousand! "Lin Feng said: "he asked for it by himself. You can't have the heart of harming others. If you do, you will be punished."

"Harm? Who wants to harm people? " Liu Mu asked.

"Those who suffer retribution will do harm to others. They will lose more than 100000 yuan. Isn't it retribution?" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, how do you attack Xiaohao Liu's mother was very angry and said, "what did Xiao Hao do to you?"

However, Zhu Wenhao on one side of the mountain suddenly shivered. Did Lin Feng see that he was going to frame him?

He was afraid that Lin Feng would expose him, so he quickly and deliberately appeased Liu's mother: "Auntie, it's OK, don't blame Lin Feng! He was joking too! Young people are reckless, understandable! "

"Ah, it can't be said. Forget it. Lin Feng, aunt has to talk about you. If you are joking, when can you do it and when you can't do it? You are such a big man. Although you haven't been to university, you should understand the basic truth?" Liu Mu blames Lin Feng Dao.

"Aunt, I understand. Zhu Shao is timid. I won't joke with him next time!" Lin Feng a sincere attitude to admit his mistake.

"Well!" Liu's mother said coldly, and then said to Zhu Wenhao with a smile: "you see, you have to spend money again!"

"Auntie, it's worth spending this money for qianyun!" Zhu Wenhao deliberately pulled at Liu qianyun.

"Well, what a good boy!" Liu's mother looked at Zhu Wenhao with satisfaction and nodded.

At this time, Zhu Wenhao looked at his watch and said, "Oh, it's almost noon, or let's go to have a meal! I know there is a restaurant in Jincheng. It's very luxurious. Let's take you there! "

Zhu wenhaoxin said that I have spent so much money today. I don't care if I spend more. Even if I cut meat and sell blood, I have to take Liu qianyun down!

Liu's mother felt embarrassed and said, "Xiao Hao, you come to see us. How can you spend money! Let's go and eat at our house! Your uncle and I cook for ourselves

Zhu Wenhao said: "that's a lot of trouble for my uncle and aunt. I'd better go to eat directly. The food in that restaurant is very delicious and of high grade. What's more, the boss is my friend. Going to his place for dinner is tantamount to giving him a boost. He will be very happy!"

Seeing Zhu Wenhao's determination, Liu's mother did not refuse, but praised Zhu Wenhao: "Xiao Hao is really capable. All the people you know are big people. Your daughter, if you can marry Xiao Hao, it will be a blessing for eight generations."

Liu qianyun did not reply, but turned his face to one side.

After seeing Liu qianyun, Zhu Wenhao deliberately said: "Qian Yun, parents are all from the past, and they are very experienced. I hope you really need to listen to your aunt. After all, looking for a partner depends on the economic strength and self-restraint. How can you live without money? If you live a life with a poor man who can only boast, you'll never get lucky! "

Zhu Wenhao's words are very obvious, but Liu qianyun is listening to disgust, said: "Zhu Wenhao, you invite my parents to eat, don't insinuate slander others, you do this again, I and Lin Feng will not eat!"

Zhu Wenhao bit his teeth and swept Liu qianyun down the mountain. In his heart, he once again scolded Liu qianyun's numerous whores, bitches and bitches. I'm going to kill you and so on. Then he said with a smile on his face: "Qian Yun, don't be angry. Can't I stop talking about it? Come on, let's go to dinner. "

Lin Feng shakes his head and grins bitterly. Zhu Wenhao is not old enough, but he is so deep in the city. In order to make girls, he is willing to lay down his blood. There must be no few girls who do harm to this guy. This kind of amorous demon will make girls like it, and then abandon others. Many girls will suffer from this for a lifetime.

It's really irritating!

At this time, people followed Zhu Wenhao on the car and drove to the downtown area.

Just before he got to the restaurant, Zhu Wenhao saw a gold shop. He stopped his car and said, "Oh, by the way, this gold store is my old customer. I'll give you a discount of 60% when I go shopping. I think qianyun and aunt are short of jewelry. Let's go and pick some."

"60% off?" Liu's mother thought she had heard the wrong thing and said, "gold can also get 60% discount?"

"Of course, it's mainly because I have a friendship with my boss!" Zhu Wenhao said triumphantly: "because I provided all the monitoring equipment in this gold store, we cooperated very well, so the boss gave me a VIP card and gave me a 60% discount!"

"Xiao Hao, you are so good!" Liu Mu raised her thumb.

Liu's mother was really moved by the discount of 60%. If she bought gold at the market price, even if she sold it again, she would still be able to sell it at the original price and make a 40% discount at once.

And I have not had a decent jewelry for many years. I really want to choose one.

Liu qianyun also has a smooth and clean neck without any decoration.

Liu's mother immediately made a decision and said, "OK, Qian Yun and I are going to pick a chain. Xiao Hao, you can give a discount. We can buy it ourselves without you paying."

"Auntie, I'll come. It's OK!" Zhu Wenhao's make-up style."Really no, if you don't listen to my aunt, she won't buy it!" Liu's mother said, "you can get a discount of 60%, which is very cheap. My aunt knows your ability, but we have to pay what we should pay ourselves."

Zhu Wenhao saw that Liu's mother's opinion was very firm, so he said, "OK, let's go in and have a look."

He was very proud of himself. This time, he didn't have to pay for it. It was so refreshing!

Then, a group of people got out of the car and walked into Huanyu gold store, the biggest gold store in Shen's group. , the fastest update of the webnovel!