The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 369

The referee did not dare to move his leg at this time, and blood gurgled out of his trousers and ran into a pool.

He yelled to Lin Feng, "this player, you fouled!"

"What? Did Lin Feng foul? "

Jin Fenghuang was surprised and didn't understand what was going on.

The referee grinned and cried: "Lin Feng, you violated the rules. You even used weapons to murder the other party's life. This is immoral."

"Use weapons?"

Jin Fenghuang looked at the stage carefully, and then found that there was a dagger in the referee's thigh.

"Golden Phoenix, what's the matter with you? Your player even brought a dagger to the stage. No wonder you can win. It's a foul to cheat!" Long Xiao's dry breath slaps the table: "You Phoenix order to give me an explanation!"

Golden Phoenix did not see where the dagger came from, but the referee said it was brought by Lin Feng. She had no choice but to ask Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, why did you bring a dagger to the game?"

"The dagger belongs to the referee, not to me," said Lin Feng

"Nonsense!" The referee exclaimed, "I stab myself with my own dagger? Am I free? "

"Ha ha! Lin Feng is not talking nonsense

"Oh, cheating is not admitted. It's a bad character!"

"It's not only bad. He's suspected of murder."


people in the Longkou group began to talk, and a trace of essence flashed in long Xiaoqian's eyes.

He originally wanted the referee to give the player weapons, let the player use the weapon advantage, killed Lin Feng.

However, they were wrongly taken by themselves. Long Xiaoqian was depressed. Unexpectedly, the referee was very clever and even bit back at the dagger brought by Lin Feng, which was unexpected to long Xiaoqian.

He saw that all around him was the voice of crusading against Lin Feng. He was very proud in his heart. This time, he would put a cheating hat on the order of Phoenix, so that you would never have a chance to turn over!

However, Jin Fenghuang believes Lin Feng's words very much. When Lin Feng came to the stage, she didn't take anything with her. She saw it clearly. It was definitely planted.

At this time, Lin Feng said to long Xiaoqian, "a long, I'd like to ask you, when we came in, we couldn't bring any weapons. Where did I get the dagger?"

"Yes! We can't bring anything in! " Jade son in side help say.

Long Xiaoqian said with a cold smile, "it's true that you can't bring something in, but Lin Feng, how did you bring in your mobile phone? You can bring your cell phone in. Why can't daggers

Long xiaoqianxin said, "you little boy, you've only eaten salt for a few years. If you argue with me, I can say you cry!

"Lin Feng, you must have brought in your mobile phone and dagger together!" Long Shao roared.

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "well, very good! First, you sent the referee to arrange weapons for the players to kill me in the arena, but they two fools didn't understand. The trick didn't succeed, but you bit back and said that the dagger was brought by me. I have to say, ah long, you are good at calculating! "

Long Xiaoqian doesn't make a sound. He looks at Lin Feng with his eyes. It seems that if he says it again, I will calculate you. What can you do?

Lin Feng said, but he said with a smile: "but ah long, I think you are still a mentally retarded person."

"Lin Feng, are you him? Again, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Long Shao exclaimed.

"Long Shao, please calm down!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "first, you can't beat me, so don't brag there. Second, you and your father are mentally retarded. Don't be jealous of your father's title, you also have it!"

"My damned NIMA --"

long Shaoqi is almost crazy, and shouts to rush to Lin Feng.

But one side of the Dragon Xiaoqian pulled Lin Feng and said, "don't be impulsive! Stand up

Long Xiaoqian's city is very deep. He won't start because of Lin Feng's provocative words. Now his own side has the initiative. He wants to expand his advantages infinitely. Then he will add a lot of charges to the order of Phoenix, crush Jin Fenghuang, and make Lin Feng a criminal of the order of Phoenix. Then, he will clean them up.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you know why I say you are mentally retarded? Because you set me up with a dagger. It's bullshit. There's no fingerprint on the dagger. It's all the fingerprints of the referee and your players. If you don't believe it, you can check the fingerprints! "

"Yes After hearing this, the Golden Phoenix is happy. How can I forget this matter? Check the fingerprint, it will be clear!

Long Xiaoqian's heart cluttered for a moment. His heart was not good. He lost his footing. How did he leak the fingerprint?

Although long Xiaoqian was surprised in his heart, he was calm on the surface. It was not because of good luck that he could be the leader of the Longkou group. His strength and Chengfu were highly admired.

After a brief thought, he came up with a solution.

This is the territory of his Longkou group. There is no fingerprint detection machine at all. He can say whatever he wants. As long as they are not allowed to take out the dagger for detection, there will be no problem.First of all, the accusation of Lin Feng is confirmed, and then they are arrested and the evidence is taken away. This matter is even a cover up!

"Fingerprint? Is this necessary? " Long Xiaoqian said: "if you want to test, you have to take it to the relevant departments and go through the procedures. Who knows what will happen in the middle? It may be that you've been cheating on me

"Oh, you are very good at wronging people! If you're afraid that someone will switch it out, then we'll check it on the spot! " Lin Feng said.

"Field testing? I don't have a fingerprint detector here! " Long Xiao Qian Dao.

"I have!" Lin Feng grabbed the dagger and said, "my mobile phone has the function of fingerprint detection. Come on, check it!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone directly, turned on the light of the camera, and took a whole body shot at the dagger.

