The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 352

"You?" "I'm sorry, you're not qualified yet!" she said coldly

"Yu'er, how can you talk to Lin Feng?" Jin Fenghuang stares at yu'er.

"Elder sister, he is. Although he is good at boxing, he still has a big gap compared with the people in Longkou group. The people in Longkou group are all professional wrestlers. They are all armed, and their moves are endless. If it comes to fighting with bare hands in the arena, we can't compare with them!" Yu'er finished and glanced at Lin Feng coldly and contemptuously.

"How can I be qualified?" Lin Feng asked.

"Don't think about it. That scene can't be settled by some skilful skills!" Yu'er's words are full of irony.

Yu'er and Lin Feng have fought each other, and they know that Lin Feng's Kung Fu is good, but it's still at a good level. If you really compare with those who practice fighting all day long, it's a bit worse.

"Is it? Listen to you say so, I feel that they are good! I feel like compared with them, I am a waste "Well, it's good to have self-knowledge!" said Lin Feng Said yu'er.

"Yu'er, you are paying more and more attention to your words now. Have I spoiled you?" Jin Fenghuang is a little angry.

"Elder sister, I am wrong!" Yu'er quickly apologizes.

"It's OK, it's OK. The child is young and full of vigor." Lin Feng said with a smile, "it's understandable."

Looking at Lin Feng's shameless appearance, yu'er is very angry. Why is the elder sister so kind to him? This man is a little ruffian, where is good?

At this time, Lin Feng said: "although the people in Longkou group are fierce, I can't be afraid. Even if I fight my life, I will escort my beloved sister Jin. So, take me with me."

"Are you finished?" Yu'er thinks Lin Feng is a burden.

However, Jin Fenghuang was deeply moved and said: "Lin Feng, you have this heart. My sister is really moved, but this trip is really dangerous. I don't know what Longkou group an is thinking, but it won't be a good thing either, so ... "

" so I have to accompany my sister more. I can see the true love in adversity. Even if I die, I will defend my sister to death and let her see my sincere heart. " Lin Feng said seriously.

"Ah Seeing that Lin Feng is so stubborn, Jin Fenghuang's heart is moved more like a continuous River, and inexplicably flustered in his heart. Such a man with a sense of responsibility is a girl's heart?

"Well! Then you go with me Golden Phoenix said.

"OK, I will be my sister's bodyguard. My sister belongs to me alone!" Lin Feng said.

The Golden Phoenix smiles gently, and her cheeks are flushed.

Yu'er is angry teeth straight itching, this Lin Feng shameless, it is to persuade elder sister.

"Lin Feng, you're right now. If something happens, don't ask us to save you!" Said yu'er.

"No, at least I won't ask you to save it, because you are not as good as me!" Lin Feng said with a smile.


"OK, OK! Don't quarrel...

Jin Fenghuang rubbed his temple, and his beautiful face was full of tiredness.

I don't know what happened to yu'er. Every time I see Lin Feng, she doesn't have a good face. When she meets others, she pinches each other. Why doesn't yu'er see others like this?

She can't think of it.

But at this time, he heard a knock outside the door. The Golden Phoenix asked, "who is it?"

"Cheng Qianfan!" Outside the door.

Hearing this, yu'er looks happy and says to the Golden Phoenix, "elder sister, the person I'm looking for is coming!"

And he opened the door.

I saw a man in a Chinese tunic with four young men in their twenties coming in.

The man in Zhongshan suit, who is the leader, looks about 30 years old. He has an inch beard and a big back. He is glossy and shiny. He has a bit of momentum.

The young men behind him were also fresh and vigorous.

"Elder sister, this is my senior brother, Cheng Qianfan!" Yu'er introduces Jin Fenghuang.

"Oh, Hello, Master Cheng!" Golden Phoenix politely smile way.

