The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 372

"Where is the rapist?" Shen man asked.

Shortly after she fell asleep, she received a call from the general administration that a crime had occurred in her neighborhood.

So Shen man came straight here!

"Here it is Su Jing motioned to Lin Feng.

Shen man looks at Lin Feng and his face turns red.

Lin Feng is OK on the top, wearing a shirt and a leather jacket, but underneath, he only wears a cool white head, and the top is wet.

"Lin Feng, raise your hands and squat down!" Shen man pointed a gun at Lin Feng: "you are really capable now. You have committed a crime. Are you going to kill and set fire to others in a while?"

Lin Feng said: "two little sisters, I am wronged! I'm sending my drunken sister Jin home and... "

" and then you're going to rape her? " Su Jing said, "don't think I didn't see it. You started on the road secretly!"

"I..." Lin Feng spread his hands and didn't know how to explain it: "if you don't believe me, ask sister Jin!"

"Lin Feng, don't play tricks and cheat me to go upstairs. Do you want to run?" Shen man said.

Lin Feng is really crying and laughing. How can Shen man be so enthusiastic about himself at the critical moment?

"What am I running for? I won't run! I want to prove my innocence! " Lin Feng said.

"You sit on the sofa and hold your head in your hands!" Shen man said.

She really wants to go up to see the victims and see how deeply the victims are!

"Good! Good Lin Feng said: "I can do anything, but you must return me to be innocent. I am a progressive young man with five talks, four beauties and three loves. I am not so dirty as you think!"

Said, Lin Feng sat on the sofa!

At this time, but see villa door into a head, that is a delicate girl's face.

"Boss --"

when Wei Yichen saw Lin Feng, he jumped in with joy and said, "I said it's so late. Why is sister Jin's house so busy? You are all in love! Ha ha ha

Wei Yichen is dressed in a black one-piece sleeping group. His figure shows vividly and vividly, which makes people fantasize.

Wei Yichen went to Lin Feng and laughed: "boss, what kind of shape are you? Cosplay? Are you playing a pervert murderer? Are you guys having a party? Wow, this police sister, is your gun real? "

"It's not cosplay. I'm on duty!" Shen man said seriously: "beauty, please keep a distance from him, he is now a dangerous person, for your personal safety, please back five meters!"

"Dangerous people?" Wei Yichen looked at Lin Feng and asked, "boss, are you so romantic? How did you become a dangerous person? What's the big deal? "

Yi Weichen had a good impression on Weichen when she met her last time!

She said: "little beauty, you are following the wrong boss, your boss today to drunken woman into the world to murder!"

"Ha ha ha, you see, I can see at a glance that my eldest brother went into the house to commit murder!" Wei Yichen asked Lin Feng, "boss, why did you commit murder?"

Su Jing shook her head and said, "he went into the house to rape."

"What, come in? Strong... " Wei Yichen immediately shook his head and said, "no way, my boss is not that kind of person!"

He stood in front of Lin Feng and said, "boss, this is elder sister Jin's house. I don't believe you, sister Jin! You tell me, you are wronged

"Yes, I was wronged!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing stood on the left side of the sofa, looked at Lin Feng and said, "I heard women shouting" please don't "and so on. Do you still quibble

"Lin Feng, you are such a scum Shen man was even more angry when she heard Su Jing say that.

Wei Yichen stood in front of Lin Feng and said, "two little sisters, you must have wronged my boss! I'm going to get rid of my boss! "

Then, she looked at Lin Feng and said earnestly, "boss, I know you've been single for a long time, and it's hard to avoid a hormonal burst. She would like to applaud for love... I understand you!"

Finish saying, a pair of I understand the expression looking at Lin Feng!

"Applause for love? What do you mean Lin Feng raised his head and asked.

"It's just slapping!" Wei Yichen said.

"Ah Lin Feng is full of black lines. Who do I want to fight with? Morning, are you sure this is an excuse for me? Is this a clean sweep?

Wei Yi Chen continued: "but you are a person with strong self-control ability. That night, just the night of my birthday, we almost all... But you... You all... So... Right?"

With that, Wei Yi Chen still had a blush on his cheek, as if embarrassed to say it!

"What, right?"

Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Wei Yichen's expression of huff and puff was even more misunderstood!"Lin Feng, what else have you done?" Su Jing roared at Lin Feng angrily, "do you still do it to other girls?"

Shen man also said to Lin Feng, "did you harm the little girl?"

Lin Feng immediately shook his head and wryly smile. He felt that his life had reached the climax and his life had reached its peak!

Can't it be the peak?

Wearing a wet little cool head, shrinking on the sofa, three beauties in turn, and still three different types of beautiful women, this if others listen to, absolutely feel cool!

But the fact is, Lin Feng's heart is full of tears!

"Yi Chen, I know you trust me, and I'm very grateful to you for exonerating me, but the way you speak needs to be investigated. You are not clearing the charges, you are more and more black!" Lin Feng helpless way: "quick, go, go to one side sit, you can watch quietly, even if it is to help me, good, Yichen!"

"Good boss!" Wei Yichen smile: "boss, even if you wear this, I think you are very handsome!"

"Well, thank you, thank you." Lin Feng had no choice but to smile.

At this time, I heard the upstairs say: "who is noisy downstairs?"

With the sound, a beautiful woman appeared at the corner of the stairs on the second floor, which was the Golden Phoenix.

Seeing this picture, the Golden Phoenix was shocked.

Three beauties are around Lin Feng. Lin Feng's trousers are all taken off and recline on the sofa.

"What are you going to do?" Golden Phoenix can't help but think of the island love action education film, the scene of the three British war against Lv Bu: "how can you do this in my home? Do such a dirty thing? Ah, and making, clothing, luring and confusing? "

Said, looked at Shen man!


Everyone's covered with black lines.

"Don't think much about it!" Shen man said, "are you the victim? I received a report from the public that you were harassed

"No one bothers me!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Don't be afraid. The criminals are under our control now. You just have to tell the truth." Shen man is afraid of the Golden Phoenix, but he is afraid of Lin Feng and dare not tell the truth.

Golden Phoenix said, "how can it be? Lin Feng just sent me home! "

"Then why does he look like this?" Su Jing asked.

"I just threw up on his pants. Maybe he wants to wash it." Jin Fenghuang sees the pants thrown from the floor upstairs.

"Is that so?" Shen man asked Lin Feng.

"Yes Lin Feng said, "before I could wait to wash my pants, the president of Suzhou University rushed over."

Now the truth came out.

But Su Jing was very angry: "what's the matter with you touching her at the door?"

"I'm not touching her. I'm looking for the key to the door." Lin Feng said.

"Hum!" Su Jing continued: "why didn't you say that earlier? Why did you say it after I called the police?"

Lin Feng said, "elder sister, have you given me a chance to say so? Before I wait to open my mouth, you arrive at the scene one by one, and you all seem to have grasped the truth. What can I do? "

Shen man said, "you have reason. What are you afraid of? I see fear in your eyes

"I wipe it!" Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry: "where do I come from? I'm afraid!"

"There is!" Shen man's Willow eyebrows wrinkled, a very determined look.

"I saw it too!" Su Jing said, "it's just a guilty conscience."

"I'll wipe it!"

Lin Feng looked up to the sky and sighed. This is especially meow. It is not only difficult for women to drink wine. If this woman doesn't speak the truth, it can make people crazy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!