The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 359

"Let's have your fourth and fifth contestants. Let's go together."

With that, even the bearded player also made a disgusting move, laughing at the Golden Phoenix: "get rid of this garbage, I still have to enjoy the big beautiful girl, ha ha ha ha!"

"Presumptuous!" Unable to see, yu'er stood up and denounced at the stage.

The moustache on the stage first insulted her senior brother and then insulted her elder sister Jin Fenghuang. She couldn't bear it.

"Younger martial sister yu'er, don't be angry. Although the other party is very arrogant, I think that we, as a member of the Huashan sect, should be more calm in the face of stormy waves!" At this time, Cheng Qianfan comes over and says with a lot of X.

Hearing this, yu'er threw herself into the ground with admiration and said, "elder martial brother, your realm is really high!"

"Oh, I can't help it. I can't help it. I'm a little bit tired if I don't have a higher level." Cheng Qianfan said.

Then, he turned his eyes and said to yu'er, "however, the other party is so arrogant. If we don't go together, it seems that we won't give each other face?"

"What? Elder martial brother, do you really want two together Jade son is very surprised, two people together, this is not very bullying people?

What's more, it's a shame to lose!

However, Cheng Qianfan had the cheek to say, "well, we are not bullies together. It is the other party that thinks that one person can defeat the two of us. If we go on one by one, we don't respect each other's requirements. In fact, I don't want to. I want to save the game by myself, but we are born with a minimum of courtesy and respect So I choose, respect each other, two people together

His shameless statement simply makes people unable to refute.

After that, he also smiles at the Golden Phoenix: "of course, boss Jin will support us and respect our opponents, right?"

Golden Phoenix a little do not know how to say, these two people together, not only unfair, seems to be a bit immoral ah!

However, the bearded man on the opposite side was so rampant that he even called for two blows. If two people really went up together, it would be nice to knock him down and give vent to his evil spirit!

Jin Fenghuang said: "Master Cheng will make his own decision. It's good to be sure."

"Of course Cheng Qianfan smiles!

Before Cheng Qianfan is still suffering from not come up with a solution, but at this time the other side put forward a request to play two, it is heaven help me also.

Cheng Qianfan thought that even the bearded player had played three rounds in a row. He must have lost his physical strength. The two of us were absolutely sure to deal with him together!

So Cheng Qianfan seizes this opportunity and will never let go. He must go together.

He even thought that if the two of them cooperated well, they might be able to play together for several rounds. Even if they lost in the end, they would not lose face. They could show off themselves in front of the Golden Phoenix, saying that they had tried their best, but their teammates were a little bit of a pit.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan can be regarded as picking up the stool at this time!

However, Jin Fenghuang's inner pressure is quite big at this time, and the Longkou group is staring at them, waiting for them to lose in a mess, and they will fall into the hole!

But this head Cheng Qianfan two people to fight together, if loses again, is simply loses the dead, the phoenix order's face, also does not need to take.

When the time comes, not only the Longkou group will have an excuse to punish the order of Phoenix. If the news gets out, the order of Phoenix will be in Jincheng, and it will be impossible to mix up.

Jin Fenghuang is really afraid that the order of the Phoenix, which he has worked so hard to establish, will be destroyed.

However, at this time, Lin Feng came over again and said with a smile, "sister Jin, don't believe them. They are not the opponents of other people together!"

"Lin Feng, can you shut up?"

Yu'er starts to get angry. After all, Cheng Qianfan was found by him. She saw that Lin Feng repeatedly opposed Cheng Qianfan. Although everything Lin Feng said was reasonable, yu'er still couldn't accept it in terms of emotion!

Cheng Qianfan is also instantly angry, he asked: "Lin Feng, why do you say we will lose?"

"I can reason with you!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "after a few games, you can see the strength of the other side. If you two go up, it will only make the order of the Phoenix more shameful!"

"Lin Feng, today you have repeatedly targeted me, I can't bear it. You said we would lose. OK, you give me the reason. If you can't give the reason, I'll let you taste my fist first!" Cheng Qianfan has long hated Lin Feng's teeth.

