The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 357

"It seems that I have to use a big trick." Cheng Qianfan said.

The reason why Cheng Qianfan is so confident is that there is an assassin's mace in his team.

Although this man has no special skills, he is very durable. Once, after the whole game, he was beaten into a bloody man, and his chin dislocated. But he won that game because he was so tired that he put his opponent on the stage.

And this man is also very powerful. In the process of sports, he can easily punch 400 pounds, which is a very terrible data. It is said that the weight of Bruce's punch is only more than 500 pounds, and the underground black market boxing emperor Matthews has a punch of 600 pounds.

Those guys who can kill a cow with one punch, and the 400 pound punch, in this kind of underground boxing ring, is like a king.

"Tieniu --"

Cheng Qianfan waves behind him.


A strong young man came out.

This person's size is not very unusual, less than 1.8 meters, it also looks beautiful, very gentle.

However, when he took off his coat, it was a bit of a surprise.

This man's arm is frightening, even as thick as a normal man's thigh, and his upper and lower body ratio is not very harmonious. His upper body is very long, inverted triangle, and his lower body is short and thick. It seems that he has a strong sense of strength.

This iron ox is Cheng Qianfan's big move.

Cheng Qianfan originally planned to be the second from the bottom of the Tieniu team to help him finish the final round. With the strength, endurance and fighting ability of the iron ox, it is not a problem to consume three or two competitors from the other side. Maybe he will win directly at that time. At the worst, he will beat his opponent in a mess. Then he will come on stage and make a show to clean up the rest of the game and install a 13. Everything will be done!

Therefore, in the face of such momentum on the opposite side, Cheng Qianfan still dares to boast, because he has this sea calming needle.

In the current form, if you don't send the iron ox out, you will lose face!

Cheng Qianfan said to Jin Fenghuang, "boss Jin, don't worry. The two younger martial brothers I just lost the game are still young and not good at learning. But this Tieniu junior brother is not ordinary people. He once killed a big black bear with his bare hands. Look at this muscle, this momentum ... "

Cheng Qianfan keeps praising the iron ox, as if to say to the Golden Phoenix, see, this is my big move, absolutely kill everything!

Looking at the iron ox's strong muscles, the Golden Phoenix really appreciated it.

Just the biceps brachii with thick thigh is enough to make people dizzy. Who can bear this blow?

"Good, Master Cheng, let your iron ox younger brother go, come on, look forward to your victory!" said the Golden Phoenix

"No problem. Don't worry about my business." Cheng Qianfan smiles with confidence.

But at this time, Lin Feng said: "Cheng Qianfan, I advise you to be kind!"

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?" Cheng Qianfan has a cold shoulder.

Lin Feng said: "you ah, don't harm other people's young men. Don't say that your players can't beat you in this kind of platoon. Even if you can, you'll have to toss and lose!"

"Dare you question me?" Cheng Qianfan stares at Lin Feng, the heart says how to have you everywhere, how does your mouth so owe?

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "just now Xiaoyi's arm was broken. I believe you can also see that the opponent's use of the" cross solid "of comprehensive fighting skills, which is originated from Brazilian jujitsu. The opponent's" cross solid "move is used without delay. Xiaoyi has no room for resistance. You can see that the opponent's jujitsu skills are very strong!"

Lin Feng talks with a lot of wisdom.

He can't count the kinds of martial arts he has studied over the years, such as Israeli self-defense, Thai boxing, Myanmar boxing, European and American boxing, Brazilian jujitsu, Bangzi Taekwondo, Japanese karate and so on. Lin Feng is familiar with all kinds of martial arts in the market, and Lin Feng is proficient in it!

So the opponent's one move in one form, Lin Feng only need a glance, do not have to look at the second eye, to know his level and training level.

So at this time, Lin Feng seems to have said a lot, the truth is quite incisive.

Even if Cheng Qianfan is so clever and changeable and likes to find fault, he can't find any reason to refute Lin Feng.

