The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 358

The iron ox steps onto the arena and enters the iron cage.

Even bearded players look at the iron ox, just smile, very contemptuous.

Long Shao laughed scornfully under the stage, and said to Jin Fenghuang, "JINDA beauty, you people from the order of Phoenix, how can you all have such dishes? If you look at our players, you don't want to look at you directly! "

Jin Fenghuang held back his anger and said with a smile, "long Shao, you'd better watch the game quietly, for there is no result yet!"

the saying of Jin Fenghuang is soft and strong, which means that the competition is not over yet. Don't compare it!

"Hum!" Long Shao coldly said: "good, then I'll see, you order of the Phoenix, in the end, can you lose people to what extent?"

Golden Phoenix did not pay attention to long Shao, but said to Cheng Qianfan: "this game is very important, you have to refuel!"

"Boss Jin, don't worry about it. This game is sure to win!" Cheng Qianfan is still very confident in Tieniu.

Then he wanted to take advantage of it and said, "if we win, will boss Jin consider giving me a small reward?"

"Of course," said Jin Fenghuang! What do you want? "

Cheng Qianfan said: "my requirements are not high, just two points, one, you can accompany me to have a dinner, hey hey

Jin Fenghuang frowned and looked at Cheng Qianfan's eyes. She felt uncomfortable. She didn't promise or refuse. Instead, she asked, "what's the second point?"

"The second point is, let him get out of my sight and out of sight!" Cheng Qianfan points to Lin Feng Road.

"What?" Jin Fenghuang is very embarrassed and embarrassed. Let Lin Feng go? This is a bit of a challenge. I know Lin Feng, but I know you a lot earlier than you. You are a little rude in this request!

"Yes, I promise you!" Lin Feng came up and said, "sister Jin, don't be embarrassed. Just promise him!"

"Lin Feng?" Jin Fenghuang is quite surprised. Doesn't Lin Feng care about his relationship at all?

Lin Feng then added: "he can't win anyway. It's all about whether he agrees or not."

"Lin Feng, don't make sarcastic remarks!" Cheng Qianfan said angrily.

However, the referee on the stage said, "please pay attention, prepare, the game, start now!"

Cheng Qianfan can't afford to quarrel with Lin Feng, and quickly concentrate on looking at the octagonal cage.

At this time, the two people in the field began to open a distance, and then mutual exploration.

It has to be said that the iron ox has a certain momentum. He has swung a few punches in a row. All the fists are powerful and heavy. The other side doesn't fight hard, so he hides one by one.

Cheng Qianfan saw that his players finally had the upper hand, and said to Jin Fenghuang, "you see, that player is afraid of iron ox, I said, this game will surely win!"

Then, he looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "Lin Feng, you wait to get out of here! Slag In my heart, I believe that the Golden Phoenix has become a piece of meat in his plate.

Lin Feng is hands spread, a face indifferent smile, said: "the competition just started, ah, urgent what! Keep watching

"Well, well, you'll be convinced when you lose!" Cheng Qianfan looks at Lin Feng contemptuously, and the beautiful Chaojin Phoenix gathers together again. His body touches the Golden Phoenix intentionally or unintentionally.

Jin Fenghuang is facing the side and hiding again. Cheng Qianfan's intention is too obvious. Jin Fenghuang has long been ill at heart. At this time, seeing Cheng Qianfan is more and more annoying. If she didn't ask for Cheng Qianfan, she might have turned over.

Cheng Qianfan didn't notice the mood of the Golden Phoenix. He called out to the stage: "iron ox, hit him, catch up and fight!"

As Cheng Qianfan said, Tieniu chased Lian Maohu and shook his fist, but he didn't hit Lian Maohu. He was so tired and panting that he stopped temporarily!

At this time, Lianmao beard, who had been avoiding the attack of the iron ox, suddenly stopped hiding. He suddenly lowered the cat's waist and rushed directly at the iron ox's legs.

