The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 353

"Stinky boy, do you dare to speak out and insult my school? Do you believe that I will kill you with one blow?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly became angry.

I wanted to install x, but I was pulled away by this kid's bullshit.

"I'm really your uncle!" Lin Feng said.

In fact, before going abroad, Lin Feng had quite a lot of contacts with some schools in China.

Among them, Yue Lingyun, the leader of Huashan school, was once challenged by an exotic player and was nearly killed. It was Lin Feng who rescued him and saved his life.

From then on, Yue Lingyun and Lin Feng brothers matched each other.

Master's brother is not a martial uncle! Lin Feng didn't make a mistake about his seniority!

It's just the old story. Lin Feng doesn't want to mention it any more. Today, he doesn't want to meet Yue Lingyun's unfortunate apprentice, so he said it casually.

"Lin Feng, you have enough!" Yu'er was also angry and said, "some jokes can be played, some jokes can't be played. Take your words back, don't annoy my elder martial brother, or you won't have any fruit to eat!"

"Hum, you arrogant little generation, I will teach you a lesson now, let you know what is an expert!" Cheng Qianfan is eager to perform in front of the Golden Phoenix. If he can knock down Lin Feng and make him lose face in front of the Golden Phoenix, he will be able to kick Lin Feng right away.

But yu'er pulled Cheng Qianfan and said, "elder martial brother, don't be angry. It's not inferior to you to fight with such a person? Today's main task is to accompany elder sister to Longkou group! "

But Lin Feng said with a cold smile: "yes, you'd better save some strength. Don't go to the Longkou group. It's not good to be beaten down by other players."

"Hum! That's a strength you haven't seen Cheng Qianfan angry way, but yu'er pulled tightly, he also inconvenient to start again.

"OK, OK, let me see and see for a while. I will learn with an open mind." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hum!" Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly and didn't look at Lin Feng again.

Jin Fenghuang said quickly, "OK, Master Cheng, you don't have the same insight with Lin Feng. After all, he doesn't know your business very well."

"Hum! No manners Cheng Qianfan swung his sleeve.

Jin Fenghuang said: "Master Cheng, don't be angry. I'll go to Longkou group to meet friends with martial arts in the afternoon. I have to rely on you and your brothers!"

"That's easy to say!" Cheng Qianfan behind a young man said: "my elder martial brother, you can rest assured!"

"Yes, most people invite my elder martial brother, but my elder brother doesn't go there!"

Another young man said.

"Then I really want to thank Master Cheng!" The Golden Phoenix felt a little confident in her heart.

"Elder sister, it's almost noon, or let my brother have a potluck here, and then we'll go to Longkou group in the afternoon?" Jade Road.

"Good!" Golden Phoenix Road.




it was more than 12 o'clock when they were full of wine and food. After getting ready, they drove by according to the address given by long Xiaoqian.

The location of Longxiao Qianyue is not in the headquarters of Longkou group, but a relatively large bar.

This is a bar street. Before Chu Yuqi and Ma Chunchun were bullied by black bears, it is the dynasty bar on this street.

And this meeting was in Longteng bar.

The street is very cold during the day, the bar is also closed, there are no guests, but at night it is full of traffic and lights.

This is the afternoon, naturally there are no people, Golden Phoenix and others came to the front of Longteng bar.

In front of Longteng bar, someone was waiting. It was a young man with the appearance of two waiters. Seeing Jin Fenghuang and others coming, he said, "the Dragon boss has been waiting in it. Please follow me!"

Then he led everyone into the bar.

The bar is just a few hundred square meters in size, which is no different from ordinary bars. At this time, it is pitch black, and only a few lights on the wall flash faintly.

The two waiters took Jin Fenghuang and others to the inside, turned East and West for a long time, and then saw a big iron gate.

In front of the iron gate, two strong men nearly two meters tall stood there.

They looked very fierce, like two door gods, very frightening.

After seeing the two waiters coming, the two sides whispered a few words, and then the waiter said to Jin Fenghuang: "because it's private here, for mutual convenience, please don't bring knives, guns and dangerous goods into the room. In addition, please hand in your mobile phone, we will keep it for you, please cooperate with us!"