The Golden Phoenix is attracted by Lin Feng. Her beautiful eyes look at Lin Feng with an appreciative look on her face.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Qianfan was even more angry and said quickly, "Lin Feng, what you said, I don't know? Of course I know! But what about the other side's strong jujitsu skills? What kind of heresy do you want to express when you say these things? "

Jin Fenghuang and others don't understand. What is Lin Feng's intention?

They looked at Lin Feng one after another.

With a faint smile, Lin Feng said, "you are really stupid! Don't you understand that? Iron ox is strong and strong, and the other side is proficient in jujitsu, and the other side will use rouke? Do you want me to say that? "

Then, Lin Feng looked at Tieniu and said, "Tieniu, I can see your body shape. The absolute strength of your upper limbs is as strong as an ox, and your fighting ability is also first-class. You, as a player, have a great advantage in standing up and fighting. Boxing is your strong point. However, you have a weakness in your body, that is, your upper body strength is strong, but your lower body steps are not as flexible as other players! If the other side attacks your footwall, you will be very weak! Am I right? "Tieniu was surprised. Before he did it, he simply brightened his figure. His advantages and disadvantages were seen through by this guy, and he was absolutely right. This man is so powerful!

With some reverence, iron ox said, "you are right."

After hearing this, Jin Fenghuang and others are surprised. Yu'er is no longer arrogant at this time. She looks at Lin Feng seriously.

Jin Fenghuang asked, "Lin Feng, do you understand this?"

Lin Feng hands a back, like a master general light smile: "don't understand, is a little knowledge of one or two!"

"I wipe it!" Cheng Qianfan's heart almost wants to spurt blood. The bastard's every item is Dao, and his analysis is more thorough than his own. As a result, he still knows a little about it. You can also pack 13 too!

Cheng Qianfan was angry in his heart. Theoretically, he couldn't suppress Lin Feng. He turned his face and said, "don't make a fool of people here. Everyone can talk on paper. My younger brother Tieniu has not lost so far. Just shut your crow mouth and don't affect our luck."

Lin Feng said: "Xiao Cheng, luck is a part of strength! I'm not satisfied with your performance today! I called you nephew in the face of your master. If it wasn't for your master, I would treat you as a piece of shit. You are stupid, stubborn and determined. How could Huashan sect have such a direct disciple like you? I can't think of it! "

"You..." Cheng Qianfan a listen, immediately angry, but he was temporarily tongue tied, because Lin Feng a sentence stabbed his heart.

In fact, he had been expelled from the school by Huashan school for a long time, but yu'er didn't know about it, so he kept it from her just to improve his identity.

The other four players, not from the Huashan school, were all his own disciples who came to fill the facade.

With such strength, if they can cope with the general situation, they have obviously collapsed today.

However, Cheng Qianfan has already received a large amount of commission transferred by yu'er, which is the deposit given to them by the order of Phoenix this time. With millions of money, he gambled all night without any money left. He could only cheat his own young men to help him with his life!

What's more, Cheng Qianfan has been fascinated by the beauty of the Golden Phoenix at this time. As long as he takes a look at the graceful posture of the Golden Phoenix, he can't help turning into a beast. The Golden Phoenix is oppressed by his body. He thinks that if he can win the Golden Phoenix, he can not only enjoy the beauty every day, but also sit on all the assets of the order of Phoenix. This is simply a beautiful bubble It's a matter!

So he bit his teeth, and the dark thought came into his heart: even if he lost all his disciples' lives, he would continue to load X.

"Lin Feng, shut up, my younger martial brother, I will make my own decisions!" Cheng Qianfan cheered.

At this time, the Dragon Shao on one side was impatient and yelled: "I said you were chattering for a long time over there. Are you ok? My players are on the stage. They are almost asleep

"All right, here we are." Cheng Qianfan said.

He waved to the iron ox and said, "iron ox, go up, one punch will kill the other side!"

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