The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 374

"Do you remember how Taotie died?" Asked the old man.

"Remember!" The young man said in a flattering manner: "Taotie wants to win the project of Songjiang gold family, but he conflicts with Lin Feng and dies in his hands."

The old man said: "so, Lin Feng won the project of Jinjia, and he will explore the geology of Jincheng with Jinjia. As far as I know, the purpose of Jinjia mining in Songjiang is not simple. Their purpose is to find the clues of blood jade!"

"Ah, I see!" The young man said happily: "master, you want the Jin family and Lin Feng to find out first, and then when we find the clue, we will send someone to grab the baby. The master is so clever. This move of Mantis catching cicada and yellow finch is very wonderful!"

Then, he added, "you don't want to kill Lin Feng now because you don't want to frighten the snake. You want the Jin family to find the clues of blood jade with Lin Feng in peace of mind."

The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man with love and said, "do you know why I like you so much?"

"I don't know!" The young man said with shame.

"Because you are so clever!" The old man said.

"Thank you for your praise The young man pursed his lips: "master, it's late. I'll serve the master to sleep."





Lin Feng has nothing to do these days, so he wanders around.

Today I go to Wei Yichen's villa, tomorrow I'll go to jinfenghuang's villa, and the day after tomorrow, I'll go to Shen man's for a visit. Although Shen man doesn't want to see him, he has the cheek to stay. He calls the police and the people's relatives, and he still rubs rice there at night. He enjoys it day by day.

But don't look like this on the surface, in fact, Lin Feng has been paying close attention to the activities of the Jin family.

Dongsheng Group signed a contract with Jinjia two days ago to undertake the project. The project is divided into early exploration and late mining. Both of them will send people to preside over the project. Of course, Dongsheng Group also needs to send personnel to fully cooperate.

As the representative of Dongsheng Group's exploration project, Lin Feng has to cooperate with the people sent by Jinjia to complete the exploration project, and the project is scheduled to start in three days.

Since the Jin family only provides managers, not skilled workers, the skilled workers have to be sent out by Dongsheng Group.

Lin Feng specially asked Xia Ming's father, Lao Xia, to be a technician, because he was an old geologist, and there was absolutely no problem with the technical level.

Then, Lin Feng also called the mouse, because the mouse's black technology is first-class, he will play a decisive role in the critical moment.

Wei Jianchen is more important than Wei Jianchen, but he is not loyal to him.

Lin Feng also took him as his brother and did not carry him behind his back. So when Lin Feng called the mouse today, he directly said about blood jade.

"Mouse, this project is very important. The clues of blood jade will probably come back to the sky, so you can use them for me at that time." Lin Feng said to the phone.

"Boss, don't worry about it. I've been studying a lot of interesting things during this period of time. I've also hacked several relevant departments' networks in Jincheng. Ha ha, it's very interesting!" Said the mouse.

"What are you doing on the Internet?" Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, this technique needs to be practiced diligently. Although it's OK, I can't be idle, otherwise the technology will go backward. Don't worry, I'll only go in the dark and don't do bad things!" Said the mouse.

"Well! All right Lin Feng said, "next, I want you to do something!"

"Boss, tell me!" Said the mouse.

"You use the next two days to search for clues about blood jade in Jincheng. Aren't you hacking so many systems to find out whether there are records of blood jade clues, or whether there are some very strange places, etc. you should start first, and I will pay attention to these places later!" Lin Feng said.

"Good boss! I will try my best to find out. These days you have no task for me. I am bored to death! " Said the mouse.

"Ha ha, aren't you chasing yu'er? what's happening? Do you want me to help you with that? " Lin Feng asked.

"Yu'er is so cold. I sent him several messages, but I didn't return it to me. I bought her a small gift and sent it to her. As a result, all of them were returned. Alas, I'm so sad!" Said the mouse.

"Don't be sad. Our first exploration stop is the order of the Phoenix! Then you and I will be able to see yu'er face to face! " Lin Feng Road.

"Is it? That's great. I don't know why, just like her cool look Said the mouse.

"Why?" Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "I see you are cheap, you must like to ignore you, there are thousands of women in the world, which is not good for you to choose, not to choose yu'er, like a tomboy, I don't think she is like a woman, you can do it?"

"Boss, don't say that to yu'er, for her sake, I'd like some women!" Said the mouse.

"Ha ha! Well, well, you are true love. Come on Lin Feng said.After chatting with the mouse for a while, he hung up and dialed a foreign number.

"Hello? King Kong Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha, boss, you finally called me. I miss you so much!" At the other end of the phone, a voice came in.

"I miss my brothers too." "I'll see you sometime," said Lin Feng

"Mm-hmm!" King Kong said, "boss, you call me. What's the matter?"

"It's no big deal!" Lin Feng said: "it's my helicopter that hasn't been driven for a long time. You can take time to help me check the parts and components, the system and other things, whether there is aging or failure. By the way, you should pay attention to it. Don't be too heavy, or my plane will be easily dismantled by you!"

King Kong laughed and said, "no, boss, I'll treat him like a little cute!"


"By the way, boss, didn't you say that one day you will take your sister-in-law to heaven in this plane? Have you found your sister-in-law? " King Kong asked.

"Which one do you mean?" Lin Feng asked.

"Which one?"

Both sides pause for three seconds, and then they both burst into laughter.

Lin Feng said: "well, don't make trouble with you, go and help me to see it. If there is any situation later, call me and say it!"

"OK!" King Kong finished and hung up.

Next to a woman with red hair and enchanting her elbow, she said, "you don't want to open the pot. If the boss finds her sister-in-law, she will tell us first! You mention the sad topic of the boss

King Kong stood up, more than two meters tall than half the height of a woman's body, but he scratched his head like a child and said: "yes, my brain!"

But Lin Feng hung up the phone and said to himself, "your sister-in-law hasn't been found yet, but a lot of sisters-in-law are on their way."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang. It was Chu Yuqi who called.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, and Chu Yuqi said, "Lin Feng, my sister has something to ask for your help."

"Your sister?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's sister qianyun!" Chu Yuqi said: "I think it's the most appropriate thing for you to do something about sister qianyun."

"What's the matter? Do I have to be a handsome and invincible man? " Lin Feng slants an eye to smile a way.

"You know when you come. Come on, come on, we can't wait!" Chu Yuqi said.

"Oh, good drop, good drop, I'm coming!" Lin Feng said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!