The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 379

They were brought to the court by the beauty, and then a handsome young man ran over and nodded to Zhu Wenhao and said, "Mr. Zhu, you are coming!"

Zhu Wenhao nodded and took a look at the crowd. It was like saying, "look, people all know me. I'm a VIP here.".

Then he asked the young man, "what's your name?"

"Xiao Ming!"

"Oh, Xiao Ming!" Zhu Wenhao reached out his hand and took out 200 yuan. He gave Xiaoming a way: "here, this is your tip. I'll show you well later!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu!" Xiao Ming said happily.

Zhu Wenhao only called one caddie, because only he chose more than a dozen clubs, and Liu qianyun's mother and daughter only chose two clubs, so a caddie can carry these equipment on his back.

As he walked, Zhu Wenhao popularized golf knowledge to the Liu family.

Golf is usually made of 18 holes. In other words, everyone will hit the ball into 18 holes according to 1 to 18. When the 18 holes are finished, the winner will be the one who uses less strokes.

Of course, this is the most common mode of regular competition. In normal times, there are many modes of competition.

For example, there is a way called "pole comparison". In fact, it is to choose a far away hole to see who can get into the hole with the least number of strokes.

This is a common way for beginners to learn.

Zhu Wenhao and others, led by the caddie, came to the tee off.

Generally, the distance between the first hole and the last hole is relatively far, so it takes several strokes to complete the first hole.

"Auntie, Qian Yun, do you see the little red flag in front of you? Under that flag is the hole, you just need to hit the ball in! "

Finish saying, caddy Xiaoming just put a ball at Zhu Wenhao's feet.

Zhu Wenhao said: "his feet are apart, shoulder width, hands clenching the club, but the wrist should be relaxed and the ball under his feet should be accurate..."

however, at this time, he heard someone behind him say: "five fingers close together, yes, cross each other, little thumbs can leak outside, right ... "

when Zhu Wenhao looked back, he found that Lin Feng was holding Liu qianyun in his arms and was teaching Liu qianyun how to play in another service position behind him.

Lin Feng stood behind Liu qianyun, closely linked to Liu qianyun, and then surrounded by four arms from the back, one hand holding Liu qianyun's hand, and the other hand was still swimming around Liu qianyun's abdomen, waist and other places.

"Tuck in the abdomen and lift the buttocks. Oh, ah, ah, the waist is a little bit more this way. Oh, yes, it's perfect!" Lin Feng and Liu qianyun's posture is very ambiguous, very enchanting.

Looking at Liu qianyun, this beautiful woman, was instructed by Lin Feng like a lecher. Zhu Wenhao's face was livid. Damn it, it was his own business. Why did he do it first?

"Lin Feng, do you know golf? What do you mean Zhu Wenhao wanted to break them up.

However, Liu's mother grabbed Zhu Wenhao and said, "Xiao Hao, how can I miss the ball? Help your aunt first

"Oh Zhu Wenhao bit his teeth and glared at Lin Feng. Then he went to Liu's mother and taught her to hold the club and hit the ball.

On the other hand, Lin Feng and Liu qianyun had a good time playing. Liu qianyun's colorful smile and whine beat Lin Feng: "Oh, you're up to me. You're good or bad!"

"Men are not bad, women don't love it!" Lin Feng and Liu qianyun flirted.

"Oh, I hate it!"


ZHU Wenhao's whole body was about to explode. He said to Liu's mother, "Auntie, you can play by yourself, and I'll go and see Qian Yun!"

He went to Liu qianyun and Lin Feng and said, "Qian Yun, I'll teach you, Lin Feng's posture is not right!"

"No, Lin Feng taught very well." Liu qianyun said.

Listening to Liu qianyun's words, Zhu Wenhao's lips trembled with anger, and his heart said Liu qianyun, Liu qianyun, I'm such a good man in front of you. How can you like this country bumpkin?

But you wait, wait for me to take you, must let you know my formidable, I will press you on the bed, torture to death you, bitches!

At this time, Lin Feng said: "that who, my posture why wrong ah, you ask Qian Yun, I this posture, she comfortable?"

