The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 354

"President Jin, you must know why I invited you here today." Long Xiaoqian said.

"Of course, you can make friends with martial arts." Golden Phoenix said with a smile.

"Well! Not bad Long Xiaoqian said: "if you want to have a foothold in the community circle of Jincheng, you can't do it without some skills. Especially if you can become one of the four major associations in Jincheng, you need to show the strength of the community to speak. You can't cheat by saying a few poems and songs! Do you know? "

Long Xiaoqian, like a young man who is not sensible, is full of pride and disdain.

"Well, the Dragon boss said so!" Golden Phoenix posture modest said.

I know that long Xiaoqian is making fun of himself, but I can't help it. Now the strength of Longkou group can crush the order of Phoenix.

Long Xiaoqian's attitude is very arrogant, from the beginning to the end is facing the challenge arena, never looking at the Golden Phoenix behind him.

"Jincheng president, if you are not qualified to speak today, I'd like to see if you are not qualified to speak to me today. If you are not qualified to speak, I'd like to see who you are Long Xiaoqian deliberately put pressure on Jin Fenghuang.

"The order of Phoenix is not good at martial arts when you talk about it!" Golden Phoenix takes retreat as a way forward.

"President Jin, the order of Phoenix is not good at martial arts, so you can spend a lot of money to invite some excellent fighters to come here!" Long Xiaoqian said.

"Ah Jin Fenghuang's words are blocked for a moment.

"So, if you can't find a good fighter, it's just that your comprehensive strength is not good!" Long Xiaoqian said: "this is like the Olympic Games. Countries with more gold medals must be countries with strong comprehensive strength. This is a truth. Do you understand?"

"Well, after being taught, we will surely come up with our strength to compete with your Longkou group!" Golden Phoenix Road.

Jin Fenghuang really has no way out. The old fox talks one thing at a time, and he is very tactful. Obviously, his eloquence is not as good as him. Furthermore, if he gets angry, he will still have to eat too much. Anyway, if he has paid for someone, he will not necessarily lose to him, so the Golden Phoenix has no further refutation.

"That's good!" Long Xiaoqian said, "I'm ugly, but in front of you, if you behave too badly, don't blame me for turning over my face and refusing to recognize people at that time."

The meaning of long Xiaoqian's words is very obvious. You have no strength. Why should you be one of the four mass organizations in Jincheng? Aren't you fooling the whole Jincheng community?

"How? Just look at it Although the Golden Phoenix mouth has been flattering, but in the heart of this evil spirit but for a long time.

Long Xiaoqian said that he wanted to make friends with martial arts, which was obviously to find fault everywhere. If his players were too good, long Xiaoqian would surely say that the order of the Phoenix was just a show. He would certainly raise the banner and look like he was trying to punish the pests in Jincheng community.

In this way, he is not only famous for upholding justice in the community circles of Jincheng, but also has revenge in private. It can be said that he can kill two birds with one stone.

Jin Fenghuang knows that among the numerous large and small associations in Jincheng, there are not a few who are looking for the throne of the four major associations. When they are upgraded to the four major associations, they will receive salaries from small associations every year, and the resources and opportunities are also given priority to by the four major associations. Therefore, the four major associations are valuable.

Therefore, if long Xiaoqian really takes the poor strength of the order of the Phoenix and deceives the community community as the reason, he will surely cause many societies to follow suit. Even if the order of Phoenix is really powerful, it will not be able to resist their attack.

From this point of view, this competition is very important!

If you can win, the order of Phoenix will not only make the Longkou group look at you with a new look, but also make long Xiaoqian unable to find any problems!

It's the worst. We can't lose too miserably, or we can have an excuse. Otherwise, the Longkou group will seize this opportunity and the order of Phoenix will die.

So the hope of Golden Phoenix, all in Cheng Qianfan and others, she subconsciously look at Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan is looking at the competition field in a dignified way. Seeing the Golden Phoenix looking at him, he quickly pretends to be calm and gives him a very confident smile.

The Golden Phoenix was a little relieved, and then turned to ask the Dragon Xiaoqian, "how do you want to compare this scene with the Dragon boss?"

Long Xiaoqian said, "well, how can the competition end in one session? On the one hand, it's unfair to both sides. On the other hand, it's not fun for everyone. "

"What do you mean?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Wheel battle, 5v5 wheel fight!" Long Xiaoqian said: "I see you brought six or seven people, pick five can fight out, no problem?"

Jin Fenghuang calculates that yu'er and Lin Feng can't play. Cheng Qianfan and his four young men are just five, just enough. She looked at Cheng Qianfan again and asked for his opinion.

Cheng Qianfan pondered for a while and made an OK gesture.

With a sigh of relief, Jin Fenghuang said to long Xiaoqian, "yes!"

