The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 360

"OK, elder martial brother!"

Yu'er comes up to help Cheng Qianfan knock his legs and knead his shoulders.

"Elder martial brother, you must refuel!"

With the look of expectation on her face, yu'er has great trust in Cheng Qianfan. She thinks that her elder martial brother will succeed in the horse. What's more, the elder martial brother's fight this time is two people, and the chance of winning is greatly increased!

The reason why yu'er is so confident in Cheng Qianfan is that her impression of Cheng Qianfan is still three years ago.

Three years ago, Cheng Qianfan was an inner disciple of Huashan sect, while yu'er was only an outsider. Therefore, yu'er worshipped Cheng Qianfan very much. But at that time, something happened in her family, so she went down the mountain and had no contact with Huashan sect ever since.

But once upon a time, she got a call from Cheng Qianfan. Cheng Qianfan said that he had learned something and had come down the mountain to practice in recent years, and he also won many awards.

Then, show yu'er his certificate of award and make her bluff.

Yu'er knows that Huashan school's martial arts are extensive and profound, so she has no doubt about Cheng Qianfan. This time, when Jin Fenghuang wanted to find an expert, she thought of Cheng Qianfan at the first time.

It's just that in the first few games, Cheng Qianfan's subordinates showed too much. Yu'er was worried and embarrassed in face. This time, her elder martial brother is going to be on the stage. How can she not expect it!

"Don't worry, younger martial sister. The elder martial brother is going to fight for two." Cheng Qianfan patted his chest.

The reason why Cheng Qianfan is so confident is that in this kind of fighting field, one more person can double the advantage!

It's not groundless that two fists are hard to beat four legs, so Cheng Qianfan feels that this game is sure.

At this time, the referee on the stage called out, "players from the order of Phoenix, please enter as soon as possible!"

Cheng Qianfan stood up and waved his hand to the young man beside him and said, "Amin, go, come on stage!"

Then, when he got up and came to the stage, he deliberately glanced at Lin Feng and said angrily, "you're a waste who only talks on paper, hum!"

"I wipe it!"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. How much hatred did the old boy have for himself? When he came to power, he didn't forget to humiliate himself. However, Lin Feng didn't want to pay any attention to him, but he felt that this man was very funny.

Cheng Qianfan and a Ming come to the stage, and all of a sudden they are talking about it, especially the people from the Longkou group.

"Are they really going together?"

"Yes, it's a shame. If you're asked to do it, you'll do it? It's disgraceful to win

"Well, the order of the Phoenix is also the four major associations in Jincheng, but who are the people invited here?"

"Ha ha!"




and on the stage, the two sides have already opened their posture.

Cheng Qianfan secretly said to Amin, "Amin, we'll go together later. You'll be the main force. I'll help you. Remember, don't fight with fists and feet. Try to pull them together with each other. If you can restrain your opponent, I can beat him with a thunderbolt runner."

Cheng Qianfan's words are good. In fact, he wants others to be pawns and pave the way for him. He goes up to fight for the last time and takes the credit back to him.

Ah Ming didn't have any opinions. After all, thousands of bosses were waiting for the boss to give him a salary, so Amin nodded and agreed.

At this time, the referee yelled: "game, start!"

"Go on Cheng Qianfan shouts to a Ming.

A Ming rushes forward at first, while Cheng Qianfan hesitates for a moment and follows him closely.

Many people present, or the first time to watch this kind of one-on-two competition, have a lot of interest in looking at the cage.

But long Xiaoqian shook his head and sneered at him. He said contemptuously to Jin Fenghuang: "president Jin, what are you doing? Is this a combination? Hehe, the order of the Phoenix is really out of its depth! "

The Golden Phoenix awkwardly smiles and says: "the Dragon eldest brother regards them as the combination temporarily!"

What else can she say? If both of them are on the stage, it will lose face in itself. Of course, if she can win, she can save a little face at least. So Jin Fenghuang focuses all her attention on the stage, and her beautiful eyes are still staring at the stage, hoping that they can win.

At this time, yu'er also sat beside the Golden Phoenix, and she was extremely nervous.

First of all, this war is about the honor of the order of the Phoenix. The honor of the elder sister is her honor. The order of the Phoenix is her home. She is more important than anyone else.

Secondly, the elder martial brother was brought by her hand. If something goes wrong, she can't escape the blame.

At the beginning, the order of Phoenix also promised to win the game, giving Cheng Qianfan and others 2.3 million yuan.

Cheng Qianfan clapped his chest in front of yu'er and promised that he would win the competition and make the order of the Phoenix shining.

Jade son in front of the Golden Phoenix wantonly preached a time, Golden Phoenix also very trust jade son, directly gave a million, let her as a deposit, won the game, then pay the balance.So yu'er-niu has already blown out. At this time, Cheng Qianfan has not even defeated one of the other's competitors, which is far from the imagination.

However, yu'er believes that Cheng Qianfan, the direct disciple of Huashan leader, is definitely talented, so she has never wavered in her trust in Cheng Qianfan.

At this time, Lin Feng came over again and said, "yu'er, are you from Huashan? Huashan sect is a well-known and decent school, and its disciples are all very strong and fierce. However, you elder martial brother, it seems that you have lost your links

"Nonsense!" Yu'er said, "elder martial brother Cheng Qianfan is of course a disciple of Huashan Mountain. Don't insult my elder martial brother, let alone our Huashan sect. Otherwise, I won't finish with you!"

"Good, good!" "Don't get excited and watch the game," said Lin Feng

In fact, Lin Feng has already questioned Cheng Qianfan.

Huashan sect is a big school with a deep foundation in China since ancient times. Huashan sect has many disciples, but most of them are outside disciples. When it comes to true inner disciples, they are all elites.

But Cheng Qianfan knows nothing but bragging.

But these have nothing to do with themselves, I came here only to protect the safety of the Golden Phoenix, other things, just look at the excitement!

At this time, there was still a fierce competition on the stage. That Amin went up and circled the bearded player for a few times, but he was unable to get close to the opponent's body and was almost Ko by the other side. He was very upset.

What's more, he finds that Cheng Qianfan has been dangling blindly behind him, and has not played any role. This is said to be two to one. How did he become self-made? Cheng Qianfan cheered in the back?

Seeing that he couldn't help each other, Amin stepped back to Cheng Qianfan's side: "brother Cheng, why don't you go up? I can't find the opportunity myself."

"Why are you so stupid? I don't want you to beat him. You just rush up and hold him for me. Don't you have this ability yet?" Cheng Qianfan rebukes Amin in a low voice: "do you still want commission?"

When it comes to money, Amin counsels him. He still needs money to cure his father. He says, "brother Cheng, I'm wrong. I'm going to do it right now. But you have to seize the opportunity. The other party is not good at picking on him."

"I see. You'd better hurry up and hold each other when you die. Do you know?" Cheng Qianfan said impatiently.

"Good!" Amin took a deep breath, and then, with a loud roar, he rushed to lianmaohu.

Even beard saw a Ming rush up, he hit a Ming.

Amin turned his head to hide, but the opponent's fist speed was too fast, and a blow bruised his ear. His ear sent a piercing pain, buzzing, but he tried his best to embrace the other party.

"Brother Cheng, go up --" Amin yelled at the top of his voice.

"Well, here I am!" Cheng Qianfan's strength came when he arrived. , the fastest update of the webnovel!