This meeting Lin Feng said, he immediately found the reason, first beat Lin Feng out of anger, then, when his own arena failure, said that he used some strength, affected the play, not only hit people, but also put the responsibility on Lin Feng, kill two birds with one stone!

However, Lin Feng is a light smile, said: "you want to hear the reason is right, then you put up your ears for me to listen to good!"

"First of all, although the opponent has played three games in a row, each game does not exceed one minute, especially the first and second games, which takes less than 20 seconds on average. Therefore, the opponent's physical consumption is not big, and the rest time can be completely adjusted back. On the contrary, he has completed the best warm-up with the first three players of you. The current state is simply good and can not be better!""Second, the first 180 degree boxing, can see that the other side stand up fighting technology is very exquisite and flexible! And the second and third game, let people see his very exquisite ground soft skills, this player's technology is very comprehensive, and, on-site response ability is very strong! "

"Again, I found that the opponent's left straight fist is 350 pounds, right straight boxing is 385 pounds, his left and right kicks are more than 700 pounds, that is, whether the other party is a fist or foot, any hit you, will cause you spot syncope, no chance to resist!"

"Finally, it is also the most lethal. The other party is experienced and flexible in mind. In contrast, you are a pig!"

Lin Feng said all at once, all the words were very loud, even Longkou group and contestant group, all heard clearly.

"I am grass NIMA! You dare to scold me? " Chengqianfan again burst out of the rough mouth, angry sign to rush up to forest peak.

"Elder martial brother, don't be angry!" Jade son up to stop Cheng Qianfan.

"He made a blind analysis and then scolded me. I will teach him some lessons, or his boy will be on the sky!" Cheng Qianfan angrily.

"I think he analyzed... A bit of a reason!" "Of course, the last sentence is not," Yu Er murmured

"What? Is there any reason for his analysis? Ha ha, he is a third-class player, but he even tells the strength of other people's boxing. Isn't it bragging about x? " Cheng Qianfan road.

But at this time, but listen to the platform that hair beard scolded Cheng Qianfan: "you first to stop me!"

Then he asked Lin Feng in surprise, "boy, how do you know my double fists and legs? And it was not bad. Did you send someone to secretly check my information? "


All of us felt a sigh immediately, even Cheng Qianfan was a little confused!

Lin Feng, unexpectedly, said the opponent's fist and foot strength all clear and clear, this, is it too God? Or, just coincidence?

Lin Feng did not see the player on the stage, but said carelessly in his mouth: "let me secretly check your information? Ha ha, you have not qualified yet! "

"You want to die, stinky boy?" The beard shouted to Lin Feng.

"Who is dead? What am I looking for? Does he owe me money? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha!" It was a laugh to the people next to him.

At this time, chengqianfan is very faceless, because first of all, Lin Feng said, really remote into the inside, even can say, analysis of the three points, many people around understand fighting, Lin Feng this is almost everyone in the presence of the affirmation.

Secondly, the bearded player also stood out, which confirmed the accuracy of Lin Feng's words, which was impossible to refute.

Cheng Qianfan wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to beat Lin Feng's abacus. Because of the insufficient reasons, he fell short of his mind. But he was very reluctant to say:

hum, what is the use of a third-class player even if he says the theory of surprise? You talk about soldiers on paper very slippery, there is a kind of you to play on the arena, you go, kill you in minutes! "

Cheng Qianfan said, but also a face of anger and despised at Lin Feng.

"Master Cheng, you are angry!" Golden Phoenix hurriedly up to block, this dragon mouth group matter has not been settled, his side pour out the internal strife first, this is so humiliating!

"Master Cheng, please give me a face, and please don't know Lin Feng. Please join the competition quickly and win glory for our Phoenix society!" said Jin Fenghuang

Seeing the Golden Phoenix all said that, Cheng Qianfan is not good to say anything, after all, from the attitude of the Golden Phoenix, the Golden Phoenix still trusts himself, so he is comfortable in his heart.

Then he said to yu'er, "come and help elder martial brother press his leg. Elder martial brother, this is going to be on stage!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!