Jin Fenghuang has a cold smile in his heart. Sure enough, the Dragon Xiaoqian is not well intentioned. He can't bring his mobile phone in. He can't even call the police when something goes wrong.

However, since we are here, we have to act according to the rules. With yu'er's senior brother there, there should be no big problem.

The people handed in their mobile phones, and then they all went to the battle light without any accessories.

The iron door opened, and the waiter took the people to go inside.

After turning the corner of a passage, the scene in front of me is a burst of surprise.I didn't expect that the underground of this bar is a special place.

It is thousands of square meters in size, surrounded by a row of seats higher than one row, surrounded by a large display screen several meters square. In the middle of the field is an octagonal iron cage. On the VIP seat beside the cage, long Xiaoqian and others are chatting and watching the fighting in the cage.

At this time, in the cage, a strong man with a beard and a thin man were fighting hand to hand.

The strong man had long hair, bare arms, and roared like a savage. The thin man was lean, and his movements were very agile, and he circled with the strong man.

At this time, the skinny has already hung the color, and the arena is full of blood. The wild man comes forward fiercely, grabs the skinny by the neck, and pushes him to the barbed wire.

The thin man pedaled his legs, his face turned red, and his eyes turned white.

"Ha ha ha ha, die!" The savage turned his arms, threw the thin man out, and flopped on the floor.

Then he rushed at the skinny man and kicked him in the head.

With a bang, the thin man's head sagged to one side of his body in a strange arc, apparently because his neck was kicked off.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The savage man beat his chest and feet, and howled wildly. His voice was thick and loud, but his scalp was numb.

"Good!" The Dragon Xiaoqian crushed the smoke in his hand and clapped his hands.

At this time, a waiter came up and said, "boss, the people from the order of Phoenix are coming!"

"Oh?" Long Xiaoqian turned his head and looked back. Seeing that Jin Fenghuang and others had already stepped down the stairs, he laughed and said, "president Jin is quite punctual."

"I dare not not to be punctual The Golden Phoenix said.

"Ha ha ha ha, isn't it? But during my absence, it seems that you didn't pay attention to the Longkou group! " Long Xiaoqian's face suddenly became bleak and cold, which had the meaning of setting up a teacher to investigate a crime.

"What's boss long talking about? Longkou group has always been the leader of Jincheng community. Our order of Phoenix is a new younger brother. We have to learn more from the boss." The Golden Phoenix did not change her face.

"Hum, that's good. When I was held in the water by Lin Feng that day, you just watched and laughed. Now you know you are afraid?" At this time, long Shao couldn't help it. He was angry when he thought about the poetry meeting.

"Long Shao, I didn't have time to rescue him that time!" Golden Phoenix said with an apologetic face.

Jin Fenghuang is also very suffocating. It seems that I owe you. What's the relationship between you and being beaten?

At this time, Lin Feng heard it plainly. Long Xiaoqian asked Jin Fenghuang to come. It turned out that his son Longyang was bullied. It's strange that the order of the Phoenix stood idly by!

"Long Shao, I haven't seen you for many days. I miss you very much! If I play with you, why do you always take it seriously? " Lin Feng interrupted at this time.

"Lin Feng?" Long Shao was surprised.

Because Lin Feng is always at the back of the crowd, long Shao didn't see him just now. As soon as Lin Feng spoke, long Shao recognized Lin Feng at a glance.

"Dad, he is Lin Feng, and he bullied me repeatedly!" Long Shao said like a child complaining.

When long Xiaoqian heard this, he saw a flash of cold in his eyes. His heart said that he was good. He only wanted to teach Jin Fenghuang a lesson today. I didn't expect that you would all be packed and delivered to the door. Then I'll take all the orders!

"All right With a big wave of his hand, long Xiaoqian said, "there is no need to mention these things. We are not mean people either."

"The Dragon boss has a good mind!" Golden Phoenix Road.

Long Xiaoqian, with a cold smile, said, "but today you have to be ready to join friends with martial arts, because these players of mine are not obedient masters."

With that, long Xiaoqian glanced at the crowd, then turned his head, but in his eyes appeared a strong sense of killing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!