Liu qianyun blushed to the root of his neck and said, "Oh, you are good or bad!"

Looking at Liu qianyun's coquettish appearance, Zhu Wenhao scolded fiercely in his heart: "Liu qianyun, you are a slut, you are a whore in front of Lin Feng, but you pretend to be pure and cold in front of me. I have to take you down, wait for me to take you, and see what I do with you. I will definitely make you don't want to live in the second half of my life!"

But with a slight smile on his face, he said, "Qian Yun, come on, let me teach you how to hit. I learned from the Royal Golf masters of Western Europe. All aspects are the most standard, and the accuracy is also beyond your imagination. Don't play with the third rate field players, they will lower your level!"Liu qianyun just wanted to refuse, but Zhu Wenhao came forward, took Liu qianyun's hand and said, "Qian Yun, you need all five fingers together, cross, Qian Yun, your hands are so white and delicate!"

Liu qianyun looked at Zhu Wenhao and felt sick. He quickly pulled back his hand and said, "golf is really hard to play. I don't want to learn it any more."

"Ah, Qian Yun!" Zhu Wenhao called after him.

Liu qianyun sat down beside Liu's father, looking unhappy.

Zhu Wenhao was also very angry. Instead, he threw all his anger on Lin Feng and said to him, "Lin Feng, look, you've made Qian Yun angry. If I teach her, she won't feel so hard to learn. It's your fault. What are you doing here? Do you know what golf is? Country bumpkin

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't understand, that trouble Zhu shaojiao to teach me!"

"Bah, the mud can't hold up the wall. How can a fool like you learn such an elegant sport as golf?" Zhu Wenhao said: "even the caddie is better than you, you hick!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xiaoming, the caddy beside him, is also looking at Lin Feng with a sneer.

They are caddies who are very good at judging the situation, because the caddies themselves are not paid high wages. However, when they get their wages every month, there are tens of thousands of them. The main reason is that they receive tips from the boss.

So their skill is to try to please these bosses.

Zhu Wenhao is a VIP customer with real name registration here. Lin Feng is brought by Zhu Wenhao. He is not well-known and wears rustic clothes. At first glance, he is a countryman who has never experienced a big scene, so Xiaoming naturally and ruthlessly flatters Zhu Wenhao.

Moreover, he saw that Zhu Wenhao was hostile to Lin Feng, so he stood on Zhu Wenhao's side and couldn't help but cooperate with Zhu Wenhao to sneer at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't care about them. He said to himself, "golf is a foreign invention. Is it elegant to worship foreign countries? Whether sports are elegant or not is not to look at sports, but to see people. If people are elegant, they are elegant in all sports. If people are not elegant, they are dressed like dogs, even if they are doing so-called elegant sports, they are still vulgar people. Zhu Shao, do you think so? "

"Well, well said!" Liu's father clapped at the side.

Lin Feng's sentence is to the point, through the phenomenon to see the essence.

Liu's mother glared at his father and told him not to cooperate with Lin Feng. She felt that Lin Feng was a local veteran. What qualifications would she have to comment on a successful person here?

Zhu Wenhao heard the voice of Lin Feng's words, and his heart was even more angry.

"Lin Feng, you dare to beat me around the bush. You can't eat grapes and say sour grapes. If you don't understand golf, this elegant sport, you slander it. You also slander golf players. Your moral character is too bad!"

Lin Feng is a light smile: "how do you know I don't know golf? When I won the world-class golf master, you didn't touch the club yet

"Ha ha ha, you can blow!" Zhu Wenhao laughed: "just like you, you still win the world-class masters? I think you are dreaming? "

Everyone has seen that Lin Feng can blow. However, it is hard to prove what two pills of elixir, tens of billions of savings and private helicopters were blown before him. However, when it comes to golf, golf is now in front of us, which is a good proof.

Zhu Wenhao took the opportunity to say, "you said you can play golf? Come on, let's have a match! Dare you? "

Liu qianyun quickly came forward to stab Lin Feng and said, "don't compare with him. He sees that people who come to such places often will suffer losses."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "I didn't want to compare, but I changed my mind suddenly. Come on, I'll compare with you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!