The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 362

Golden Phoenix really can't think of any way to deal with the Longkou group.

This time, she really felt that she was too careless, even believed this nonsense Cheng Qianfan!

However, at this time, Cheng Qianfan is still asking for forgiveness:

"boss Jin, I really don't blame me this time. It's them... Please forgive me!"

The Golden Phoenix feels to listen to him to speak disgusting, then coldly way: "don't talk nonsense, you this kind of achievement, deposit also should give me to return back."

"What? Who said the deposit could be refunded? " Cheng Qianfan said.

"Elder martial brother, we had a good deal at the beginning. If you win, we will give you another 1.3 million yuan. If you lose, 80% of the deposit will be returned. If you lose, you will have to return 800000!" Said yu'er.

"A million dollars deposit, and 1.3 million yuan if you win? So much money? "

At this time, Ah Ming, who was lying next to him, was stunned.

The appearance fee of each of them is only a few thousand yuan. As a result, how much money has been made in this journey?

"Cheng Qianfan, your heart is so black! Cheat us to work for you, and you give us this money? They are not enough to support the body, and you often have millions. Are you still a human being? "

Iron ox in the side of anger toward Cheng Qianfan curse.

He thought that the game was a small fight, but he didn't expect it was a black boxing game. He gave thousands of yuan? What's more, he also makes so much money in the middle, which is too much of a trap!

"Tieniu, who are you talking to? You pay attention to your attitude? " Cheng Qianfan said angrily.

At this time, Tieniu was also angry. He yelled: "Cheng Qianfan, what's wrong with your attitude? You don't know anything. You guide us blindly, so that we are beaten and maimed by others. I can bear it. If you lose the game, you put all the blame on us, but you excuse yourself. But you and he still blackmail us on money? Do you know that Amin's father is waiting for money? The thousands of yuan you gave this time are not enough for Amin to see a doctor, right? Amin can't move now. Who will save his father? Shit, you scum

His phone call can be regarded as all the anger of everyone, the rest of the people have also complained.

"Yes, we were cheated of money even if we didn't talk about it. Isn't it that the overall reward is only tens of thousands of yuan? But you've got 800000 for the deposit

"Yes, the worst way to lose the game is to get 200000 yuan. As a result, each of us has 3000 yuan."

"Cheng Qianfan, how dark is your heart?"


"shut up, I'm against you!" Cheng Qianfan see this group of guys in front of the Golden Phoenix and jade son expose him, he immediately become angry.

One side of the Golden Phoenix and other people heard, also understand what is going on. The feeling is that Cheng Qianfan talks about the appearance fee with others, but he deceives others that he won the game only tens of thousands of yuan in total, and then divides them into several thousand yuan.

Such a vicious black fist, a person to give thousands of dollars? What if someone is killed? It's just a matter of life!

Yu'er felt even more embarrassed and embarrassed. She quickly stepped forward and said, "all the younger martial brothers, please don't get angry. If you go back and talk about it slowly, don't fight against each other here. If you lose the face of Huashan sect, it's not good!"

"Bah, who is your younger brother?" "You have been cheated by Cheng Qianfan, don't you know? He has been expelled from Huashan sect for a long time. Because he is ignorant and has no place to go, he mixes with us and makes money by taking us to fight everywhere. He just uses the name of the descendant of Huashan sect as a cover. In fact, he is a liar! Scum


Yu'er and Jin Fenghuang are surprised.

Yu'er looked at Cheng Qianfan coldly and asked, "what they said is true?"

Cheng Qianfan at this time has completely lost his pride just now. Seeing that the matter is about to be revealed, he quickly said: "jade son, listen to my explanation!"

When yu'er saw Cheng Qianfan's acquiescence, she shook her head in anger and scolded: "asshole, Cheng Qianfan, I thought you were a brilliant Huashan sect disciple, but I didn't expect you were a liar!"

The Golden Phoenix is a face bitter smile, she this time, look out of sight.

That Cheng Qianfan looks like an expert. He is a bit bluffing, but the main thing is that Jin Fenghuang trusts yu'er, so he is cheated.

At this time, Jin Fenghuang suddenly remembered all kinds of actions of Lin Feng. No wonder Lin Feng always quarreled with Cheng Qianfan. At this time, Jin Fenghuang realized that Lin Feng had already seen through all this.

But yu'er is still foolishly helping his elder martial brother speak. She is even more foolish to believe Cheng Qianfan, a liar. She even occasionally feels that Lin Feng talks too much and is afraid that Lin Feng will affect Cheng Qianfan's mood.

