The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 367

"Race, go!"

The referee yelled and backed away.

The wild man, nicknamed Mount Tai of the ape, without saying a word, pedaled directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged away and asked with a smile, "man, are you Yuanmou or hilltop cave man? You look like this, or the stone age is more suitable for you, do you think? "

The ape Tarzan was furious when he heard it. Damn it, did anyone dare to tease me? Do you really know how many people I killed?

"I will tear you up!" The ape Taishan roared and rushed directly to Lin Feng.

At the moment when he was about to catch Lin Feng, Lin Feng suddenly disappeared in front of him.

When he did not brake in time, he hit the iron cage with a bang, which directly hit his face with blood stains, rebounded to the ground and fell heavily.

Long Shao shook his head and sighed, "I said that this guy is not smart. You see, isn't it stupid?"

"Shut up!"

Long Xiaoqian scolded him coldly. He was so scared that he was so quiet that he didn't dare to make a sound.

Long Xiaoqian looks at the arena with dignity. From his years of martial arts experience, it's not that Tarzan has a bad brain, but Lin Feng is too fast!

He rushed to Lin Feng. Lin Feng dodged at the last second, so he couldn't keep his body shape.

However, Lin Feng was able to evade in such a short time, which was enough to show his courage and ability. He felt that he had underestimated Lin Feng.

At this time, both sides are still fighting in the arena.

But when it comes to fighting, it looks like a bullfight.

Lin Feng is like a matador with a red cloth in his hand. Standing in the field, he has nothing to do but challenge Tarzan. The ape Taishan rushes up, and every time he throws himself into the air.

At this time, the ape Taishan was very tired and panting. His eyes were red and looking at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng wandered about, as if the cage was his back garden.

"What? No way? " Lin Feng asked the ape Taishan with a smile: "are your primitive human body strength so poor?"

"NIMA!" The ape, Tai Shan, stamped his feet, rushed to Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng escaped easily again.

During this period, Lin Feng also took time to interact with the people outside the cage. After evading an attack by Taishan, he just stepped back to the cage and sat next to the Golden Phoenix. He gave the Golden Phoenix a wink and a kiss and said, "sister, do you think I'm handsome?"

The Golden Phoenix did not care to be reserved, both nervous and excited to shout: "handsome, Lin Feng, you are too handsome, ah, be careful!"

Lin Feng saw that it was the ape Taishan who jumped up again. He stepped on the barbed wire and jumped up directly with the help of elastic force. He turned over from the top of Mount Taishan, and then walked to the other side of the cage. Seeing that the injured boys were watching the game intently, he laughed and said, "come on, please guess, what way can I solve him? Yes, there is a prize

"Stand boxing!"

"No, it must be jujitsu!"

"I think it should be sweeping legs. After all, brother Lin Feng's previous leg was so domineering that he must have used his legs!"

These young men watched Lin Feng playing with his opponent. Their admiration for him was like a torrent of water. At this time, their address was changed to brother Lin Feng.

Cheng Qianfan tried to support himself and said, "I guess Lin Feng will lose!"

"Shut up!"

The young men cheered in unison, and then went up for a fight. Cheng Qianfan begged for mercy again and again, and said, "I guess he can win

Then, that group of young men just hate to scold to give up.

However, the people of Longkou group were angry, especially long Shao. They yelled: "Taishan, get him for me, kill him! I can't stand it

The ape Taishan gasped and swore to Lin Feng: "Stinky boy, you don't want to hide!"

"Hiding is also an ability!" Lin Feng cheap smile way: "but I decided, do not play with you, I want to beat you!"

"What?" The ape Tarzan was stunned and then laughed: "ha ha ha ha, you dare not even fight head-on with me. Do you dare to talk nonsense?"

"Yes, I'm going to beat you!" Lin Feng said, "do you think I was hiding from you before?"

"Otherwise?" Tarzan sneered.

He is such a strong opponent, a collision, can fly Lin Feng, he believes that Lin Feng must be afraid of his power, just hide in hiding.

Most people have the same idea with Tarzan. They feel that Lin Feng is afraid of being hit by Tarzan.

Even Jin Fenghuang and yu'er think so. They are very nervous all the time. They are afraid that Lin Feng will be carried away without paying attention. In that case, the immortal will lose half his life.

However, Lin Feng now said so, but many people do not understand.

Isn't it hiding? But for another reason?Lin Feng laughed: "primitive people, if I don't guess it wrong, you should practice Western wrestling and Mongolian wrestling!"

