The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 366

"Ah The referee is full of black lines. He doesn't want to answer the question of whether he can eat the warm-up, but he knows that Lin Feng is a dead fool.

Lin Feng's opponent is still the strong man with a beard.

The referee pulled them to the court and they looked at each other.

That even beard won five people in a row, and saw the order of Phoenix players that dish, he did not pay attention to Lin Feng at all, toe high gas with nostrils to see Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not look at him.

He thought Lin Feng was afraid and said deliberately, "wait till you die, boy. Your beautiful girl is mine. I will press her on the bed and ravage her. Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, the referee made the rules clear, waved his big hand and said, "game, start!"

With that, step aside!

Lin Feng is a cold eyes, a leg toward the other side to a positive pedal.

Even though the moustache had been on guard for a long time, he didn't expect that Lin Feng's leg was so fast that he felt a flash of black shadow. The lightning and flint kicked him on his abdomen.

"Ah -" that even beard felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He wanted to stand up and fight back, but he couldn't stand up in pain.

Lin Feng did not continue to attack, but said aloud: "I could have killed you with one punch, but heaven has a good life. I'll leave you a dog's life, so that you can understand a truth. The strong are more powerful, and the mountain is higher than the one. The players of the order of Phoenix are not as weak as you think. I'll prove it for them now!"

With that, he swept one leg and kicked it directly on the head of the moustache.

That even beard felt a sharp pain in half of his head. Then, he lost his intuition and fainted in the arena.

"Lying trough!"

There was an uproar under the stage.

The referee quickly stepped forward and pulled the moustache a few times, and found that he rolled his white eyes and convulsed all over. Obviously, he was kicked with a brain spasm and could not continue the game.

"The order of the Phoenix wins," he announced

As soon as the words came out, the pent up mood of the order of the Phoenix was released. All of a sudden, yu'er cried out, and the injured players cheered one after another.

"Lin Feng's two moves made the other party Ko?"

"No, in fact, one move is enough. Lin Feng is just teaching him a lesson!"

"Where is Lin Feng sacred? It's so powerful


the young men were excited to discuss under the field, as if they had forgotten their own pain for a time.

Cheng Qianfan is open mouth, surprised eyes are almost out.

He felt a deep sense of powerlessness when he fought with that even bearded man. But he didn't expect that Lin Feng would be able to deal with the terrible opponent with two moves. Is Lin Feng an expert in the world?

But he didn't want to believe this fact, and kept shaking his head to deny his idea: it must not be, Lin Feng is just a slag, he is just lucky, the next game, he will lose very miserably!

At this time, the Golden Phoenix is clenching her fists and clenching her silver teeth. She really wants to raise her arms and shout, which is really too enjoyable!

Who said the order of the Phoenix was deserted? Our chief consultant of the order of the Phoenix, Lin Feng, will stop your stinking mouth!

The Golden Phoenix's beautiful eyes arouse infinite brilliance and dare not blink at Lin Feng on the stage.

The Longkou group, on the other hand, is a little unbelievable.

Long Xiaoqian asked long Shao, "you said that Lin Feng's real identity was a small security guard of Dongsheng Group? Are you sure you're not mistaken? "

"No! He's a little security guard Long Shao Dao.

"A security guard has such ability. He is the most powerful security guard I have seen in my whole life!" Long Xiaoqian couldn't stop admiring.

Then, he looked cold and whispered a few words to his younger brother.

The little brother next to him ran to the Longkou group and whispered a few words to the strong man with long hair.

The wild man with long hair nodded. Then, he tied up his hair with a rubber band, raised his hand to the referee and walked into the cage.

"OK, the Longkou team has confirmed the second player!"

Then, he said to Lin Feng, "please have a rest. The second scene will start later."

Lin Feng said: "don't rest, don't waste time, come on, start now!"

"Crouch, Lin Feng is really arrogant of NIMA!" Long Shao said.

Long Xiaoqian's eyes were gloomy and said, "are you crazy? Then hit him and he won't get mad

"But Dad, this strong man is just like a savage, can't he be smart? Lin Feng is a very cunning man Long Shao Dao.

Long Xiaoqian said: "you underestimate him. This player is not as good as the previous players. This player is an experienced killer. He even ranks in the death list!"

"Death list? Is that the death alliance list? " Long Shao asked in surprise.

"Yes, he's the killer on the death league's death list!" Long Xiaoqian said: "he ranks 98 in the field. He is a heavy weapon nicknamed Mount Tai of the ape. If he goes out, Lin Feng will die miserably.""Wow Long Shao was so happy that he almost jumped up: "so, Dad, when you went abroad, you just went to contact with the death alliance?"

This ape Taishan was brought back by long Xiaoqian when he returned to Jincheng. So long Shao immediately guessed the purpose of long Xiaoqian's going abroad and went to discuss cooperation business with the death god alliance.

The alliance of the dead, which is an international organization that is almost rampant!

The death alliance is a mercenary organization and a super intermediary. It does not belong to any country, but their people are distributed in any country.

The business of death alliance is to receive high reward assassins from all over the world, collect elite killers from all over the world, let killers complete the task, and then give part of the reward to the killer, and the other part to own.

The alliance of the dead was originally founded by a sharpshooter in the United States. I heard that the sharpshooter's bullets would curve and be very sharp.

Later, after the death of the sharpshooter, he changed ownership several times, and is now controlled by a group of world-class elites with money and power.

But these are very normal things. Which world-class organization, not the elite, is in charge of management?

However, the greatest strength of the death alliance lies in the death list he created.

The death list is a list of the world's elite killers. No matter what killing skills you study, as long as you have enough fighting power, you will appear on the list of killers.

There are a total of 100 killers on the death list, all arranged according to their combat effectiveness. The higher the rank of killers, the easier they can receive tasks in the death alliance, and the higher the remuneration.

This system makes the world's notorious killers swarm in and fight each other, just to be able to rank high in the death list and get high commission.

The killers who are not included in the death list will not have a chance to receive the reward task given by the death alliance.

Of course, if the killer wants to earn the rich Commission of the death alliance, he can find the killer on the list of death and kill one to replace him.

However, the list of death gods is not groundless. The top 100 killers in the world are worthy of the name from the dead. Many people are blinded by money and challenge them to replace them. Finally, they all die in their hands, which adds to their fighting power and gives them their heads in vain.

Therefore, the 100 killers in the death list are formidable figures who have passed the test of real gold and silver, and the killers who can sit on the list for a long time are even more remarkable!

In this way, Tarzan is quite powerful!

At this time, the referee said, "since the order of Phoenix players request no rest, then the game will continue!"

"Now please prepare for the competition and start!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!