Now want to come, Golden Phoenix really feel very sorry for Lin Feng, very guilty.

"Cheng Qianfan, you liar, did I trust you so much? Please return the deposit I gave you and get out of here Looking at Cheng Qianfan, the Golden Phoenix has a cold light in his eyes, which is totally opposite to the respect attitude before."Boss Jin, you are killing the donkey! When you've finished me, let me go. Your heart is really black Cheng Qianfan sees that the situation is gone, and the dog jumps over the wall and bites back.

"You..." Jin Fenghuang's face flushed with anger.

"Cheng Qianfan, you've cheated people, and you've cheated me out, haven't you?" At this time, Lin Feng interrupted.

He really can't look down, this journey Qianfan, too bullshit!

Lin Feng said, walked to Cheng Qianfan and said with a smile, "I said that you would shame the order of Phoenix. As a result, you didn't disappoint me, ha ha ha!"

"Lin Feng, why are you everywhere? I'm talking with boss Jin. Where can I get you to talk?" Cheng Qianfan angry way.

"You don't know, don't you? I am the chief Royal adviser of the order of the Phoenix. If you cheat the order of the Phoenix, then you cheat me. I am not qualified to say you? " Lin Feng Road.

"You..." Cheng Qianfan looked at Lin Feng's smiling appearance. He was so angry that he almost bit and bled. He wanted to kill Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you don't think you have a lot of cattle, although I lost today, but I am still better than you, you are a scum who can only talk!" Cheng Qianfan stood up with one leg and looked at Lin Feng face-to-face. He said, "you can only brag under the field, and you can only talk on paper. What kind of ability are you?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "it's not a matter of skill, but it can piss you off."

"I grass NIMA!" Cheng Qianfan has long been unhappy with Lin Feng. Listening to Lin Feng's remark, he angrily waved his fist and hit Lin Feng.

"You drink, you still want to hit people when it's all like this?" Lin Feng takes Qianfan's fist and pinches it.

"Click" a sound, hear Cheng Qianfan hand bone broken sound.

"Ah -" Cheng Qianfan shivered with pain.

Then Lin Feng slapped his mouth on Cheng Qianfan's face and yelled: "this slap is given to you for sister Jin. Sister Jin treats you as a master, but you shame the whole order of Phoenix. Damn it!"

"Poof -" Cheng Qianfan spat out blood and brought out a tooth.

Jin Fenghuang suddenly felt guilty again. When Lin Feng and Cheng Qianfan argued, he always said that Lin Feng was not. At this time, it seems that Lin Feng is the most correct one.

Without waiting for Cheng Qianfan to react, Lin Feng slapped him in the face.

"Pa --"

"this slap is given to you for your little brothers. They work hard for you. You treat them as idiots. You should beat them up!"

The little brothers were lying on the stretcher, listening to Lin Feng's words, and their hearts were warmed. They didn't expect that this careless boy could be so righteous that he could speak for them. Suddenly, he felt that the character of Cheng Qianfan was just like a piece of shit compared with this boy.

"I... ah, how painful!"

Cheng Qianfan at this time feel his two mouth are not his own, instant swelling like steamed bread.

"Does it hurt? But it's not over yet Lin Feng deceives the body to go up, is to him mercilessly draw a mouth in the past.

Cheng Qianfan uses another hand to block, but he finds that Lin Feng's palms are too strong for him to stop.

"Pa --" a slap and hard fan in his face, suddenly hit the mouth spit out a fuzzy like flesh and blood things.

Lin Feng shouts: "this slap is for you. He trusts you so much, but you cheat her. How can you let her face her elder sister?"

Hearing this, yu'er was almost moved to cry.

Lin Feng, at the critical moment, actually speaks for himself. He has been insulting him before. He is really blind!

Cheng Qianfan nearly fainted and was about to fall. At this time, Lin Feng stepped forward and slapped him again.

"Pa --"

"this slap is sent to you for Huashan. It insults the school and is extremely guilty!"

Lin Feng said, directly throw Cheng Qianfan on the ground, Cheng Qianfan gasping, two sides of the face of the cheek almost be hit through.

But at this time, listen to long Xiaoqian's deep voice and say: "I said your side, have you done enough?"? You should be done with your own family, right? Should we get down to business? "

With that, long Xiaoqian stood up and stepped forward with dignity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!