The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 381

At this time, Liu's father complained: "Oh, what kind of exercise? I feel that I haven't done anything. I'm tired to walk alone!"

"Uncle, the fun of this sport lies in walking and enjoying the scenery." Zhu Wenhao said.

Liu's mother also met her father with her elbow and said, "yes, how beautiful the scenery is. There are mountains and water. Xiao Hao, you rich people really know how to play!"

In fact, Liu's mother was tired, but she always felt that she was a face person, so she had to pretend to be decent when she was forced to support.

Zhu Wenhao laughed and said, "Auntie is really knowledgeable."

"Of course Liu Mu said happily.

At this time, the crowd went back to the service point. According to the usual practice, the caddie ran around, and it was time to tip the caddie.

Zhu Wenhao was also very satisfied with Xiao Ming's flattery all the way. He took out 300 yuan and said to Xiao Ming, "300 yuan, tip! Take it

"Thank you, boss!" Xiaoming said happily.

Zhu Wenhao's canthus of his eyes was gliding through a sly look, and he whispered a few words in Xiaoming's ear!

Xiao Ming nodded, then picked up the club bag and said that he would go back to the equipment room for maintenance, and then change a batch.

Lin Feng and others are waiting for Xiao Ming at the kick-off point. Soon, Xiao Ming comes with a new batch of clubs and puts them beside Lin Feng.

Zhu Wenhao came forward, looked at the clubs, and said, "Oh, Xiaoming, did you replace Lin Feng with such expensive clubs? Are you too kind to him? "

"Expensive? How expensive is it? " Lin Feng asked.

"This is Wilson's club." Zhu Wenhao said: "a piece of at least tens of thousands of yuan, a long rod will reach the price of more than 100000 ah! If you can't win with a club like this, you're too good! "

Lin Feng said with a smile, "is that right? Then you'd better change back to the ordinary club, don't do it, I won't win! If you can't, give me a stick, I won't choose! "

"I'm sorry, sir. None of the other clubs can be used now. Only this one can work!" Xiao Ming said, "besides, I don't have any sticks to play with."

The reason why Xiao Ming said this is because, according to Zhu Wenhao's intention, he secretly sawed off a small piece of the club. The tee off club and a putter in it are all necessary clubs. So Xiao Ming sawed off part of these two clubs. When Lin Feng played hard, the club would be broken, and then Lin Feng would compensate for huge losses.

This is what Zhu Wenhao thought of when he was in the Liu family. He said in his heart, "Lin Feng, it's estimated that the hundred thousand yuan is a skyrocketing price for you. If you dare to rob a woman with me, I'll make it hard for you.

Lin Feng also looked around the club and said, "since I can only use this set, I will use it for the time being."

Say, pull out the kick-off club from inside!

He stroked twice, shook his head and said, "no, I'll use something else."

Zhu Wenhao quickly said: "Lin Feng, can you play? When you kick-off, you don't need a kick-off club. What do you use?"

Because the kick-off club was passive, so Zhu Wenhao tried his best to let Lin Feng use the kick-off club.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "who said the kick-off must use the kickoff club?" Said, looked in the inside, pulled out the putter, said: "I can also use putter ah!"

"Good, good, putter too!" Zhu Wenhao laughed.

In this set of clubs, the kickoff club and the putter are handled.

However, Lin Feng suddenly inserted the club back and said, "who do you listen to in the kick-off?"? Can we have a fight? I'm just teasing you, ha ha ha

General putter, is in the last dozens of meters within the end of the distance, the ball into the hole.

"NIMA!" Zhu Wenhao's lips trembled.

See Lin Feng pick to pick to go, one side of the Liu mother thought, this Lin Feng will definitely not play, otherwise choose a pole to still choose so long.

She quickly said: "Lin Feng, I can tell you in advance, ha, I have no strength to hang out with you now, you fight yourself to walk a circle, we can not accompany!"

"Well, auntie, just rest with your uncle! No need to accompany me Lin Feng said.

Then, he pulled out a long rod, looked up and down, felt that the hardness and flexibility were enough, and said, "I'll use this one."

"How can you use a long shot as soon as you kick off? Can you fight? " Zhu Wenhao said.

"Whether I can fight or not, you don't count. Back off!" Lin Feng said, waved a few strokes, tried to feel the hand, and drove Zhu Wenhao away.

