The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 370

Yue Lingyun in yu'er's mind, that is an idol like existence!

As an outsider, I don't have much chance to get in touch with the leader. It's a great honor to have a word with Yue Lingyun.

So some of yu'er can't believe it's Yue Lingyun who calls Lin Feng.

But her eyes are staring at Lin Feng, ears stand up carefully listen to Lin Feng talking on the phone.

Lin Feng said to the phone, "brother Yue, you seem to be a scum in Huashan school."

"Well, that scum is your direct disciple!"

"Yes, this boy has a big back and a comb. He is very cool. His name is Cheng Qianfan."


Cheng Qianfan is listening, and his eyes are dripping.

He thought, Lin Feng must be installed, opposite is certainly not Yue Lingyun.

Either you have to change your surname, or you will be surnamed Yue!

Well, it must be. How could this boy know leader Yue!

Yu'er said to Cheng Qianfan, "you see, people are suing you. Huashan sect will send someone to take care of you later."

Cheng Qianfan disapproved and said, "hum, who can he call? Do you pretend that the leader of Huashan sect is so easy to get in touch with? If he can call Yue Ling Yun Yue, I will eat shit on the spot

At this time, Lin Feng moved the phone to Cheng Qianfan's ear, and said, "come on, little evil animal, and you have a few words from the leader! Hey "

in the phone, Yue Lingyun's voice came directly:" Cheng Qianfan, you dare to pretend to be the identity of the Huashan sect's legitimate disciple. I'm really blind and raised such a beast as you. If brother Lin Feng didn't talk about it today, I'd still be in the drum. You'd really pissed me off! "

This word spread out, everybody is surprised, listen to that faction, is the leader of Huashan sect undoubtedly!

Hearing the long lost voice, Cheng Qianfan suddenly shivered, and said with fear and excitement:

"master, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I will never dare again, master, please let me go back to Huashan sect!"

"Do you want to go back to Huashan sect if you do such a disgraceful thing to your school? Delusion! I will send someone to find you, and you will be severely punished. If you abscond, the crime will be even greater! " Yue Lingyun said.


"shut up, our Huashan sect disciples are outstanding. You are not worthy to be our Huashan sect disciples if you are ignorant and only want to follow other ways! I'm no longer your master. Please accept the punishment at ease Yue Lingyun has a voice.

"Here, do you hear me?" Lin Feng said to Cheng Qianfan, "quick, eat shit on the spot!"

Cheng Qianfan sat on the ground dispirited, and his heart was worse than eating excrement!

Lin Feng didn't pay any more attention to him. Instead, he took his mobile phone back and said to the mobile phone, "brother Yue, I'll go back to Huashan. Remember to invite me to drink."

"I must. I hope brother Lin Feng will come here sometime. I will look forward to your coming."

"Ha ha ha, OK!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, yu'er came up and said, "what, can I have a word with the headmaster?"

"Yes, here you are." Lin Feng gave her mobile phone to yu'er and said, "brother Yue, you have a disciple from Huashan sect. I want to have a word with you."

When yu'er took the phone, her hands were shaking and she said, "headmaster Yue, I'm Cheng yu'er, a foreign disciple of Huashan sect. I've been studying in Huashan for three years, majoring in herbal medicine!"

"Oh! That's very good, Cheng yu'er. I have an impression of you! " Yue Lingyun said.

Yu'er was happy and said quickly, "great, I didn't expect the leader to remember me!"

Then she said anxiously, "I have something to ask for. I don't know if the leader can promise me."

"But it doesn't matter!"

Yu'er's face was filled with sadness and said, "my father has a wish to get a pair of calligraphy and painting you wrote by yourself. However, I have not had a chance to meet you face-to-face in my three-year apprenticeship. So I feel sorry for my father and headmaster. Can you give me a pair of calligraphy and painting you wrote yourself?"

"This..." Yue Lingyun hesitated.

Although his calligraphy is not valuable, it is inconvenient for him to give it to others easily. If it is spread out, everyone will do evil under the banner of Huashan sect with his calligraphy and paintings and watermarks!

Seeing Yue Lingyun's hesitation, yu'er added in a hurry: "after I get the calligraphy and painting, I will go to his old man's grave and burn it for him. Please don't worry, headmaster."

When people around him heard this, they couldn't help sighing.

It turns out that yu'er's father is dead!

Yu'er didn't fulfill her father's wish until her father died. This kind of thing inevitably made people feel sad!

Lin Feng took the phone directly and said to Yue Lingyun, "brother Yue, you have to give this calligraphy and painting. You must give it! Don't worry, I'll see him burn it to his father! ""Well, since brother Lin Feng has spoken, of course it is no problem!" Yue Lingyun said.

Jade son a Leng, did not expect Lin Feng to speak for themselves, and, speak also so have weight, a simple word, to get things done.

"Yu'er, do you have anything else to do?" Lin Feng asked.

"No more!" Jade Road.

Lin Feng said to the phone: "that Yue elder brother, back to our face jiha, today we don't chat, hang up, the phone charges are quite expensive!"

After Lin Feng hung up the phone, he said to Cheng Qianfan, "well, from the beginning, I said, I'm your uncle. You're so meow that you don't believe it. Now you believe it!"

"I believe it, I believe it! Martial uncle, you are my uncle in law

Cheng Qianfan with crying cavity, thick skinned came up to embrace Linfeng thigh.

Lin Feng kicked Cheng Qianfan away and said, "I'm sorry, I won't recognize you, nephew. You're a scum!"

After that, Lin Feng turned around and walked directly outside, saying:

"people laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh that others can't see through them. I can't see the tombs of heroes in Wuling. There are no flowers or wine to hoe fields! Ah, ha ha ha

Everyone was surprised and astonished. Lin Feng's suit is better than that of others. He is full of enthusiasm, but he is speechless!

The Golden Phoenix also just relaxed God, just now Lin Feng a meal open hanging type operation, let her gape.

He Huashan sect leader is called brother and brother. Listen to the tone of the leader on the phone, he still respects him!

What is Lin Feng's identity? Golden Phoenix feel more and more can not understand this man, however, she is more and more interested in Lin Feng.

"Yu'er, let's go!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Yu'er, what can we do? I can't walk!" Cheng Qianfan pleaded.

"Call a taxi, and return the deposit to us quickly, or you will not be able to eat it!" Yu'er said coldly and turned her head and left.

However, the Golden Phoenix whispered to yu'er: "if the deposit can be taken back, part of it will be given to the other four young people, they will be the most difficult one!"

"Well, the elder sister said so!" Yu'er bowed her head and said, "do you want my martial uncle to have a part of it?"

"Your uncle?" Golden Phoenix.

"It's Lin Feng! He is my master's elder brother and my martial uncle! " Yu'er said embarrassed: "of course, I know that maybe one of my disciples called him martial uncle, which means flattery, but I thought about mouth addiction! Elder sister, don't make fun of me

"Ah Jin Fenghuang rolled her eyes and said, "OK, you can enjoy yourself. If you want anything from your uncle, you can tell me directly. I will give you whatever I can!"

"Wow, elder sister, you should pay attention. I feel that martial uncle wants you!"

"Ah The Golden Phoenix pursed her mouth and looked like peach blossom. She choked for a long time and said, "what, I have to think about it!"

Finish saying, shy don't face!

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