The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 375

Lin Feng did not have time to change clothes, wearing a ragged stall goods, riding a broken bicycle, went to Chu Yuqi's home.

Because Chu Yuqi said that Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi are neighbors, so Lin Feng only needs to go to Chu Yuqi's home.

At Chu Yuqi's home, Chu's mother, Liu meihui, and Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun are chatting.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, she quickly let Lin Feng into the house, and then Liu qianyun said with some embarrassment:

"Lin Feng, thanks to you for the last hospital affair. I haven't really thank you yet!"

"Oh, don't mention it. Beautiful men like me who don't leave a name for good deeds never care about these things!" What Lin Feng said is just and correct.

Liu qianyun said: "thank you, thank you, but today I have something else I want to ask you to help me, if you can help me, I will greatly thank you once!"

"Wow, what's a big thank you? What is that, thank you? " Lin Feng asked.

Chu Yuqi said with a bad smile: "sister qianyun may agree with her own body!"

"What?" Lin Feng said: "although I will not necessarily refuse, but Yuqi, qianyun agree with each other, how do you do, do I want to leave you?"

Liu qianyun said with a smile: "you put Yuqi sister together, she praised you in front of me every day, and almost praised you to heaven!"

"Sister, you are good or bad!" Chu Yuqi blushed and punched Liu qianyun with a small fist: "how can you still talk to him about such a thing?"

"What's so embarrassing about that? You let me make a commitment to each other. We are like one person. I have to take you with me when I say anything! " Liu qianyun patted Chu Yuqi on the shoulder like a big sister: "do you think so?"

"Ha ha ha ha, Lin Feng, you are so lucky that you can hold sister flowers all of a sudden!" Even Liu meihui is joking.

"Ha ha, good two. I'll bring you into my backyard and flip your cards every three to five!" Lin Feng broke out laughing.

Liu qianyun listened, but her face was slightly red, and Chu Yuqi were embarrassed.

It seems that she is a little serious, because joking, we will not be embarrassed, only moved the mind, will have this kind of expression, Chu Yuqi is also embarrassed, kneading her fingers.

"By the way, Qian Yun, what do you want me to do for you?" Lin Feng asked.

"Oh, well, my family is forced to marry. Now the man is coming to my house, but I don't like him at all. I also heard that Liu Hengyi said before that the man was a scum man who had harmed a lot of girls. If he turned his face, he would not recognize anyone! " Liu qianyun said.

"Then you just ignore him, won't you?" Lin Feng said, "what can I do for you?"

Liu qianyun said: "that man is very thick skinned. I have refused him many times. He is still dogged. He always comes to harass my parents when he knows my address a few days ago. But my parents don't know that he is a scum man. They feel that he is very progressive and has a good family background, so they force me to get along with her."

Next, Liu qianyun said the cause and effect of the matter.

At the beginning, Liu qianyun and Liu Hengyi were at school. Liu Hengyi took Liu qianyun to meet many of his brothers and good friends. One of them was an off campus staff member named Zhu Wenhao.

Zhu Wenhao did well in Songjiang city. He had his own equipment company. In fact, it was not that he had many abilities, but that he had a very powerful cousin.

It's said that his uncle has a certain prestige in Songjiang. Everyone in Songjiang calls him, big man!

The old man was black in the early years. He was stabbed blind in one eye. Later, he went into business and got rich, so he washed himself white.

Zhu Wenhao was relying on his uncle's relationship and won several projects before his business started.

Depending on how much money he had, he went around chasing girls. When he saw Liu qianyun, he didn't think about tea and food. He always sent messages to Liu qianyun in private. He asked Liu qianyun to have dinner and watch movies. Liu qianyun had already been with Liu Hengyi at that time and directly refused him.

During this period of time, Zhu Wenhao knew that Liu qianyun and Liu Hengyi had broken up, so he repeatedly went to the door and wanted to take Liu qianyun.

Moreover, he told Liu qianyun that he had broken up with his cousin and was now self reliant.

In fact, he said he broke up with his cousin just to show how capable he was.

But Liu qianyun doesn't feel a bit about him. Even if you have the ability, it doesn't matter to me!

Even Liu qianyun was disgusted when he saw Zhu Wenhao's hypocritical attitude!

Today, Zhu Wenhao said that he wanted to propose a marriage. Liu qianyun's parents didn't stop him. On the contrary, he was very happy. Liu qianyun was really helpless. He wanted to make Lin Feng pretend to be his boyfriend and let Zhu Wenhao die and his parents die.

"Pretending to be a boyfriend? I have experience in this. I did it once! Take it on me Lin Feng patted his chest and said.

Then he asked, "but do I have any reward for helping you?"

"Of course, I do!" Liu qianyun said half jokingly.

"Good! I'm not polite, then Lin Feng put his arm around Liu qianyun's waist and said, "go, see our parents!"...

as Liu qianyun's family lived next door, they soon arrived at Liu qianyun's house.

Liu qianyun's father is sitting on the bamboo chair outside the door drinking tea, while Liu qianyun's mother is sitting on the side waiting for his golden tortoise to come.

Seeing Liu qianyun and a boy pushing a bicycle, Liu's mother was surprised and asked, "girl, who is this?"

Liu Fu also put on his glasses and looked this way.

"Oh, that's what I told you, my boyfriend, Lin Feng!" Liu qianyun said with a smile: "how about it? Mom! Is it a good-looking person? "

Lin Feng pushed his bicycle and said, "good aunt, good uncle!"

"Hello!" Liu Fu said hello!

"You... Good!" Liu's mother's face was written with great unhappiness. When did her daughter get along with such a boyfriend, how could she not know?

"Girl, do you have such a low standard for finding a boyfriend now?" Liu's mother said something in her words.

She looked at Lin Feng pushing a broken bicycle. She was wearing rustic clothes. She felt that her daughter had been cheated by him. How could such a young man match my daughter?

"Mom, what are you talking about? Thanks to Lin Feng, if he's not in the hospital for once, he can't make it Liu qianyun said.

"Oh, thank you Liu's father said to his mother.

But Liu's mother was very suspicious and asked, "does he help you become a regular? How did he help you become a regular

"Oh, Ma, it's a long story, so don't ask!" Liu qianyun didn't like her mother's snobbishness.

But Liu qianyun also knew that her mother was not like this. She and her father had suffered a lot, and they didn't want to suffer with them.

"Mom, you see people are coming, you..." Liu qianyun's mouth was coquettish to Liu's mother.

"OK, OK. Your name is Lin Feng, right? Come and have a seat, let's have a chat. " Liu Mu said.

"Wait!" Lin Feng said, "Auntie, where do you have railings?"

"What are you doing?" Liu's mother was surprised.

Lin Feng patted the bicycle: "I have to lock it up, so that we don't pay attention to being taken away by others when we enter the house!"


Liu Mu suddenly burst into a deep silence! , the fastest update of the webnovel!