The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 368

Although the death list belongs to the death alliance, the people in the list are not the people organized by the alliance.

The person on the death list can be from any other organization or from any country. As long as he has a strong fighting capacity, can easily complete the assassination task, and ranks in the top 100 of the killer combat effectiveness list, then he can be on the death list.

The people on the death list and the death alliance are only employed and employed.

Many years ago, in order to experience, Lin Feng killed a vicious killer in the list of the gods of death and replaced him. After that, he took over many tasks of the death Alliance for training only.

Lin Feng's ranking in the death League was not high, only about 70, because he was not as powerful as he is now, and he was just for training, and he did not challenge high ranked players.

At that time, Lin Feng took on many tasks, all of which were to assassinate some notorious drug lords, politicians and business tycoons. Of course, the tasks were varied, but Lin Feng only chose to kill the bad guys.

Most of the money he made was saved by old Hu. Lin Feng secretly left a little thought. He spent money to buy a helicopter. He thought that one day he would drive a helicopter back to his hometown and fly around the city with his favorite woman. Then he arranged for mice and other brothers to set off a row of fireworks in the sky, which made a big red heart and "I love you" three words.

Wow, what a romance!

Lin Feng now look back, it is really interesting!

At this time, the people under the challenge arena had already exploded.

Lin Feng not only defeated Taishan with one move, but also defeated Taishan with naked twist, which is one of the best Brazilian jujitsu skills of the ape Taishan.

How arrogant is this man to defeat you with your best skill?

On the other hand, how confident and powerful this person is!

The Golden Phoenix suddenly felt the blood surging up. Lin Feng pulled back two sets with one person's strength, and won such wonderful games. It was really a great honor for the order of Phoenix.

In an instant, the Golden Phoenix's waist is up.

And those young men who were beaten up and disabled were very excited, and they all cried out, "brother Lin Feng, brother Niu B, brother Lin Feng, kill them!"

Long Shaoqi's face was livid, and he swore to the stage: "you are such a group of rice pails. You spend so much money to support you. Why is it so useless at the critical moment? Lin Feng is a security guard. Can't you beat a security guard? Kill Lin Feng! Kill me

Long Xiaoqian has a dignified face. All the people in the death list are elites. But this Lin Feng can defeat the people in the death list. It seems that he is not a simple character!

This time, he was underestimated!

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly said in a loud voice: "by the way, I think of one thing!"

All of them listened to Lin Feng's speech.

Lin Feng said: "I remember just now, is there someone challenging the order of Phoenix players, choose one to challenge two?"

"Yes Said the referee next to him.

Lin Feng smile, said: "good, then I represent the order of the Phoenix, at the same time challenge the other three players, the remaining three, do not waste time, let's go together!"


People outside were shocked again.

Is Lin Feng too arrogant?

One dozen two is enough to explode. He even hit three. This is obviously a provocation to the other party's red fruits!

The Golden Phoenix was ignited by Lin Feng's arrogance. He even said directly to the Dragon Shao on the other side of the Longkou group: "long Shao, your players, have some dishes. I feel that you players, and the players of the order of Phoenix, can't compare!"

"Golden Phoenix, don't be complacent Long Shao angrily said.

"I have to be proud. I have the ability. You win a game first." At this time, the heart of Golden Phoenix is so cool, it's so cool.

Lin Feng looked at the Golden Phoenix under the field, standing back and yelling at each other. He couldn't help but smile. The Golden Phoenix, sometimes a little girl gets up, but it's pretty cute! Ha ha ha!

Long Shao was so angry that he called out to his three players, "you three, go on together and kill him!"

Long Xiaoqian did not refute, and he did not expect such a result.

He also wanted to let Lin Feng die immediately, so naturally he didn't stop him, but he didn't approve of it. In short, he didn't see it.

Before that, when the order of the Phoenix was two to one, people in the Longkou group were talking about it, saying that the order of the Phoenix was really humiliating.

This time it was their turn and they were speechless.

