The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 356

Xiaonan quickly back to head, the other side of a punch across his face, with a burst of piercing whistling.


Xiaonan almost got a heavy blow. He was shocked. This blow is too fierce. If he gets it, he can't burp his fart right away?

However, he thought that the other side would come to an end, but he did not expect that the other side would turn around 180 degrees and hit him directly with a left swing.

It turns out that the opponent's right fist is just a hollow shot, and the left fist is his assassin's mace.

This kind of big swing is very powerful and fast. Before Xiaonan reacts, one punch is hit in the face.

"Bang --"

Xiaonan fell to the ground on the spot, unconscious.

The boxer ran up, rode on Xiaonan, and gave a few more punches. The referee pulled forward and said, "the Longkou team wins."

The strong man with a hairy beard raised his hands and screamed. He circled around the iron cage. When he turned to Cheng Qianfan and others, he made a neck wiping action. However, when he passed the Golden Phoenix, he laughed, touched his place, and then blew a kiss. It was a naked insult.

At this time, Xiaonan was one side of the stage off the stage, yu'er rushed to pinch people, and then try to rescue.

Golden Phoenix can't care to be angry, she is already shocked.

This, just two moves? Was defeated? It's unbelievable.

Cheng Qianfan didn't expect it to be like this. He felt very embarrassed and quickly explained to Jin Fenghuang: "boss Jin, don't worry. My younger martial brother and he have the same strength. I can see that. It's just this guy's empty move. My younger martial brother is too honest and cheated by him!"

"Ha ha!" But Lin Feng sneered at him: "cheated? Not really? It's your younger brother who has no preparation at all! "

"You're talking nonsense. What do you know?" Cheng Qianfan said angrily.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "this kind of swing 180 degree swing is not very common in the regular competition field, so your younger martial brother has played more regular matches. He didn't expect that the other side would be like this when he came up today. It shows that the opposite side doesn't look down on your younger brother at all! Don't gush if you don't like it! "

"You're talking nonsense. This move is also used in regular competitions." Cheng Qianfan argued.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "yes, there are people who use it in regular competitions! But it's a cold trick. Do you know why? Although the strength of this move is great, when he swings his fist, his body needs to rotate 180 degrees. For a moment, his back is exposed to the enemy, so it is easy to be caught by the other side. Even if it appears in the regular arena, it will hit the back. If both sides are weak and can't grasp the space, he will surprise him with this move. "

"You..." Cheng Qianfan for Lin Feng's long talk, but can not find a point of fault.

Indeed, if the regular arena, the first half of almost no such moves appear.

Seeing that Lin Feng couldn't say anything, Cheng Qianfan turned to Jin Fenghuang and said, "don't listen to his nonsense. How can he understand more than those of us who mix up in the arena all day? My younger brother is just not ready! "

Then he said to a man next to him, "Xiaoyi, you go up!"

"Good!" The young man took a deep breath and adjusted his nervousness.

Cheng Qianfan didn't forget to put on X at this time. He pressed the young man's shoulder and said seriously: "Xiaoyi, I just observed the opponent's player. His left fist is very powerful. You must pay attention to the opponent's left fist. Moreover, you should try your best to shoot ahead of time to get the first chance!"

"Well, I see!" The young man listened to Cheng Qianfan and nodded heavily.

"Go Cheng Qianfan patted the young man on the shoulder, with a set of famous general pointing posture.

Then, squint at the Golden Phoenix, said: "failure is not terrible, terrible is failure can not see the problem!"

"Well, that's right." Golden Phoenix nodded, which she fully agreed with.

Looking at Cheng Qianfan's serious education for his younger martial brother, and his guidance is correct, Jin Fenghuang also appreciates Cheng Qianfan. As expected, he has learned from a famous school and has some skills.

After getting the praise of Golden Phoenix, Cheng Qianfan is more proud. She says that in any case, we must make this match perfect today. JINDA beauty, I must win it, because Golden Phoenix is so charming. When she sees Golden Phoenix, she will imagine the scene of pushing Golden Phoenix under her body, saying that she can't let go of this golden phoenix.

At this time, Lin Feng yelled: "Oh, harm people, harm people, how nice these young men are, but they are all your flesh shields. If you teach them blindly, are you still dead?"

"Shut your crow's mouth!" Cheng Qianfan angrily said: "don't think you know a little bit of fur, just come and blame others. Don't forget that you are just a third rate field player!"

Lin Feng said, "well, I'm your uncle, too."


"OK, stop fighting and watch the game!" Golden Phoenix said.At this time, Xiaoyi came on the stage, still fighting with that shaggy beard.

He remembers Cheng Qianfan's instruction, pays attention to the other side's left hand, and this time must attack first.

With a big wave of his hand, the referee announced, "go

Xiaoyi did not say a word, directly a straight fist, toward the other side's face to fight in the past!

However, the other party seems to have been prepared for that. He directly catches Xiaoyi's fist, seizes Xiaoyi's arm, and then jumps up. His legs are directly coiled on Xiaoyi's arm and pulls Xiaoyi to the ground.

After Xiaoyi fell to the ground, his neck was stuck by the opponent's foot, and half of his arm was caught by the opponent's foot, so he couldn't make any strength at all.

However, what's more terrible is that Xiaoyi's arm is still grasped by the other party's hands.

At this time, even a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he broke it hard.

"Click!" A crisp sound, Xiaoyi's arm was directly broken by the other side.

"Ah --"

Xiaoyi uttered a sad cry, and then her other hand kept knocking on the floor of the arena.

It's a way to admit defeat.

One hand is broken, how to fight?

The referee rushed forward and announced in a loud voice: "the second game, the Longkou team wins!"

Xiaoyi was soon carried to the scene again. Yu'er began to bandage Xiaoyi. When yu'er was studying arts, she majored in medical skills. So today, I come here to guard against such a situation.

Jin Fenghuang sighed. This time it was not as good as the last one. This move was defeated. However, long Xiaoqian looked at Jin Fenghuang and said with a smile, "president Jin, the people you brought are a little weak. You have to work hard!"

Long Shao was also on the side of the well and said, "yes, JINDA beauty, you order of Phoenix is so weak, how can you be one of the four major associations in Jincheng? Or you can consider marrying me. With the reputation of our Longkou group, you can't say that you can still keep your name, hehe

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't need it!" Golden Phoenix said coldly.

Then, looking at Cheng Qianfan, he anxiously said, "Master Cheng, your people, OK?"

Cheng Qianfan said with a deep face: "it seems that I have to use a big move!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!