The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 364

"Come here and I'll tell you how I got it in!" Lin Feng smiles and beckons to Longshao.

Long Shao frowned tightly, but he went over and went to Lin Feng's side and said, "how did you get it in?"

"What do you think this is?" Lin Feng raised his hand and waved in front of long Shao!

"What is this?"

Long Shao carefully looked in the past, but he didn't see anything in Lin Feng's hand!

However, at this time, Lin Feng is aimed at long Shao's face, directly is a slap!

"Pa --"

with a slap, long Shao's face suddenly swelled up.

"Ah -" long Shao was frightened and angry. His face was burning with pain and his teeth were shaken. He said angrily, "why did you hit me?"

"It's a hand, can't you see it?" "Didn't you ask me how my mobile phone came in?" Lin Feng said? Of course I brought it in with my hands! Ha ha ha

Lin Feng laughed: "you are so stupid, shouldn't I beat you? Beating you makes you smarter

"Lin Feng, do you dare to play with me?"

Long Shao covered his face. He was really angry and didn't want it. In his own territory, when he was completely dominant, he was beaten by Lin Feng. Is that disgusting?

But the last time he was pushed into the water by Lin Feng, he knew that his strength was not as big as Lin Feng. At this time, he couldn't beat him back, so he ordered to those players: "you call him first, grab his mobile phone and kill him!"

"Wait!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and suddenly said to long Xiaoqian, "I said, ah long, can you manage your son? If his IQ is low, you can't allow others to educate him. Does his IQ follow you?"

As soon as Lin Feng said this, all of us were stunned, and their faces were filled with fear and fear.

Long Xiaoqian is in Jincheng, but he has only one hand to cover the sky. He eats both black and white. To put it more exaggeratedly, when he stomps his feet, Jincheng has to shake three times.

The Longkou group under long Xiaoqian has many disciples and experts. It has been rampant in Jincheng community for several years, and has become more and more powerful.

In Jincheng, who didn't bow and bow when he saw long Xiaoqian?

Even the head of jinxiaocheng, even the officials of Daxiao City, did not dare to come to the scene.

Such a grand occasion, people can not help but sigh, long Xiaoqian is now the first person in Jincheng community!

However, today, this little boy called him a long?

What's more, he also beat other people's sons. What's more, he also named the father and son of Lianlong Xiaoqian by name. They both scolded each other, which was particularly ugly!

Isn't this death?

The people of the Longkou group did not dare to make a sound and kept silent.

Because they know that it's very frightening for the Dragon boss to be angry!

And gold phoenix and others are also a burst of panic, this Lin Feng, how suddenly scolded the Dragon Xiaoqian?

Isn't that the rhythm to be buried here?

Cheng Qianfan is secretly happy in his heart, Lin Feng, you boy is really crazy, ah, this time you are crazy to the end, you wait to be skinned and cramped!

At this time, long Xiaoqian stood up and looked at Lin Feng angrily, but he didn't get as angry as people imagined. However, seeing his eyes narrowed slightly and his teeth clenched, he hated Lin Feng deeply.

"Your name is Lin Feng, aren't you?" Long Xiaoqian asked coldly.

He just heard from his son long Shao that this man was the main culprit who humiliated his son last time. He thought that Lin Feng was a bad shrimp, so he didn't take time to clean him up. As a result, he fell on his own feet and jumped out. He really wanted to die!

"Yes, my name is Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said.

"You just said that our father and son's intelligence quotient is low, you insulted us, you are not afraid not to see tomorrow's sun?" Long Xiaoqian said coldly.

His eyes radiated a thrilling cold light, which made people shiver.

People can't help but sigh, the Dragon boss is worthy of the community to carry the handle, a look is so lethal.

Ordinary people see this kind of look, will not naturally produce fear in the heart, but Lin Feng in the face of his eyes, but calm, calm, even with a sneer at him.

"Ah long, I don't mean you. You and your son are exactly the same. I said that you have low IQ, no problem!" Lin Feng Road.

"You say it!" Long Xiaoqian comes close and looks at Lin Feng coldly. He seems to want to break Lin Feng into pieces.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "I asked you, isn't it a fighting competition? Do you want to rise to the point where the strength of any club is so serious? If you are good at fighting, the club will be better? This has something to do with the strength of the club? You are not imposing a crime on the order of the Phoenix

"The Longkou group, even the ordinary small community, would not do such a thing, even the ordinary small community would not do it! But you do it. Will the Longkou group be shameless? ""Lin Feng, what evidence do you have for us to impose charges on you Long Xiao Qian Dao.

"I'm not a cell phone video? You forget so soon? Are you mentally disabled? " Lin Feng Road.

When long Xiaoqian heard this, his angry teeth were almost broken. The boy always insulted him. Moreover, his powerful aura seemed to have no effect on him at all.

Long Xiaoqian said coldly: "Lin Feng, your mobile phone video can't explain anything. The strength of the order of Phoenix is shallow. It's no use deceiving the Jincheng community. It's useless to argue."

"Just because we can't beat you, it means that the order of the Phoenix is weak?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course, even if you don't lose 5-0, it's OK, but you can't win a game. Isn't that weak?" Long Xiaoqian once again stealthily changes the concept to say.

Then, he said to the Golden Phoenix: "I have a word in advance, so that you can prepare well, and clearly said to you, it is OK to hire a master to come here, but your performance today is just too disappointing!"

Jin Fenghuang shook her head helplessly. She was trapped by Cheng Qianfan. Otherwise, she would spend three million yuan. How could she hire a similar fighting master? She would not lose so miserably. At least there is room for agreement. Now there is no room for two people to lose together. What face does the order of Phoenix have to argue here?

Long Xiaoqian looked at Jin Fenghuang's dejected look, and then he turned back to look at Lin Feng and said, "so, don't argue with me any more. Weak is weak. Weak should be punished. And if you insult our father and son, you should also be punished."

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "you say it's strong to fight, right?"

"Yes Long Xiaoqian said.

"Good!" Lin Feng said, "the order of the Phoenix can fight again. It's not lost yet."

"The game is over. Why haven't you lost?" Long Xiao Qian Dao.

"Because the order of the Phoenix has only played four games, and there is a fifth one!" Lin Feng said.

Long Xiaoqian made a tour around, with a scornful smile and said, "but you don't seem to have any more players."

"Yes Lin Feng said, "the last player is me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!