The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 363

Long Xiaoqian is very strong. He walks to the Golden Phoenix and asks in a deep voice: "is this the player you bring? Do you think of our friends in the armed society this time? Children's plays? "

"Please let me down," said Jin Fenghuang. "I take this competition seriously, and our players are all out in the competition!"

"What a good one is to do!" "If you really do your best, there is only one reason, your player, too weak," said long Xiaoqian! You Phoenix, it's too weak! "

"This..." Jin Phoenix doesn't know what to say.

"Even if a small club comes to play with me, it's impossible to lose so much," said long Xiaoqian? Is that the level of one of the four clubs in Jincheng? Is that what your Phoenix Club is capable of? Can't anyone come out and play a good one? "

The Golden Phoenix was said by dragon Xiaoqian to not lift his head, and there is no room for refutation.

"Hum, even if you pay for it, you will hire a similar one! Are you out of money? " "How can you be the four big clubs in Jincheng, just like you, for the weak and small groups?" longxiaoqian said

At this time, Longshao said: "what way did you use to sit in the throne of the four major communities? Is it a rule? "

Because of the Jincheng Association selection, mainly some of the prestige of the old generation to vote, plus each community has 10 votes, together, the most votes will be promoted to one of the four major groups.

The so-called venerable old generation is not only the old generation who were mixed up in the Jincheng circle in the past: the elder master of Dao, villain, ye 8 and Sima desire wind of the racing party.

The meaning of dragon Shao is to slander the Golden Phoenix to sell the body and obtain the recognition of these people.

At this time, Longshao continued to say, "Oh, no wonder, no wonder, no wonder when the poetry conference, the villains of the master Dao are all present, and you have taken them down for a long time?"

"Dragon Shao, please don't insult me!" "They were only attending the fourth meeting in the face of my dead cousin, but it had nothing to do with me," said Kim, sullen

"Don't pull, I think you just use your body, and confuse the old guys! Your Phoenix Club has its own watch in vain, and it is not worthy of being the four major clubs in Jincheng! " "Long Shao shouted.

"Even if you don't use your upper body, you said," the group of people is looking at your cousin's face, it seems you are still a related household! "

"I..." Golden Phoenix was said for a while.

"Your Phoenix Club has no strength at all, but you use the relationship to climb up the throne of the four major associations in Jincheng, enjoy the resource advantages in all aspects and the salary of each year. Phoenix society is really a pest in Jincheng community. You are the president of the Jin community, and you cannot escape the blame!" Cried long Xiaoqian.

"Yes, Phoenix is a pest, and Golden Phoenix is a speculator, a liar, and deceived our entire community!" Dragon Shao is on the side of the opportunity to coax the way.

"Dragon boss, our Phoenix Club really depends on strength..." Golden Phoenix still insists.

"Nonsense!" Dragon Xiaoqian patted the table around him and said in a rage: "today your strength has been lost. You still have a cunning argument? You don't know how to repent? "

Jin Fenghuang silver teeth clenched, humiliation, sadness, anger and other emotions mixed in his heart, but she could not find any breakthrough to vent, she can only bear.

"Then I want to hear what advice is there from dragon boss? What do you think we should do with Phoenix? "

"She thought, but she could not fight. She didn't know the intention of dragon Xiaoqian. If the handling opinions of longxiaoqian were relatively light, she could accept it so as not to make things big.".

At this time, dragon Xiaoqian looked at the Dragon Shao, and the Dragon Shao saw a dirty look, and the color squinted to the Golden Phoenix.

Longxiaoqian said: "in fact, your Phoenix community has no strength to stand among the four major clubs in Jincheng. As the first group in Jincheng, Longkou group does not want to be in trouble with you. We just want to support the new community. Therefore, I think you can choose to marry my son Longyang. In this way, Longkou group will give you resources and support you. Your strength will be very fast Will be raised, so that can be the four major groups! You think about it. I think about it all for you, president Jin! "

"Yeah, yeah!" "I read countless women, good technology, you marry, nothing to do, just need to accompany me every night, let me be very comfortable, you can make your Phoenix like the sky, you see, you are also cool, the community is also strong, how good!"

"You shut your dog's mouth!" The Golden Phoenix's face is red.

Although Jin Fenghuang has experienced the vicissitudes of the world and knows the smooth way to deal with the world, at the same time, she is also a chaste and strong woman. The temperament in her bones is very rebellious. A pair of father and son of the Longkou group really disgusted him. She ran to the attitude of being broken and not completely broken, and she was firmly unable to agree with them.

And understand that people all know the intention of longxiaoqian. In this way, longxiaoqian wants to directly swallow Phoenix society. Meanwhile, his son can get a beautiful girl, play if you want to play, and throw it away if you want to play. Phoenix and Golden Phoenix will become the toys they applaud.Golden Phoenix is so smart, how can it not understand their intentions!

There are only two ways to stay in front of the Golden Phoenix, either as a toy or fight to death.

Golden Phoenix chose the latter.

"Wanton, shameless!" Long Shao scolded: "my father, this is to give you a chance. Don't be a whore and want to set up a memorial archway. If it's not good, you can kneel and lick my crotch. I'll play with you in all kinds of postures every day. Or, you'll wait for the collapse of the order of Phoenix. You're the pest that deceives Jincheng community, and you're waiting for the major organizations to attack."

The Longkou group has long supported many small associations. If they have the chance, they will fight for the top position. Once this happens, those societies will destroy the order of Phoenix if they fight for their lives. After all, if they hold the banner of beating cheaters, they will fight to fight the order of Phoenix!

"You Longkou group, bullying people too much! We have no time to play with you! " Golden Phoenix cheered.

Then she said to her, "yu'er, let's go!"

"Hold on!" Long Shao sneered: "do you want to go when you come? It's not that easy! I was bullied in the water by Lin Feng in the order of Phoenix. When you were watching the excitement, didn't you think that there would be today? "

"What do you want to do Golden Phoenix Road.

"What do I want to do? Hum With a cold smile, long Shao said to several of their players, "come here, tie these people to me. Jin Fenghuang is dragged to me. I will bring her to the right place today."

"You are so lawless Jin Fenghuang was shaking with anger.

"Yes, in my territory, we are lawless Long Shao said to the players, "what are you doing? Go on!"

The five contestants, such as the bearded man and the wild man with long hair, surrounded by the Golden Phoenix and others. The wild man player also asked Longshao in a thick voice: "long Shao, this big beautiful girl is so beautiful. After you play, can you give it to your brothers?"

"All right, when I'm done, I'll throw it to you!" Long Shao Dao.

"Ha ha ha, that's great. We'll let him die!" The strong man with long hair walked towards the Golden Phoenix. His mouth was full of saliva, which was very disgusting.

Seeing this group of people are about to surround Jin Fenghuang and others, a banter voice is heard from the seat next to him:

"come on, everyone look at me, yes, let's get together together, otherwise the camera can't fit!"

Everyone was surprised to see in the past, found that Lin Feng with his broken cottage mobile phone, in the back of the video.

"Lin Feng, how did you bring your mobile phone in?"

Long Shao was shocked. Didn't you search your body and put your mobile phone outside?

"Come here and I'll tell you how I brought it in!" Lin Feng smiles and beckons to Longshao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!