The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 377

"Your boyfriend? Lin Feng Zhu Wenhao was very surprised: "didn't you just break up with Liu Hengyi for a long time? Have a new boyfriend so soon

"Yes Liu qianyun deliberately said: "I broke up with Liu Hengyi because of Lin Feng! What's the matter, can't you? "

Finish saying that, the eyes love thick look to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also said with a smile: "dear, you are wonderful!"

"You are excellent too!" Liu qianyun said.

The sudden show of love between the two made Zhu Wenhao's teeth itch.

He looked at Liu's mother and said in his heart that your daughter's boyfriend was right in front of you. How could you accept my gift?

Liu's mother also felt very embarrassed, and quickly said, "Qian Yun, you should pay attention to the influence. What kind of friends are you? I think they are just friends. Without a marriage certificate, everyone has a chance to compete fairly."

"Yes, my aunt is right!" Zhu Wenhao said: "after all, such an excellent girl as qianyun should be selected carefully. Don't be cheated by those poor hanging silk!"

"Who said it was not?" Liu Mu said: "Xiao Hao, you see that you are good-looking, capable and have good taste. I think you are very suitable for qianyun in our family."

"Thank you, aunt!" Zhu Wenhao said happily.

His heart said, other parents help me, Liu qianyun certainly can't beat my parents, I see how you win me!

At this time, Liu's mother said, "Xiao Hao, your suit is so beautiful. It seems that you have more temperament. Is a set of money?"

Zhu Wenhao said: "Auntie, my suit is Armani, a set of tens of thousands of it! If you like, I'll buy a suit for my uncle some other day

"Oh, don't use it!" Liu's mother said, "it's enough for you to have this heart. Unlike some people, you don't even know to bring a gift when you meet."

This is too obvious, it is obviously in the count of Lin Feng.

Liu qianyun is also a slap in the head. How can I forget that when a boyfriend comes to see his parents, there is no gift. It's not mother's power. It's a matter of courtesy. If you don't wait for a gift, is it still called meeting your parents?

But now it's too late to buy a gift temporarily. Moreover, even if you give a gift, you can't shiver. What can I do?

She quietly put her mouth close to Lin Feng's ear and said, "we have to give gifts to our parents. This is my mistake, or my impression is too bad. What do you think we should give? I went out to buy it secretly. I just got paid. There are still thousands of yuan! "

Lin Feng said in a low voice: "you bought a gift for thousands of yuan, and it's not as expensive as one on the other side."

"What about that?" Liu qianyun a face of anxiety, delicate jade hands keep rubbing!

Lin Feng saw Liu qianyun in such a hurry that he couldn't help laughing and said, "don't worry, I'll come."

"You come? What can I get you? " Liu qianyun said, "well, I have a watch in my pocket. It was sent by my friend on my birthday. I haven't brought it with me. Please give it to them."

Lin Feng smile: "no, your too low!"

After that, he took out a small oilcloth bag from his pocket and sent it directly to Liu's father. He said, "Hello, uncle, this is a gift for you and your aunt! Just in time, I forgot to take it out! "

Liu Fu opened the oilcloth bag and saw two dark pills the size of mung bean.

"What is this?" Everyone was stunned.

"Oh, these are two miraculous pills, each of which is priceless, even for many people!" Lin Feng said, "please accept my aunt and uncle!"

Lin Feng's medicine was the remedy given to Wei Zhentian on that day. If people are not ill, they can strengthen their health and live for many years. For the seriously ill, it can save their lives. This tone of retaining people, even if the person who fell to death by jumping off a building, took this medicine, can be pulled back to the hospital for rescue!

Only Lin Feng's Apprentice pharmacist can make this thing.

If you sell it on the black market, you can ask a lot of money!

Lin Feng came to Jincheng with only three. Before Wei Zhentian used one, the two were given to Liu qianyun's parents.

It's priceless for others. Even if people who know it can see it, they can bleed. But for Lin Feng, he thinks it's a tonic. When he doesn't have it, he tells the pharmacist and sends a package right away.

So Lin Feng is very generous today.

But it was obvious that these people did not know the goods. Liu's mother frowned and said angrily, "what is this thing? Can two pills be a gift? Do you want us to be sick? "

But Liu's father wrapped up the paper, put it away, and dissuaded Liu's mother: "Lin Feng is also kind-hearted. You should say less!"

Liu's mother took a deep breath. She said that maybe Lin Feng had no family background. It was not good for him to embarrass him. She was not snobbish. She just wanted to be cruel for her daughter!

Liu's mother thought about it and asked Zhu Wenhao, "Xiaohao! Since you want to marry my daughter, I have to ask you a few questions! ""Auntie, say it!" Zhu Wenhao said.

"Then I'll get to the point." Liu's mother said with a smile, "how much do you have in deposit now?"

Zhu Wenhao raised his chest and said with pride: "I have set up a precision instrument and equipment company in Songjiang City, specializing in medical, health care, security and other equipment. The market value of the company is tens of millions. I am the boss of the company. Therefore, even if the company is my property, I have a deposit of more than 8 million yuan and two real estate properties, an Audi A6L!"

"Oh! Very good! It's really good to have ability and capital! " Liu Wenhao is satisfied with her smile!

Then, Liu's mother suddenly pulled down her face and asked Lin Feng, "what about you, Lin Feng? How much money do you have now? "

Lin Feng pinched his fingers to calculate and said, "it's a bit unclear, but preliminary estimates, tens of billions should be there!"


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

They were both surprised and amused.

What's surprising is that this guy is so good at blowing that he dares to say tens of billions! Funny thing is, bragging also makes a draft, tens of billions, you when the wind blows?

"Of course, now someone keeps it for me. I don't have a clear account of the specific amount, because I don't have a concept of money!"

Zhu Wenhao couldn't listen to it any more. He quickly said, "stop, Lin Feng. I'll say a bad word. You have tens of millions of sows. The sows will go up the tree! Ha ha ha

However, Liu's father and mother were not happy. They didn't like Zhu Wenhao's direct insulting behavior. After all, when his daughter married, his moral character was the first.

Seeing that Liu's father and mother's face was not good, Zhu Wenhao knew that he had gone too far, so he quickly stopped and said, "uncle and aunt, I'm joking with Lin Feng. I think Lin Feng is also joking! After all, it seems that no one in Jincheng is so rich

Lin Feng was serious: "what I said is true!"

Liu qianyun felt hot on her face at this time. He asked Lin Feng to help him. He knew that Lin Feng wanted to make himself face better. But Lin Feng's words were so ridiculous that she was very embarrassed.

He secretly poked Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, don't blow so big!"

Lin Feng said, "I didn't blow it. I really have tens of billions of assets! I have a helicopter

Liu Qian yundun fainted a little bit in time. This blowing is really more and more ridiculous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!