"Be careful, you almost hit me in the leg!" Zhu Wenhao stepped back and said discontentedly.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he stood on the kick-off point, his legs were shoulder width apart, his shoulders were flat, his chest was straight and his abdomen was closed, his hands were clenched in the club, and his eyes were focused on the small white ball.

This starting posture, very standard, even one side of Liu qianyun are stunned, she did not expect that Lin Feng just put on a posture, let people look very professional.

Although they can't play golf, they have occasionally seen it on TV. Lin Feng's posture is no different from those on TV. On the contrary, Lin Feng's trousers are thinner, and their leg muscles are very obvious, which makes them more sexy than those players.At this time, Lin Feng began to swing with both hands, aiming at the white ball several times, and the posture was still very sexy standard, but what was puzzling was that Lin Feng's mouth was still whispering:

"southeast, the wind speed is 3 meters per second, the air humidity is 56 meters per second, which increases the inertia ... "

people are confused for a while. What is Lin Feng talking about there?

At this time, but listen to Lin Feng a big drink: "calculation finished, you look good ha!"

He swung the club with one hand and swung it towards the white ball!

Lin Feng's swing feel full of power, and the action is very elegant, handsome, the people of the Liu family can not help but look at a Leng.

"Keng --"

a very loud and pleasant voice sounded, and the small white ball flew high and flew out in front.

"Wow, it's so far away!" Xiao Ming takes out his telescope and looks at the ball.

The ball went straight over the lake, across the woods and landed directly under the red flag on the hillside.

"Can't it be a hole in one?" Xiao Ming can't help exclaiming.

"How could it be?" Zhu Wenhao said: "a hole in a hole is a dream!"

Xiao Ming ran to see it, but Lin Feng stood still.

Shaoqing, Xiaoming quickly ran back and said breathlessly: "this... Sir, you really... Really... Have a hole in one stroke! It's amazing

Xiao Ming has worked here for so long that he has never seen such a fierce player.

Even if it was the last time the provincial team came to practice, this hole also spent three strokes, which is the best he has ever seen.

At this time, he remembered the words that Lin Feng murmured before he played the ball. What wind direction and humidity? Suddenly, he suddenly found that although this guy looks rustic, he is not bronze. He is the king!

Moreover, when Xiao Ming said Lin Feng one shot into the hole, all the people were stunned.

Hundreds of meters, a hole in one?

All the people stare at Lin Feng with an incredible look.

But Lin Feng slapped the dust on his body, put the club back, and said, "it's too simple. It's boring."

Now, no one knows what to say.

Zhu Wenhao worked hard, went down the river and climbed the slope. He was very proud of his six strokes.

As a result, you got a hole in one shot?

Liu's mother couldn't believe it was true. He recalled what Lin Feng had said and realized what Lin Feng meant when he said that he didn't have to run with them again. He didn't have to run. What else would he do if he went into a hole in one stroke?

At this time, Lin Feng said to Xiao Ming with a smile: "tip!"

Xiaoming a Leng, the heart said you said tip, but the hand also did not give money!

Lin Feng pointed to Zhu Wenhao: "you want him!"

"On what basis, on what basis should I tip?" Zhu Wenhao is very angry, lost the game, but also give tips, that is not a loss of Xiang?

"I have no money with me!" Lin Feng said of course the same: "you are VIP, you take us to play, tips of course you pack, Xiaoming naturally understand this truth! Zhu Shao, you are a great boss. Can't you afford to pay for hundreds of yuan? "

"I..." Zhu Wenhao bit his teeth, this Lin Feng, really your mother will be general ah!

Looking at the Liu family, Zhu Wenhao can't do anything because of his face. Who let himself pretend to be so grand? At this time, if he doesn't pay for 300 yuan, his previous efforts will be wasted!

Therefore, he pretended to have the atmosphere and took out another 300. He went to Xiaoming and said in a low voice, "you haven't done everything right? Are you willing to take the money? "

Xiao Ming also lowered his voice and said, "he doesn't use those two clubs. Do you blame me?"

"You Seeing Xiaoming's greedy appearance, Zhu Wenhao slapped the money on his chest and said: "you will die in the eyes of money sooner or later."

Xiao Ming put the club bag down and stood on the ground. Instead of looking at him, he counted the money contentedly.

At this time, Lin Feng pointed to Zhu Wenhao's feet and said in a loud voice: "Wow, you have a poisonous spider on your feet!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!