The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 351

Lin Feng and Su Jing and other beautiful women talked and laughed until very late.

Then, at about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Su Jing drove the two people home.

Lin Feng went back to his room and called Lao Hu.

"Lao Hu, have you got any information?" Lin Feng asked.

"Got it!" Lao Hu said.

"Ah? Really? " Lin Feng was excited, rubbed his hands and asked, "is that gluttonous? Is it a member of the holy body Legion?"

"Yes "He is a strong general under Cobra of the holy body army," said Hu

"So it's the holy body army that wants to take the blood jade, right?" Lin Feng Road.

"No!" Laohu said: "Taotie left the holy body army and joined another organization after a big fight with kakun of the holy body army a year ago because of internal fighting."

"Oh?" Lin Feng frowned: "which organization did he join?"

"Mystery organization!" Lao Hu said.

"Ah "Isn't that nonsense?" Lin Feng said? The secret organization must have a name? "

"This mysterious organization is very powerful and secretive. It is said that it is an organization that gathers elites from all walks of the world. They are so powerful that even I can't find out their information in a short time!" Lao Hu said.

"Oh, I'm so happy for it!" Lin Feng sighed.

"But I have a message!" Lao Hu said.

"Well? What's the news? " Asked Lin Feng.

"That mysterious organization heard that you killed Taotie, so next, there will be a fierce figure airborne in Jincheng." Lao Hu said.

"Oh? Isn't that gluttonous

"Of course, Taotie is too far away. He can only be regarded as a non staff member and a pawn of the mysterious organization. If you come to Jincheng to watch the wind first, the real big man will arrive soon. You should be on the alert of 12 points!" Lao Hu said.

"Well, let's leave it to them. I don't think it's interesting not to come." Lin Feng looks indifferent.

"By the way, you should also pay attention to the fact that when Chu Yuqi's father, Chu Guoyun, appeared last time, did you kill some Japanese killers with masks?" Lao Hu asked.

"Well, you know that, too?"

"How can I not know that the person you killed is the actor's man!" Lao Hu said.

"Who is the actor?"

"The actor is under the Japanese general. He is one of the seven generals under the Japanese general's seat. His people like to wear suits and wear white masks. According to my information, the actor is tracking down who killed them. He should find you soon! Be careful Lao Hu said.

"Good! Come on, all of you! " Lin Feng said: "it's better for all the major organizations in the world to come to Jincheng. I'll go and kill my father's enemies one by one."

"Lin Feng, don't look down upon these people. Although you are very strong now, you should know the truth that the stronger the stronger, the stronger the middle hand, and the higher the mountain is!" Lao Hu said.

"Well, I'll be careful!" Lin Feng said: "you don't have to think about me too much. I'm such a big man. You also think about your body more."

"Oh, I grew up watching you grow up, just like the flesh on the back of my hand. How can I rest assured? I've been worrying about you all day. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you. Oh, I won't tell you. I have an appointment to play mahjong. Bye Lao Hu hung up directly.

"I wipe it!" Lin Feng is covered with black lines.

Are you worried about me? Said to play mahjong, run faster than anyone!

I can have the character of this belly black today, it seems to be inseparable from you!

Lin Feng hung up the phone and lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time.

He suddenly thought of his parents!

Father, mother, son is unfilial, so far have not found the person who killed you.

Although Lin Feng is not sure whether his parents have been killed, but after so many years, no news has been heard from him. I think it will be more and more ominous.

The last time the Chu National Games said that it was a foreign organization that coerced his parents. It was not clear which organization it was. So Lin Feng didn't mind that all the well-known international organizations came to Jincheng to play. There must be some enemies in it.

Lin Feng thought about it and fell asleep.

In the dream, he dreamt of his parents. When he was a child, he held his parents' hands and hummed songs in his mouth, jumping and jumping happily.

The birds on the tree chirp, as if there are endless words; the afternoon sun shining through the leaves, mottled light and shadow sprinkle on the ground, everything is so beautiful, so yearning!

However, what makes him sad is that he still can't see his parents clearly after all...


when he woke up the next day, Lin Feng did not get up as usual, but directly called Jin Fenghuang in bed.

Now that the Jinjia project has been won, the whole city exploration may be carried out in the near future. Lin Feng wants to take the Golden Phoenix as the first stop. There should be something hidden under the water of crescent lake."Hi, sister Jin. Are you free? I'll talk to you about something!" Lin Feng said to the phone.

"Oh, unfortunately, I'm really busy. What do you want to talk about? Either you come to me in the morning, I may go out in the afternoon! " Golden Phoenix said.

"I won't disturb you if you are busy?" Lin Feng Road.

"I can be busy with other people, but I will treat you in a special way." "I have some time in the morning," said the Golden Phoenix

"Oh, well, I won't disturb you." "What are you busy with?" Lin Feng said

The Golden Phoenix said, "Oh, didn't you hear that? Long Xiaoqian, the leader of the Longkou group, has returned to Jincheng. He asked me to meet him this afternoon. I don't know what his intention is? "

"Oh?" Lin Feng vaguely felt that this was not good, but he said, "OK, then go!"

"Well, here you are, I'll tell you in detail!" Golden Phoenix Road.

Hang up the phone, Lin Feng rode on his 28 bars and went to the order of the Phoenix.

Then, go straight to the office of Golden Phoenix on the top floor.

At this time, the office, there are golden phoenix and jade, there are a few beautiful women in.

"Oh, my sister, do you make so many beautiful women to treat me? Don't be too polite Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, you must stop joking Golden Phoenix look some sad said.

Seeing Jin Fenghuang's sad face, Lin Feng asked, "what's wrong with my sister? Who made you unhappy

Jin Fenghuang said: "no one bothered me, but this afternoon, long Xiaoqian asked me to make friends with martial arts. The people of the order of Phoenix are not good at martial arts."

"Then you won't go!" Lin Feng Road.

"No way!" Jin Fenghuang said: "Longkou group is the most powerful Association in Jincheng. In Jincheng community, it is the boss. Our order of Phoenix has just become one of the four major associations in Jincheng, and its status is not stable. If we don't give Longkou group face, it will definitely suffer a loss! If the Longkou group starts a war against us on the ground that we do not respect them, we will certainly suffer! "

After hearing this, Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "then you go!"

One side of the jade son listened, but said coldly: "what do you know? The Longkou group has no intention of making such a sudden move, so this time it must be the Hongmen banquet. If the elder sister goes there, there will be personal danger. Moreover, there are many experts in Longkou group, so it is easy to go and difficult to come back, unless there is a senior person to accompany her! "

"Master?" Lin Feng murmured in his mouth and went to yu'er, comparing with her.

"What are you doing?" Yu'er said impatiently.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "look, I'm tall, right? You're a tall man, aren't you? "

Finish saying, also looked at Golden Phoenix one eye, say: "or take me this expert to go? Hey, hey , the fastest update of the webnovel!