"Well, Hello, boss Kim!" Cheng Qianfan bowed his hands and said, "I've heard that boss Jin looks like a flower. When I see him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Said, a pair of eyes in the body of the Golden Phoenix swept back and forth.

Seeing this, the Golden Phoenix could not help but feel embarrassed, but due to the face of yu'er, he politely said, "I'm flattered. It's just that everyone flatters me too much."

"Well, don't say that!" Cheng Qianfan said with a smile: "boss Jin, such a beautiful woman, is rare in the world!"

"Cough!" At this time, Lin Feng coughed twice and said, "sister Jin is beautiful. Everyone knows. You can get down to business."

Cheng Qianfan was interrupted by Lin Feng, and frowned. Then he asked yu'er, "sister yu'er, who is this?""Oh, I'm sister Kim's bodyguard today! Lin Feng Lin Feng said first.

"Bodyguard?" Cheng Qianfan is stunned.

"Elder martial brother, don't worry about him. He just knows how to do Kung Fu. He has to follow him to Longkou group!" Said yu'er.

"Kung Fu?" Cheng Qianfan asked, "which school, little brother? Where do you learn from? "

"Oh, I don't have a school. I've learned by myself." Lin Feng said.

"It's wild road!" Hearing Lin Feng say so, Cheng Qianfan immediately raised his head and said in a haughty manner: "nowadays, what cats and dogs dare to be bodyguards!"

Jade son is also a burst of sneer immediately way, and said to Lin Feng: "do you know my elder martial brother is what identity?"

"I don't know." Lin Feng said with a smile: "would like to hear its details!"

Yu'er said: "my elder martial brother is a direct disciple of the 18th generation leader of Huashan school. In recent years, he has studied the western free combat and integrated the Chinese boxing with the Western irregular fighting. He has won many awards in the competition arena in the city, and has been well known in Songjiang City for a long time."

"Yield, yield!" Cheng Qianfan said humbly, but his face was full of pride.

The little beauties around her could not help but scream.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"Yes, so young, so successful! It's amazing

Cheng Qianfan listen to the praise around, very proud, he held up his head, a high look, has completely no Lin Feng in the eyes.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Lin Feng also applauded.

"Hum!" Cheng Qianfan gave Lin Feng a scornful glance and said, "how can you be the bodyguard of boss Jin? This is irresponsible for the life of boss Jin! "

Cheng Qianfan said, went to Jin Fenghuang and said, "boss Jin, bodyguard is not a joke. If boss Jin is willing, I am willing to condescend and work as a part-time bodyguard for you!"

Cheng Qianfan first saw the Golden Phoenix, and was immediately conquered by the beauty of the Golden Phoenix. He was greedy for the beauty of the Golden Phoenix. Up to now, he has been thinking about how to install X and how to get the favor of the Golden Phoenix. If he can accompany the Golden Phoenix from time to time and win the beauty, it will be sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Cheng Qianfan also said: "of course, I can lower my status and charge lower, just to escort the beauty!"

Golden Phoenix frowned and said, "no, I don't need bodyguards at ordinary times."

"Oh? Well, it seems that boss Jin still doesn't believe in my strength! " Cheng Qianfan said.

Then, he looked at Lin Feng and thought, the Golden Phoenix must have this bodyguard, and then he refused me. Therefore, I will compare him to him, and then let Jin Fenghuang look at me with a new look. In this way, I can be her bodyguard and push her down.

Cheng Qianfan deliberately installed x to Lin Feng and said, "boy, I ask you, have you ever heard of Huashan school?"

"Huashan school, I've heard of it!" Lin Feng said lightly.

"I am a direct disciple of the 18th generation leader of Huashan sect. Do you know what this means?" Cheng Qianfan said haughtily.

Huashan sect is one of the nine major sects in China. It is very famous. Cheng Qianfan, as the leader's direct disciple, naturally has a high spirit. If you are in the profession, others should take a high look at it.

But Lin Feng suddenly laughed and said, "it means that I am your uncle!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!