Then, pull the arm of the player towards himself, sweep it directly towards the player's hand, and then show you the comparison results.

"Watch it. It's a perfect match." Lin Feng pointed to the mobile phone screen.

People came to the stage and watched Lin Feng's mobile phone screen through the iron cage. They looked very seriously.

This kind of thing, we see clearly, is indeed consistent!

Then Lin Feng, in front of everyone, detected his fingerprints, which were totally different from those of the dagger.

This time, people are convinced!

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly ran to the referee and said, "do you still want to slander me? I'm going to test you now, and the truth will be revealed to you soon! You gave the dagger out! "

"No, don't test me, don't!" The referee refused to test and screamed wildly!

But the discerning eye can see that he is afraid of being detected.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "are you too nervous? Mr. judge, you wear white gloves. Even if you take a dagger, you will not leave fingerprints. What are you afraid of? Are you scared? Ha ha ha

"Ah?" The referee then reacted and turned red.

"What else can I say? Give them weapons and let the three of them go together, but I can't beat me. I'm really disappointed! " Lin Feng chuckled and then said to Jin Fenghuang, "sister Jin, I thought Longkou group was so strong that we still couldn't beat the order of Phoenix!"

"Lin Feng, good job!" Jin Fenghuang gives Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Well, I said that their father and son were mentally retarded, and I didn't want to fight on the stage. They forced me to take the stage. What happened? Did you lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot? Oh, retarded Lin Feng said in a loud voice.

Almost everyone could hear his loud voice, and long Xiaoqian's face was green with anger.

However, what Lin Feng said was really that. It was their deliberate efforts to motivate him to come to power, but they made a hole in themselves.

At this time, Jin Fenghuang was elated. The five Longkou players who had insulted her were all injured and disabled by Lin Feng. No one dares to say another word.

This Longkou group is also made speechless by Lin Feng. He can't let out a fart.

Lin Feng is simply God, he completed a great reversal.

He not only won five opponents with one person's strength, but also won one-on-three in the final game when the opponent cheated, which made the Golden Phoenix's blood boil.

She turned her head and looked at long Xiaoqian and said, "boss long, I've accepted that although the strength of the order of Phoenix is not strong, it's not as weak as you said. I believe you can see that in today's World War I, you can see that there's no need to say more words. It's fair and comfortable. Thank you very much for joining us in martial arts. I found that there are many talented people in the order of Phoenix. Thank you

Long Xiao's dry teeth are almost broken, but helpless, if the entanglement goes on, our players with daggers will be used as a handle by the other side, that's not worth the loss.

Long Xiaoqian said with patience: "the order of the Phoenix played well this time. President Jin, you should continue to work hard! Hum

Then he turned and left.

It's so humiliating. This time, it's really humiliating. How many fighting experts have been raised in the Tangtang Longkou group, but they lost to the order of Phoenix.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Long Shao followed his heel and said, "Dad, are you going to let them go?"

"Otherwise?" Long Xiaoqian said.

"Send someone over and kill them!" Long Shao said.

"Kill, kill, kill at will?" Long Xiaoqian looks at long Shao, and says how can he raise such a mentally retarded son?

No wonder Lin Feng scolds you. If I am not your father, I will scold you too!

"But, Dad, he scolded us, and we just took it?" Long Shao continued.

"Of course not!" Long Xiaoqian said, "in Jincheng, who dares to insult me like him? Nobody dares to shit on my head. How can I spare him? Look at this. I'll make him to pieces

"Good!" Long Shao took a deep breath and looked forward to it.

... ......

however, in the underground boxing hall, long Xiaoqian and long Shao left the arena indignantly, while the order of the Phoenix was elated.

They won the Hongmen banquet beautifully.

It was Lin Feng, who won the game. In the order of the Phoenix in a precarious moment, he saved the face of the order of the Phoenix with one person's power. The Golden Phoenix didn't know how to thank Lin Feng.

Iron ox and the group of young men, one after another excited toward Lin Feng, shouting: "brother Feng, fierce, brother Feng, Niu Bi!"

Lin Feng smile: "can give you revenge, I am very honored!"

Jin Fenghuang also came over and asked, "Lin Feng, how can your mobile phone still have fingerprint detection function? What brand is it? I'll buy one too! "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "elder sister, this mobile phone has stopped production. It's no surprise that it's broken!"

However, the more he looks at Lin Feng, the more mysterious he feels. A man who doesn't show his mountain and doesn't leak water can always turn the tide at the critical moment. He seems to know nothing, but he is extremely proficient in everything. This man is definitely not as simple as Dongsheng Group's security guard. However, what kind of background does he have?

At this time, yu'er also came to Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, I'm sorry. I was cheated by Cheng Qianfan because of my blindness."

"Oh, I remember when you talk about it!" Lin Feng took out a number directly.

"Hello? Is it brother Yue? " Lin Feng said.

"Brother Yue?" In her heart, yu'er looks at the mobile phone screen on the side of Lin Feng's cheek and finds that Lin Feng is talking to a person named Yue Lingyun.

Yue Lingyun?

Yue Lingyun is the leader of Huashan sect, one of the nine sects in China? , the fastest update of the webnovel!