His action is very fast, and almost close to the land hand and foot and ran past, iron cattle has been chasing him, brandishing his fist, the other side did not dare to fight head-on, did not expect this guy suddenly rushed.

In addition, according to Cheng Qianfan's method, Tieniu didn't hit the other side and didn't say anything. However, he wasted a lot of physical strength. The footwall movement became more sluggish, and even the hairy beard rushed up. He was unprepared, and was immediately hugged by the other party.

Then, even beard a force, the iron ox poop, was thrown to the ground.

"Iron ox, stand up quickly!" Cheng Qianfan was shocked.

This iron ox falls to the ground is a big taboo!

The worst thing that iron ox is good at is ground wrestling, while the opponent is good at Brazilian jujitsu. Brazilian jujitsu is a fighting technique created according to the attack characteristics of Python in the tropical rainforest. It is a ground entanglement technique, which uses the body to entangle the opponent after falling to the ground, subdue or strangle the opponent.

Before, Xiaoyi was subdued by a move in Brazilian jujitsu with hairy beard.At this time, both the two opponents have fallen on the ground, and the power of the iron ox fist can not be exerted. Without saying that, with almost zero ground entanglement technique, he is suddenly helpless like a weak child in front of the other party. He feels that he may be Ko by the other party at any time!

"Iron ox, stand up quickly!" Cheng Qianfan kept shouting, as anxious as ants on the hot pot.

Iron ox also wants to stand up, but the other side is like a water snake, his feet wrapped around his legs, he can't hit, throw also can't throw off, very headache.

At this time, however, something more troubling happened to him.

She found that the other side's legs were tightly wrapped around his legs, her hands were clasped on his ankles, and she was forcefully breaking his feet in the opposite direction.

Then, a deep pain came from his ankle.

"Ah --" the iron ox cries out with pain. His lower limb strength is far less than that of his upper limb. His leg wants to kick off the opponent, but he finds that it has no effect at all and has been tightly entangled by the other party.

"Ah -" the cold sweat of Tieniu was about to come out, and he felt that his ankle was going to be broken!

"Tieniu, don't admit defeat, hold on! The other side doesn't have so much strength. Come on, you can win! " At this time, Cheng Qianfan is still advocating refueling.

Tieniu listened, gritted his teeth and insisted. He knew that as long as his opponent broke his feet, he would have a chance to fight back.

However, he obviously underestimated the strength of the other side, because then he heard a loud "click" coming from below.

Iron ox's ankle, forcefully broken by the opponent, a foot in the opposite direction twisted in the past, looks very frightening!

"Ah --" the iron ox was sweating with pain, and he quickly knocked on the table to show his defeat.

However, at this time, even the moustache didn't give the iron ox a chance, so he went up to the head of the iron ox and beat him violently, and said: "aren't you very rampant? Come on, fight

The referee rushed forward to pull off the moustache and announced: "in the third game, it is still the Longkou team that wins."

"Shit!" Cheng Qianfan's gas directly burst a rude word!

The other players in the other field were almost asleep, and the long haired wild man roared to the stage: "you should leave someone for us to play with! Don't take it all by yourself

Even the bearded player sneered and spread his hands and said, "I want to keep them for you, but they are too weak. They are just a piece of shit. I haven't started to play yet."

Hearing this, the Golden Phoenix felt his heart was cold.

This looks like the most bluffing player, even so unbearable?

At this time, the Golden Phoenix seems to understand what Lin Feng said just now. Indeed, that guy is an iron bull's footwall. Lin Feng can see through the end of the game at a glance. Is this just a little understanding?

Is it that Lin Feng has been hiding himself, in fact, he is the real master?

However, the Golden Phoenix shook his head again, and said that he really hoped to win, so that Yu Du began to think wildly!

At this time, the audience said, "please invite the fourth player of the order of Phoenix to stage!"

But the bearded player on the stage said with disdain: "I see the fourth and fifth contestants go together, a group of rubbish, don't waste time!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!