The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 371

Back to the order of the Phoenix, it's already evening.

Golden Phoenix feast to celebrate today's triumphant return!

In the process of drinking, people are drunk, and the Golden Phoenix is also full of red light. Under the influence of alcohol, the Golden Phoenix is more charming and moving.

After three rounds of drinking, the Golden Phoenix is a little high, so he has to go back to rest.

Yu'er starts to preside over the liquor Bureau. Lin Feng sends Jin Fenghuang back, because Jin Fenghuang also lives in Swan Lake Villa Community. Lin Feng goes along the way.

Lin Feng rode his bicycle and asked Jin Fenghuang to sit on the bar. However, Jin Fenghuang turned his head and sat on the bar upside down. Facing Lin Feng, he put his arms around Lin Feng.

"Well, sister, your posture is ambiguous! It will affect my cycling! " Lin Feng said.

"Shh!" Jin Fenghuang put his finger on Lin Feng's lips and said with a smile, "Hey, hey, my sister likes this. Drive quickly, old driver!"

"Ah Lin Feng is full of black lines. It seems that the Golden Phoenix has drunk a lot today, and the wind has changed!

"Sister, you can sit still. I'm going to drive!" After Lin Feng finished, he rode his bicycle and went to Swan Lake Villa.

Two people all the way up and down, Golden Phoenix eyes slightly narrow, tightly holding Lin Feng.

Lin Feng once in a while looks down at the Golden Phoenix and sends cash to the Phoenix. No matter from that angle, the woman is all very beautiful.

Her face is white and tender, which makes people want to kiss her. His elegant hair curls up slightly, mature and charming. There is also a faint fragrance between the hair. There is also a sexy red lip that occasionally curls up because of whispering. It is hard to stop.

Lin Feng also enjoyed the feeling of hugging the beauty tightly all the way.

To the Swan Lake Villa, Lin Feng according to the previous Golden Phoenix said the house number, found her villa.

But the golden phoenix wine strength came up, confused, the body is almost unable to support, but also had to support Lin Feng, asked her where the key is, he said vaguely in the pocket... In the pocket!

Lin Feng also did not know which pocket, but under the helpless, on the golden beauty body a carpet search, almost all touched.

At this time, the third floor of another villa is lit, and the villa of Golden Phoenix is slanting across.

Sitting on the balcony on the third floor, Su Jing looked at the two figures under the light dozens of meters away.

The beauty was drunk and completely unconscious, but Lin Feng took the opportunity to touch the woman up and down.

This scene made Su Jing angry.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, OK, now we all start to attack the drunken girl. It's really a beast!"

Su Jing's face became more and more ugly. She simply went back to her room and stopped looking at it!


Lin Feng finally found the key, opened the door and helped Jin Fenghuang into the villa.

Jin Fenghuang drank too much this time, closed his eyes and talked nonsense. Lin Feng carried her to the second floor, found her bedroom and put her into the room.

At this time, the Golden Phoenix whispered and said, "don't go, don't go!"

"Well, I won't go, I won't go!" Lin Feng said, while taking off the Golden Phoenix coat, and then put her on the big bed!

Lin Feng's mouth is not right? I don't like two people, I like one person, right? Lin Feng, Lin Feng... "

Lin Feng couldn't hear the words behind, but when he heard Jin Fenghuang talking about the back, it was all his name.

Lin Feng is just curious. Who is Yi?

A Yi how can and oneself be a person? Is Golden Phoenix crazy!

Lin Feng gently advised the Golden Phoenix: "elder sister, sleep, don't make a fuss!"

"Hum! No - "

Jin Fenghuang pulls Lin Feng's clothes with his eyes closed, like a naughty child.

At this time, from the pocket of Golden Phoenix, a small card fell out. The card was inlaid with gold edge, and there was a picture of a man inside.

Just, when seeing the picture of the man, Lin Feng suddenly startled in situ!

The man has a beautiful face, a torch in his eyes, and a ruffian smile on his mouth.

It looks like another Lin Feng!

Lin Feng looked at it carefully and found that his facial features and temperament were so similar to himself.

Lin Feng is sure that he does not have twin brothers. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

He plans to wait for the Golden Phoenix to wake up and ask about this man. He feels that this person seems to have some connection with himself.

Of course, it's just a feeling.

Lin Feng put the card on the head of Jin Fenghuang's bed and helped Jin Fenghuang arrange the sheets.

Then, he went to the Golden Phoenix and said, "sister, don't make trouble and sleep well!"

At this time, the Golden Phoenix suddenly hugged Lin Feng's leg and vomited out.

Impartial, spit on Lin Feng's cool when!"I wipe it!"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while.

After the Golden Phoenix vomited, it seemed that she was more comfortable. She even closed her eyes and showed a smile.

"Sister Jin, you really can throw up!"

Lin Feng looked at his cool when a wet, can not laugh or cry.

He quickly took the paper, helped the Golden Phoenix wipe his mouth, and wiped his cool when.

But it's wet inside. It's hard to wear!

Lin Feng takes off his pants directly, plans to find the bathroom to flush with water, and then blow dry!

But before he got out of the house, he cried out after listening to the voice of "wow" from Golden Phoenix: "don't go, don't, don't... please, don't...

Lin Feng was suddenly covered with black lines, saying that women drink more than men, which is more troublesome than men!

Lin Feng went back to comfort Jin Fenghuang in xiaokutou.


in another villa.

Su Jing tossed and turned in bed, and could not sleep.

Lin Feng in front of the woman up and down the scene, in her mind, the more she wanted to be more irritable, the more irritable that picture is jumping out.

Su Jing directly sat up from her bed and said, "Lin Feng, you beast, I can't let you succeed!"

He put on a thin coat, hurried downstairs and walked towards the villa of Golden Phoenix.

There was a crack in the door of the villa, so she went straight in.

Hearing something on the second floor, Su Jing went directly to the second floor.

When he walked to the door of a room, he suddenly heard a woman crying in it:

"don't... don't... Please..."

Su Jingteng was furious. This Lin Feng not only took advantage of women's drinking, but also forced women to have sex with themselves.

This beast, I have to act for heaven today and kill you beast.

Su Jing roared: "Lin Feng - you come out for me - or I'll call the police --"

when Lin Feng heard Su Jing's voice, he was startled and asked why Su Jing came here?

He pushed the door out and found Su Jing staring at the door angrily.

Because Lin Feng came out in a hurry, he didn't come and put on his pants.

Su Jing looks at Lin Feng, who is only wearing a cool head. Her face is full of anger, disappointment, sadness and coldness!

In short, a lot of negative emotions were written on her face. Lin Feng has never seen her like this.

"Lin Feng, you really let me down!" Su Jing picked up her mobile phone and went downstairs to call the police.

"Su Jing, listen to me!" Lin Feng ran after him and went downstairs.

When she got downstairs, Su Jing also called the police. She looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "you wait. The police will be here soon."

Less than two minutes after Su Jing finished speaking, she saw that the door of the villa was pushed open. Shen man came in from the door with a pistol in his hand: "where is the rapist?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!