The ape Taishan was shocked. He didn't expect that the boy knew a lot. After a few moves, he saw his acting skills. There were two quick moves!

But he was very calm on the surface. Even with a sneer, "nonsense, you see my fighting posture, of course, you can see, you say these, what good show off?"

"Neither! If I can only see that, I don't have to tell you! " "You can't cheat me. Although you practice Western wrestling and Mongolian wrestling, you are not doing both, but Brazilian judo," Lin Feng said

"Lying groove!" Mount Tai, the ape, was really a shock.

He didn't use a single touch of soft skills to count, so deep he hidden, how did this boy know?

He felt his chin with a heavy face and asked Lin Feng, "how do you know that?"

Lin Feng smiled: "you think I have been avoiding you all this time, right? In fact, I can beat you completely, but I choose to spend more time watching you! Because, I am curious, I wonder you simple minded fellow, why is it in the death god list of the alliance of death gods? "

"What?" The ape Mount Tai is surprised at this time the cold hair all quickly rises, this forest peak is what person? How does he know he's a killer on the death list? Do I have words on my face?

Mount Tai, the ape, was almost suspicious of life from disdain at the beginning to a slight surprise, and then to this time.

"How do you know I'm the killer on the death list?" Mount Tai, the ape, is eager to know how Lin Feng knows how he is on the list of death.

"This question, I will answer you later!" Lin Feng smiled.

Then he said, "so I spent a little more time looking for answers and finally let me see the truth that you can survive in the list of death! That is, you seem to only wrestle, but you have always hidden your own kill, Brazilian judo. "

"How did you find it?" Asked the ape Mount Tai.

"Through this observation, I found that your arm bend and the skin inside thigh are rough, obviously, it is caused by too much use of" guillotine "and" cross fixation "in Brazilian judo. Although it seems that wrestlers grasp human posture, the body position is Brazilian judo. That is, after you catch me, you will be able to hit the next second with Brazilian judo and kill! "

Lin Feng finished, laughing at the ape Mount Tai: "I said right?"

Mount Tai, the ape, was filled with incredible looks in his eyes, and it was no longer the proud and immortal look of the past.

Lin Feng added: "you show both wrestling and wrestling in the fight. Among these two techniques, wrestling has strong entertainment and appreciation, but it has a general lethality. Although Mongolian wrestling is fierce, its disadvantage is that there is no powerful kill technique. These two technologies will make others take care of it; and the intuitive impression you give is that the limbs are developed and the mind is simple. So, when combined, others will be cheated by your surface and reduce the precaution! "

"When you are not prepared for any more, you will immediately use Brazilian Judo to mutilate or hang each other!" "Brazilian judo can be figuratively compared to a python in a rainforest, which is deadly, but I think your Brazilian judo is more like another animal in the rainforest," Lin said

"What animal?" Asked the ape Mount Tai.

"Crocodile!" Said Lin Feng.

"What do you mean?" The ape Tai did not understand the way.

"Good at camouflage, powerful!" "And, a blow is fatal," Lin said

"Great!" The ape Mount Tai had to obey, and his heart was like a wave and he was completely calm.

The people around them were surprised to close their mouths. The Golden Phoenix was even more clapping. Lin Feng was really God. The first time he played to avoid the other party, he was observing. In such a short time, he made his opponent see clearly and thoroughly. It was just the eye of the eye!

But at this time, Lin Feng said: "primitive people, now, I should do it, you look after it, I will use your best way to result you!"

The ape Mount Tai suddenly felt a tight heart, but found Lin Feng rushed directly towards him.

He grabbed Lin Feng, and he bent his head and ran directly under his armpit, and slid directly behind him. He jumped up and held his neck in his hands and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"Ah --"

Taishan, the ape, felt his throat was tight and struggled.

He is more than one meter ninety tall, muscular and powerful, but he can not throw off Lin Feng!

"Wow! Naked wring - "br >

someone outside the waiting field shouted.

Lin Feng looked back, it was the iron cow shouting, he said with a smile and said: "yes, you know the goods!"

Then, hands continue to tighten the ape Mount Tai's neck.Tarzan can't effectively hit Lin Feng with his hands, but Lin Feng is behind him, clinging to his throat. His legs are wrapped around his waist like water snakes. He seems to be entangled by a Brazilian python.

Lin Feng said, "I'm sorry, this is the end of the game."

With that, his arm was forced and his neck was broken.

The thick body of Mount Tai of the ape is like a hill, and it flops to the ground.

But Lin Feng said a word in his ear: "want to know why I know you are the killer in the death list? Because, me too , the fastest update of the webnovel!