The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 376

That broken bike, not as good as my second-hand electric car, but also afraid of stealing?

How poor is this man? Are you afraid of poverty? People who steal your bike are absolutely blind!

Liu's mother thought, but she didn't say it. She pointed to the clothes hanger next to her. You can lock it under it!

"OK, thank you, Auntie!"

Lin Feng went to lock the car and got up and scratched his butt, which was very hanging.

Liu's mother was so cool in her heart. She said how could her daughter choose such a thing? What is this?

No, I have to get my daughter out of the water.

After locking the car, Lin Feng went to Liu's father and mother. Liu's father didn't care much about it. He was very poor when he was young. He could understand how hard it was for children to work outside.

He said, "Lin Feng, if you sit, can you play chess? Or will you accompany me to the next set? "

"Good uncle!" Lin Feng reached for chess.

"Lin Feng, let's talk about something serious." "How did you catch up with my daughter?" said Liu's mother

Lin Feng didn't stop in his hand. He put a chessboard and said, "your daughter chased me!"

"What?" Liu's mother looks at Liu qianyun in surprise.

Liu qianyun didn't expect Lin Feng to say so. He quickly waved to Liu's mother with a smile: "yes, I think he is so excellent, so...

" Alas! " Liu's mother shook her head and sighed. How could the daughter, who was educated by herself, not be separated?

However, Liu's mother didn't kill people with a stick. Since her daughter said that he was excellent, maybe there was something excellent that she had not seen.

"Lin Feng, what do you do? Where did you go to college? " Liu Mu asked.

Lin Feng raised his head and said, "I'm a security guard. I haven't been to college."

"Ah Liu Mu's face became more gloomy.

My daughter is like a flower, or a graduate student. Now she is a regular nurse in Qingshan hospital. But this little blind man, who has no diploma and no money, still works as a security guard. How can we see that it doesn't match? This is excellent?

No, my daughter didn't contact the society when she went to university. She was too simple. She must have been cheated by this guy. She couldn't watch her daughter jump into the fire pit.

She said: "Lin Feng, my daughter qianyun, has a better image and temperament than a star. She is the flower of Medical University. She works in Qingshan hospital now, and her work is very stable. Her boss also thinks highly of her. Our daughter is a good candidate, but she is picky in the crowd! Do you know what I mean? "

Liu mother's meaning is very obvious, my daughter is so excellent, you simply do not deserve! Don't be a toad trying to eat swan meat. You should die early!

But Lin Feng snapped chess and said, "general!"

Then, she raised her head and said with a smile: "Auntie, I know what you mean. Your daughter's condition is really good, so I think she can match me almost!"


Liu's mother thought she had heard the wrong thing, but she stood still and reflected for a few seconds.

At this time, Liu Fu said, "good chess, good chess! I'm going to die at once

Liu's father was very surprised. The young man said this to his wife and played chess carelessly. He killed himself. He was also an old chess player for decades. He once won prizes in the city, but he was defeated by others chatting with each other. This is a bit inconceivable!

He can't help but praise, "well, good chess, good chess!"

"I said," can you stop playing your broken chess? " Liu's mother angrily scolded Liu's father: "can you eat or use that food? Don't you care about a girl's life? If you play chess well, can you marry our daughter? "

Liu father was said by Liu mother speechless, no way, most of his life is so bullied over, has been used to.

At this time, the more she looked at Lin Feng, she said that her daughter could never marry him. I had to find a way to get rid of him!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Liu Mu asked.

"Auntie, I'm Zhu Wenhao!" Said the door.

Liu Mu's face was filled with joy and said, "Xiao Hao, come in and knock on the door. You'll take it as your own home."

Zhu Wenhao pushed the door open. He carried a lot of bags and came in and said, "how can I do this? How can I have to call you mom after I get married with Qian Yun. Then I dare to be my own home!"

"Ha ha ha ha, you see, little Hao can talk. The child is white and clean, and it's really popular!" Liu's mother said, "Xiao Hao, sit down quickly. I'll make you some tea."

Liu's mother is happy to smile at Yan Kai and has two attitudes towards Lin Feng.

"Hello, uncle!" Zhu Wenhao said, took out two hardcover Marlboros, put them on the table and said, "uncle, this is the hardcover imported cigarettes for you from abroad. It's a little bit of a compliment."Liu Fu politely laughed and said, "Xiao Hao, I've come, and I've brought so many things. I've worked so hard for you!"

"Oh, no hard work!" Then, seeing Liu's mother come out with tea, Zhu Wenhao rushed to pick it up and said, "Auntie, how can I help you? I'll do it myself!"

said, he put the tea on the table and didn't look at it. He picked up the big bag of the ground directly and said, "

," aunt, this is French perfume. This is Hermes's bag. Oh, yes, I heard Qian Yun say that you are always prone to headache, so I bought you a German physiotherapy instrument. You can see it with ease. "

"Oh, Xiao Hao, you are so polite." Liu's mother couldn't close her mouth with a smile and said, "you haven't got married with qianyun of our family. This is a big package. In case the marriage fails, you are not in a loss."

"Well, I'm not afraid that qianyun will not marry me. After all, qianyun is such an excellent person, and few people deserve it. I have the cheek to give myself gold and boast that I am worthy of qianyun!" Zhu Wenhao said, looked at Liu qianyun and said, "Qian Yun, do you think so?"

Liu qianyun pretended that they saw him and did not look over his head. His heart was filled with nausea.

"Qian Yun, you see, I brought you a Christine Dior limited edition lipstick, you use, will be more beautiful and moving!" Zhu Wenhao took out a lipstick and gave it to Liu qianyun.

Liu qianyun saw that she couldn't hide. She said, "I'm sorry, I don't need lipstick at ordinary times."

"Ah Zhu Wenhao was shut down.

But he did not idle, eyes along Liu qianyun's body mercilessly swept once, the laryngeal knot moved a few times, swallowed the mouth to spit, the heart said you are proud now, wait for me to finish your parents, let them send you to my bed, see I don't change the torture of you, at that time I see how you and I pretend to be cold.

Thinking of this, his eyes actually saw Lin Feng. He had seen Lin Feng just now, but he didn't take him seriously. He was very angry when he saw Liu qianyun leaning towards Lin Feng.

"You drink, Qian Yun, who is this? Why haven't I seen it? So plain? Oh, look at me. I didn't know he was in advance, or I could bring him a suit to wear! It looks so... Shabby Zhu Wenhao spoke in a strange way and insulted Lin Feng intentionally.

Liu qianyun's face was red and white, and said, "Zhu Wenhao, I'm just going to tell you about it. I have a boyfriend. He's my boyfriend. His name is Lin Feng." , the fastest update of the webnovel!