This time, it was even more humiliating than others. At best, the two on one, the Longkou group, all three together, together with the opponents, all made a table of mahjong!

If you lose, it will be a shame! So the people in Longkou group are also very nervous!

After listening to long Shao's words, the three contestants came onto the stage one after another!

They just saw Lin Feng's technique and thought it was difficult to deal with him, but at this time, there was no problem with three people together!The three men rubbed their hands, whispered and said something. Obviously, they studied the countermeasures, and then they opened their posture one after another!

At this time, long Xiaoqian made a gesture to the referee. After the referee received it, he secretly gave longxiaoqian a OK gesture.

The referee was invited by the Longkou group. Naturally, he listened to long Xiaoqian's words. Long Xiaoqian reminded the referee before, but only reminded him. This time, the gesture was for him to execute.

The referee walked into the field, motioned for the players of both sides to get closer. Then he put on his white gloves and waved hard. He announced, "competition, start!"

However, this time, the referee did not retreat far away, but stood behind the three players in the Longkou group and secretly handed one of them a dagger!

Because the action is very secret, people outside the cage can not see it at all.

At this time, Lin Feng looked at the referee, but his mouth was covered with a bad smile.

I saw that the three people of Longkou group opened their posture and yelled respectively, and rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly dodged to the side of the challenge arena, and then ran around the ring. At the same time, he quickly swept his legs and directly kicked a person on the edge of his head.

"Pa" sound, the man only saw a black shadow, his forehead suffered a heavy blow, and then fainted.

The other two people were surprised and quickly turned around and rushed directly to Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng stepped on the barbed wire, ejected his body, and stepped forward towards the man in front!

The man quickly a Dodge, to avoid a foot of Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng's foot is actually fighting cattle across the mountain. He knows that the first person will certainly hide in the past, but the second person is not necessarily!

Because the starting speed is not fast, but at the last moment of kicking out, the speed is absolutely fast.

The first one dodged when Lin Feng started, while the second one saw the man in front of him suddenly. Lin Feng's big foot kicked him directly. He couldn't hide. He was kicked in his face and flew several meters directly. He hit the wire fence. His face was covered with blood and was unconscious immediately.

The last one, with a cold light in his eyes, yelled directly at Lin Feng and hit him with a fist.

Lin Feng looked back to hide, easily dodged.

But at this time, the man's other hand was quietly toward Lin Feng's abdomen, which was holding a cold shining dagger.

His upper punch is empty swing, and the lower one is the real killing move.

But Lin Feng had been on guard for a long time. He drew in his abdomen directly, grasped the player's wrist, twisted it to the side, and then pushed hard to take the player out for a few steps.

"Oh, dear!"

The referee found that the two men were coming at him, and he turned his head and ran to the side.

However, Lin Feng came to find him on purpose. He grabbed the player's wrist and made a stab in the referee's buttocks, leaving only a handle outside.

"Ah --"

the referee let out a shrill howl.

The player didn't expect that Lin Feng's strength was so strong that he was taken a few steps away by Lin Feng and could not resist.

He was so angry that he wanted to break free. At this time, Lin Feng held his arm, bent to the back, and kicked the man on his hind leg. He kicked the man directly on the ground, and then pressed hard, and the man's face was directly clubbed on the floor.

Then, Lin Feng's leg pressed down on the man's waist, making the opponent unable to move at all. He broke his hands on the other side's elbows, and Manman tried to tilt back!

"Wooden village lock!" Someone off the field exclaimed in surprise.

Kimura lock is a more complex lock technique in Brazilian jujitsu. It can only be used by some senior veterans. With such a high degree of difficulty, Lin Feng also uses it. It is amazing.

At this time, I heard "bang bang!" A sound, Lin Feng forcefully broke that person's arm, unexpectedly Qi's from shoulder place broke that person's arm.

"You have a killing motive on your arm. I'll teach it a lesson first. Don't thank me. Just call me Lei Feng!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, the referee suddenly yelled at Lin Feng: "this player, you fouled! You fouled , the fastest update of the webnovel!