The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 361

"Well, here I am!"

Cheng Qianfan saw Amin holding each other, his eyes a bright, the opportunity finally came.

Then, he put on a big drink: "slag, today I Cheng Qianfan will teach you how to be a man, eat me a galloping thunder fist!"

He rushed to the moustache and punched him in the face.

Because a Ming is holding the arms of lianmaohu, lianmaohu doesn't raise his hand to block him, so he is hit by Cheng Qianfan.

"Bang --"

a sound of bone and flesh collision came out, but even the beard seemed to have no problem and was safe.

He twisted his neck, eyes wide open, angry at Cheng Qianfan.

This is the first time that he has been punched by someone else in today's competition. Moreover, he has been punched by such a rubbish person, which makes him very angry.

Cheng Qianfan is shocked in his heart. What's the situation? How can this person's fighting ability be so strong? He didn't react at all when he tried his best?

Is that terrible?

"I'll kill you!"

Even beard roared angrily towards Cheng Qianfan.

"Brother Cheng, I can't hold it. Hurry up!" Amin has exhausted all his strength, but he still can't restrain his opponent. He feels that the other party will break away from his hands at any time.

Cheng Qianfan also responded, quickly accumulate strength, toward that even beard is a punch in the past.

In this blow, he chose to hit the chin with a hairy beard, because this part of the jaw is most likely to knock people into shock.

Cheng Qianfan's fist is also with his greatest strength, a punch to the other side in the past.

"Bang --"

this punch hit Lianmao beard again.

However, there was still no sign of his defeat, which made him even more angry.

"I'll kill you!"

Even the beard forced a earn, broke away from the shackles of Amin, toward Cheng Qianfan rushed.

Cheng Qianfan suddenly feel chrysanthemum tight, the other side is simply amazing combat effectiveness, too terrible.

At this time, Amin hugged each other from behind and yelled, "brother Cheng, hurry up!"

Seeing this, Cheng Qianfan takes the opportunity to rush to lianmaohu and wants to punch lianmaohu again.

However, that even beard raised a foot, directly pedaled on Cheng Qianfan's abdomen, and knelt directly on the ground. His stomach was in sharp pain, and his face was in unbearable pain.

Then, with a strong waist and abdomen, the beard threw it directly to Amin, and then rushed to Amin's side and kicked him in the ribs.

There was a click.

Amin's left rib concave into a piece, obviously was kicked to break a few ribs, as for visceral injury, it is not known.

But obviously, Amin has lost his fighting power.

The moustache went to Cheng Qianfan and said, "I'll kill you!"

Cheng Qianfan hit him two fists, already infuriated him, he wanted to end Cheng Qianfan at this time.

Cheng Qianfan kneels on the ground, pain makes him unable to stand up, he feels the threat of death.

This kind of black boxing often kills people. Cheng Qianfan looks at Lian Maohu's eyes and his eyes turn red. He is very frightened and flustered. Every foot that Lian Maohu comes to him seems to have stepped on his heart.

At this time, even beard came up to him, picked him up and threw it out.


Cheng Qianfan's body directly hit the iron wire fence at the edge of the cage, then bounced back and fell directly on the floor.

Even beard directly forward a foot, step on Cheng Qianfan's calf, force a crush.


Cheng Qianfan's lower leg was trampled on by even beard.

"Ah --"

Cheng Qianfan yelled and said, "I give up, I give up!"

At this time, the moustache came forward and covered Cheng Qianfan's mouth, which made him unable to admit defeat. Then he grabbed Cheng Qianfan and threw it out directly.

With the sound of "Putong", Cheng Qianfan was once again thrown.

"Elder martial brother!"

Yu'er shouts outside the cage.

Cheng Qianfan couldn't hear the voice outside the stadium. His heart was full of fear. He begged for mercy: "I give up. Let me go. I give up!"

Seeing this scene, yu'er's heart was broken.

Is this senior brother Cheng Qianfan? Why is it so bad?

Not only did he not show any strength, but also his mind was not firm. He even begged for mercy in a mess, which not only disgraced the order of Phoenix, but also the Huashan sect!

Yu'er doesn't want to see Cheng Qianfan any more. Her trust and worship for Cheng Qianfan has collapsed in an instant. She turns her head, and her heart seems to be caught by someone!

At this time, Cheng Qianfan is still in the arena like a pig shouting: "please forgive me, please, I don't fight, I admit defeat!""Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Cheng Qianfan's embarrassed appearance amused all the players in the Longkou group, but the players at the end of the order of Phoenix were blushing.

It's a shame. It's a shame.

They were all dejected and did not even have the courage to look up.

The referee came forward to hold Lianmao beard and announced to the audience, "the Longkou team wins!"

As soon as this word comes out, the heart of Golden Phoenix is completely cool.

Cheng Qianfan says that he can win. As a result, no one will lose! This person is not as powerful as yu'er said. Look at this performance, even garbage is not as good as ah!

Really should that sentence: before the competition, X is fierce as a tiger, a meal operation zero to five.

The face of the order of the Phoenix is completely lost by them!

The Golden Phoenix looks at yu'er, who slaps her in the face directly, tears streaming down her face and says, "elder sister, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for the order of Phoenix, elder sister, I'm damned!"

Then, she saw Cheng Qianfan under the arena, he went directly to the arena, said: "bandage yourself!"

"Jade son, what do you mean? You have to help me, help me quickly!" Looking at his weak deformation of the lower leg, Cheng Qianfan kept urging yu'er.

Yu'er said, "Why are you so vulnerable? Now, I'm ruined by you! Your group of people, the strength is not poor, even if you can't, why don't you find some experts? Now you've got the order of the Phoenix in a very embarrassing situation, and you want to have the face for me to bandage you? "

Cheng Qianfan sees that yu'er blames him. He is so angry and defeated: "don't forget that I am your senior brother. Do you respect your elder brother so much?"

At the mention of this, yu'er was silent.

In her bones, she is very respectful of teachers, so Cheng Qianfan's words, let her can not refute.

She took a deep breath, squatted down, and even helped Cheng Qianfan bandage it, but she simply wound her legs.

The people in the Longkou group were all gloating at this side. Long Xiaoqian did not immediately ask for the trouble of Golden Phoenix. He and his son long Shao looked at the scene in front of them and seemed to enjoy it very much. They enjoyed looking at the enemy's panic and fear, and they liked to see each other's defeat.

At this time, Jin Fenghuang also went to Cheng Qianfan and looked at Cheng Qianfan with great disappointment: "yes, you let me have a new understanding of Huashan school!"

"Boss Kim, listen to me!" Cheng Qianfan explained to Jin Fenghuang.

"Hum!" Jin Fenghuang didn't want to listen to his so-called explanation and turned his head.

Seeing that Jin Fenghuang didn't pay any attention to him, Cheng Qianfan pointed to the other four young men and started to scold them, and completely threw his anger on them:

"none of you four can carry the flag, especially you, Amin. Why don't you hold each other dead? If it wasn't for you, would we lose? It's up to the four of you to lose today's game

After scolding him, he said to Jin Fenghuang: "boss Jin, it's me who looked away. The four of them really let me down. I was completely dragged down by them. My real strength is not like this!"

Cheng Qianfan's face can be said to be kind to a certain extent, and this kind of words can be said by him.

However, the Golden Phoenix did not want to pay any attention to him, because the Golden Phoenix was really under great pressure at this time.

Longkou group iron must take the opportunity to find fault, how to do? I'm afraid the reputation of the order of the Phoenix will not be preserved! , the fastest update of the webnovel!