The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 365

"Are you a player?" Long Xiaoqian was stunned.

"That's right." Lin Feng said, "I am the chief Royal advisor of the order of Phoenix, or a native player of the order of Phoenix."! The most representative of the strength of the order of the Phoenix! "

"Lin Feng! Stop it Jin Fenghuang came up to dissuade him and said, "if the order of Phoenix is defeated today, it's nothing to say!"

Jin Fenghuang's analysis is very clear. Four of the five people on the opposite side didn't play. The first player is so strong. The stronger one must be put behind. If Lin Feng wants to win, he has to kill all the way. This is more difficult than going to heaven.

Secondly, he didn't want Lin Feng to miss anything, because in this competition, he lost his arms and legs, and even his life. She could not let Lin Feng take the risk for the order of the Phoenix.

What's more, if you know the impossible task for a long time, why try it? Don't you ask for trouble?

But at this time, long Shao covered his face and said, "fight, why not fight? Lin Feng, if you don't play, you are grandson! You are a member of the order of the Phoenix. You mean that the whole order of the Phoenix has been counselled. Rubbish, a group of rubbish

Long Shao's incoherent scolding, in fact, wants to enrage Lin Feng on the stage, so that he can let his players, righteously kill Lin Feng in the arena!

But Lin Feng said: "Oh, you say so, I really counselled, do not fight no more!"

"Well, don't play this game!" Jin Fenghuang agrees with Lin Feng's idea.

"Lin Feng, you eggshell This can make long Shao angry. Originally, he wanted to excite Lin Feng to come to the stage, but the other side did the opposite. This guy is too angry.

At this time, long Xiaoqian said to him, "OK, you can say less!"

Long Xiaoqian also hopes that Lin Feng can come to the stage. As a result, Lin Feng will be on the stage, but he is run away by his son, Long Yang, with a few words. It's really not enough to succeed but more to fail.

"Lin Feng NIMA, can you be like a man?" Long Shaoqi's face is almost purple.

"No!" Lin Feng said with a smile.


"shut up!" Long Xiaoqian yelled at long Shao, "no wonder people say you are mentally retarded. Sometimes you are really brainless. Go back and stop talking!"

Long Xiaoqian could see that Lin Feng was just deliberately angry. As a result, his son was still fighting against the wind. Finally, he made himself more and more angry, which was really mindless.

Long rare father angry, quickly back to one side, but the heart is angry don't want, this his? Lin Feng is simply too angry!

"Lin Feng, you have to think about it carefully. If you go on the stage, you may have a chance to save face for the order of Phoenix. If you leave like this, the order of the Phoenix will give people the impression of being counselled and cooked. This impression is due to you. After all, no matter what other players do, they still dare to compete on the stage!" Long Xiaoqian said.

"Oh, ah long, you said that you are not mentally retarded. I wanted to leave. As a result, you have to say something messy and force me to come on stage. If I win you, you will have face, right? What a mental handicap Lin Feng said, "OK, I'll play with you as the fifth player on behalf of the order of Phoenix."

Long Xiaoqian bit his teeth. After a conversation today, he was scolded by the boy for being mentally retarded. He would have liked to have Lin Feng cut into pieces. At this time, Lin Feng came to the stage and fell in love with his tricks.

"Good! You didn't give the order of the Phoenix an impression at last! " Long Xiaoqian said.

"Oh, retarded!" Lin Feng threw a sentence at long Xiaoqian, then went to the stage, moved his muscles and bones, and took off his coat.

"Lin Feng, this is not for fun. Are you really going to go there?" Jin Fenghuang said: "you scold long Xiaoqian repeatedly. He has already killed you. If you go to the challenge arena, you may not be able to come down."

"Elder sister, for the sake of the order of the Phoenix, I'll do whatever I can!" Lin Feng said tragically.

"Lin Feng!" Golden Phoenix eyes moist.

She was deeply moved by Lin Feng. This man, for her sake, was not afraid of difficulties and dangers. He knew that the other side was a tiger's den, but he was still desperate. Why did he treat me so well?

Does he like me?

Gold Phoenix pretty face a red, went forward to pull Lin Feng said: "brother, let's go, don't fight, even if the sister has nothing, don't let you take this risk."

"Sister, I have to fight!" Lin Feng deliberately said with pride: "I want to let them know that the order of the Phoenix is extremely powerful. As long as I have Lin Feng, the order of the Phoenix will be invincible. My sister, no one can bully me. Sister, you want me to go. If you really don't worry, do something for me!"

"What's the matter?" asked the Golden Phoenix

"What, give me a kiss, hehe, hehe!" Lin Feng put his face together: "come on, don't mention it! Mamda

The Golden Phoenix was suddenly shy and shy, but in her heart, there was some happiness and expectation.

Over the years, no one but that man had ever touched her, and he had never had any intimate behavior with any man on any occasion.But today, she felt like she was going to fall.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, opened his lips, and kissed Lin Feng's face.

All of a sudden, people were envious.

Long Shao and Cheng Qianfan's teeth are itching, and even the bearded players are also very angry and clamour one after another.

You've soaked all the beauties. Damn it. I'm not going to kill you!

Jin Fenghuang's affectionate kiss, with his own nostalgic girl's heart, kiss on Lin Feng's face, but he is shy, don't go too quickly, like a shy little daughter-in-law.

"Sister, this kiss is so affectionate that I can't help but repay you! Ha ha ha

Lin Feng laughs and says, then goes to the arena.

When the Golden Phoenix comes back to his senses, Lin Feng has already arrived at the bottom of the challenge arena.

When Lin Feng Road was waiting for Qian fan, he suddenly laughed at Cheng Qianfan and said, "don't you say I can only talk on paper?"? Now let me show you my actual combat

Then, he said to several other young men: "you cheer for brother Feng, and brother Feng will avenge you!"

Finish saying, added a sentence: "I wipe, still quite rhyme!"

Those young men laughed one after another, and their hearts were very grateful, but they knew that the other side was powerful. It was enough for Lin Feng to have this heart. And Lin Feng can also make a joke at this time, his attitude of taking death as home, really makes people admire.

Several young men immediately respect Lin Feng, if it is not because the arms and legs do not compete, they must stand up and salute in unison.

At this time, Cheng Qianfan said: "I bet that he will die within ten seconds after he comes on stage."

"Crow's mouth!" Nearby Xiaoyi directly gives Cheng Qianfan a punch. The rest of the people are also angry, scared Cheng Qianfan dare not speak.

At this time, yu'er said, "Lin Feng, don't try to be brave. I will be ready to help you at any time."

"Oh, man, have you found your conscience?" Lin Feng said while on the stage.

Yu'er didn't answer, but said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, I'll replace the order of the Phoenix, thank you!"

"No, my brother mouse likes you very much. You can think about him when you have time. Ha ha!"

Lin Feng finished and turned to the stage.

At this time, on the side of the Longkou group, long Shao had already secretly said hello to several of their players: "Lin Feng will be tortured in the dead for a while, and nothing will be taken care of!"

But long Xiaoqian made a secret gesture to the referee. The referee understood and nodded.

At this time, Lin Feng walked into the cage and said to the referee, "what, let's start!"

"Don't you need to warm up?" the referee asked

But Lin Feng raised his face with a smile: "what is warm-up? Can you eat it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!