"Good!" Long Xiaoqian said. Then, he motioned to a man who was dressed like a boxing referee on TV. He said, "president Jin, although we are fighting black boxing, the referees still have to have them, so as to avoid players' fouls and make the competition more fair. This is the international referee I specially invited here, and let him explain the detailed rules of the game to you!""Good!" Golden Phoenix smiles.

The referee stood in front of Jin Fenghuang and said, "Hello, president Jin, please listen to the rules clearly. First of all, the two sides are engaged in a 5v5 iron cage car fight, which is completely carried out in accordance with the irregular fighting situation. In addition to using weapons and concealed weapons, not catching eyeballs and kicking the back of the head, any fighting style is OK!"

After a pause, the referee said: "until one side fights to coma, death or kneel down to beg for mercy, and then the next player enters the arena and continues to fight with the winner of the other side. If all five players of one side lose the game, it will be regarded as a failure."

Then, the referee asked Jin Fenghuang, "president Jin, is there a problem with this rule?"

"No problem!" Golden Phoenix Road.

"That's good!" Please put your own clothes on the table after the match

"Good!" Golden Phoenix nodded.

Then, Jin Fenghuang and Cheng Qianfan, the younger brother of Longkou group, took them to the warm-up place.

Cheng Qianfan and others began to warm up. Jin Fenghuang asked with concern: "Master Cheng, don't be too arrogant. Life matters. I think their players are not good at stubbornness."

Although the Golden Phoenix is eager to win, but at this time also knows not to give these people too much pressure, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Moreover, these people are invited by yu'er, in case there is a three match two short, they are not easy to explain.

At this time, Lin Feng came up with a smile and said, "I see the five people on the opposite side are all experienced in many battles. Can you do it? Do you want me to make a number? "

"You? Make up for it Cheng Qianfan said with disdain: "we have seen more of this kind of scene. Don't worry about it. I think you still don't have to lose face!"

"Oh! All right, come on, then Lin Feng is not angry. He is about to leave with a smile.

"Wait!" Cheng Qianfan said: "you don't have to be idle. You can serve as logistics for all of us. Go and get some water. By the way, we change the clothes. You have to help us fold them. Don't be a worthless waste!"

"Bold, I am your martial uncle, you unfilial nephew!" Lin Feng said.


"Master Cheng, the competition is important!" Jin Fenghuang was afraid that Cheng Qianfan and Lin Feng would make trouble, so he came out to stop him. He thought Cheng Qianfan was deliberately humiliating Lin Feng, so he said, "it's better for yu'er to do these things. After all, yu'er is a girl, and her mind is more careful."

"My character is not like a girl, elder sister is partial to Lin Feng!" she said

"Yu'er, you are not obedient Jin Fenghuang is a little angry.

"All right, all right! I'll go, I'll go! " Yu'er stares at Lin Feng and goes to the bottom of the challenge arena to bring water to Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan in the heart is very unhappy, how does this golden phoenix favor Lin Feng everywhere? Where is Lin Feng good?

As he warmed up, he said: "well, this society is like this. Some people work hard to serve others, and some people enjoy themselves and can be good people. It's unfair!"

He was obviously talking about Lin Feng. He said that Lin Feng couldn't make any effort to watch the excitement. Jin Fenghuang was also partial to him, so Cheng Qianfan was very angry.

"There's nothing unfair. In fact, it's fair in essence. If you win for the order of Phoenix today, I'm sure sister Jin will give you a big reward!" Lin Feng Road.

"Yes Jin Fenghuang said: "hope Master Cheng come on!"

"It's easy to say that I practiced martial arts at the age of five and began to contact western free combat at the age of 16. I don't have to worry about dealing with these people!" Cheng Qianfan toe high gas said.

"That would be great!" Jin Fenghuang was very pleased and said respectfully, "Master Cheng, please come here. When the water comes, drink some water first."

"Good!" Seeing Jin Fenghuang appreciate him so much, Cheng Qianfan is even more arrogant. He swaggers over and sits on the chair. When yu'er brings the water, he takes a few gulps. Then he looks at Lin Feng and waves his hand at Lin Feng and says, "you, come here!"

"What's the matter? My nephew Lin Feng asked.

"Don't take advantage of me there!" Cheng Qianfan angrily glanced at Lin Feng, and then said: "I warm up in a bit of a hurry, feel a little tight muscles, you help me knead legs, knock back!"

"No way!" Lin Feng said, "I am too strong to beat you to death."

"You..." Cheng Qianfan blows his beard, stares, stands up and is about to walk towards Lin Feng.

However, Jin Fenghuang stopped quickly and said, "Master Cheng, don't be wise with Lin Feng. It's important to compete."

The Golden Phoenix is enough. This day and they can't finish their heart. How can the boss of the order of the Phoenix regard it like this? There are still foreign troubles and internal worries. It's just breaking down.

At this time, the referee said, "please enter the stadium, the competition will begin soon." , the fastest update of the webnovel!