The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 380

"Hum, I think you dare not brag. You should speak with your strength now!" Zhu Wenhao disdained.

Then, he raised his eyebrows to look at Lin Feng: "say it, how to compare, I can let you choose!"

"Lin Feng said:" or you choose it, I can do anything! "

"Ha ha ha, you said you can play golf. You don't even know how to compare it. You really can blow!" Zhu Wenhao laughed, then looked at the red flag in front of him and said, "let's play that hole and see who can finish with the least number of strokes. How about that?"

Lin Feng followed Zhu Wenhao's eyes and saw a small red flag standing on the hillside a few hundred meters in front of him, waving in the wind, with a small lake and a bunch of trees in the middle.

The first hole is a little far away from here, so Zhu Wenhao chose this hole for the competition, because the farther the hole is, the less the number of strokes is used, the more you can see the strength.

Zhu Wenhao's attempt is very obvious. He plans to hit the ball into the hole within five strokes as much as possible. Then he can watch Lin Feng hit one stroke at a time and run east and West, killing him!

At the same time, he thought, Lin Feng must not dare to choose such a far away, because he can't play golf, he must want the hole as close as possible, so that the gap between him and himself will be very small.

But Lin Feng was very surprised by him and said directly, "OK, that's it. You can be happy."

Zhu Wenhao sneered in his heart. He said that you are a fool. I will not abuse you!

Then he went to Liu qianyun's family and said, "Auntie, uncle, qianyun, I'll compare my skills with Lin Feng. You'll be a witness. If anyone loses, don't brag about what you've played golf. It's disgraceful!"

Liu mother said: "no problem, Xiao Hao, you compare, aunt will do for you notary!"

"Good" Zhu Wenhao is very confident to go to Lin Feng side, a face arrogant said: "who will kick off first?"

"Please Lin Feng said.

"You're not going to kick off, are you? Well, I'll teach you! " Zhu Wenhao said.

He waved to Xiaoming. Xiaoming ran up to him with his club bag on his back. He looked at the club carefully and picked out a kickoff stick and held it in his hand.

Xiao Ming backs and watches Zhu Wenhao go to the service point.

Zhu Wenhao twisted his neck and wrists, held the club in both hands, swung the club and hit the ball at his feet.

"Keng -"

with a pleasant sound, the ball made an arc and flew in the direction of the red flag.

But because of the limited strength, about one-third of the way, it fell directly, but it was a good kick-off.

"Great!" Xiao Ming thumbs up at the side.

Zhu Wenhao was proud and waved his hand and said, "go!"

Then he took the lead, followed by the others, and walked in the direction of the ball's fall.

The lawn was soft and loose. It was very comfortable to walk on, but it was very hard.

Fortunately, all the way, Xiaoming was a caddie with his club on his back, and the others didn't work hard.

When he reached the point where the ball fell, Zhu Wenhao found the ball, and he looked ahead again.

In front of him is an artificial lake with a radius of about 100 meters. There is a bush on the lake. He feels that he can't hit the bush with a ball, but he doesn't want the ball to fall into the bush. Otherwise, it's very difficult to hit it. So he intends to hit the other side of the lake to the junction with the trees.

Zhu Wenhao chose a short shot. He also said to Liu qianyun and Liu Mu: "you see, I don't want to hit the trees, so I can only make the ball drop closer. Then I need a short stroke. The short pole can better control the accurate position of the ball, and it won't play too far!"

Liu's mother said with approval: "mm-hmm, Xiao Hao knows a lot. You can see the action of playing ball. It's more natural and unrestrained and more gentlemanly."

Then, also poked Liu qianyun: "such a boy, how handsome ah!"

Liu qianyun turned her head to one side and did not speak.

Zhu Wenhao continued to play. He found a good posture and position, waved a few strokes, adjusted his strength and orientation, and then hit the ball hard.

"Keng --"

the little white ball flew up again and flew to the other side of the lake.

Zhu Wenhao looked at the direction of the white ball, but the next second, his face was ugly.

Because when the white ball flew high, it suddenly seemed to encounter some kind of resistance, and the falling speed was very fast.

Zhu Wenhao was nervous. He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid that the ball would fall into the lake. It would be troublesome!

His heart followed the small white ball in walking, watching the small white ball "Gudong" a fall into the water, his heart is a thump.

"I said, Zhu Shao, don't you predict the wind resistance in advance? There is a southeast wind today. If you use some strength, you will not fall into the water! " Lin Feng said.

When they heard this, they looked at Lin Feng one after another. They felt that Lin Feng was very professional.

Zhu Wenhao says how he forgot about it? Although there is no wind on the ground at the moment, the ball will be resisted by the wind when it flies to a certain height, so it does not hit the opposite side.But he didn't want to admit that it was his fault, so he angrily yelled at Lin Feng: "what do you know? Don't talk nonsense. My stroke was intended to let the ball touch the water, so that it can be heavier, and the later play will be further. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand!" "The first time I heard such a theory!" Lin Feng said

Zhu Wenhao himself is a doggerel, but in order to put on a contest in front of the Liu family, he said, "of course you don't understand it. You don't know how to play golf at all!"

When they heard that, it was so. They were almost fooled by Lin Feng.

Zhu Wenhao finished saying, "help me to see the position of the ball falling into the water."

Xiao Ming took out his telescope and looked at it. He came up and said, "Mr. Zhu, this is a good shot. Although the strength is a little poor, it's not much worse! The ball has landed in the shallow water near the lake, and the lake water has not passed the ball

Zhu Wenhao felt relieved when he said it. If he said something in the shallow water, he hit it with one stroke. The problem is not very big.

Then they went around the lake and took a detour across the lake. Zhu Wenhao chose a long pole, took off his shoes, went into the water, looked at the ball and swung it out.


Xiao Ming shouts flatteringly.

However, Zhu Wenhao felt very embarrassed. At this time, he stepped on a lot of mud on his feet and could not clean them. He had to walk barefoot first.

People came to the next drop point, Zhu Wenhao hit the ball again.

Then the crowd followed them up the hillside.

Zhu Wenhao hit the ball again.

Then everyone followed Zhu Wenhao and finally scored the ball.

Six strokes in all!

Although more than the best expected one shot, but Zhu Wenhao is very satisfied, such a difficult hole, six is quite a good result.

"Let's go, let's go back to the kick-off point, it's Lin Feng's turn!" said Zhu Wenhao with a proud face , the fastest update of the webnovel!