The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 350

There was a crack.

Old four was knocked a roll of white eyes, directly fainted in the past.

"Oh, she won't die, will she? I just gave it a little tap Lin Feng said, "you don't have to fight, but you still come out to do bad things? What do you think? "

Su Jing said, "he can't die. Come and help us untie. Don't worry about him!"

At the same time, Lin Feng said: "I am a very soft hearted person. I feel very sorry for beating people. Alas, I am so sad!"

The three beauties were suddenly covered with black lines.

When you hit people, you don't blink your eyes. Now you pretend to be a good man and act as an honest man. On the belly black, no one dares to say the first!

Lin Feng helped Su Jing and others untie the rope. Su Jing quickly said, "by the way, there are still three gangsters. Where have they gone? Lin Feng, do you see it? "

"Didn't you see that?" Lin Feng said, "who is there? I saw this one

"No, there are three more!" Su Jing said.

"Yes, there are four people in all, otherwise, how could we be tied up?" Ye Yuwei said: "a person certainly does not have such great ability!"

"Oh? Are those three gone? " Lin Feng asked, pretending to be confused.

"I don't know." Su Jing went out of the door and looked around. She found that she didn't even have a personal shadow.

"Oh, no, let's celebrate." Lin Feng said, "Aunt Liu, they only come in the evening. Let's make something for ourselves to eat."

"Are you still in the mood to eat?" Su Jing said, "call the police! The other three are not sure where they are hiding! "

Su Jing was very worried and called the police directly!

Soon, Shen man and Xiao Li came to the door.

Shen man nodded with a smile: "Lin Feng, sure enough, it's you again!"

"Well, I may be more active!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You are too active Shen man said in a cold voice: "Swan Lake Villa has never happened before. Since you came here, things have happened one after another, and they are all in your villa. Lin Feng, you are really a person who attracts bees and butterflies!"

"That's right. I'm the focus everywhere. I can't help it. It's so excellent!" Lin Feng smiles.

"You really think you're good, don't you?" Shen man yelled: "say, what's going on?"

"Officer, I'll tell you."

When Su Jing sees Shen man, she doesn't want to see Lin Feng. She is afraid that their conversation will collapse.

Then, Su Jing told the story.

"If you say four people, how can it be one?" Shen man asked.

"The three went out and never came back. I don't know where they went." Su Jing said.

Shen man frowned and said, "run away?"

Then he said to Xiao Li, "let's go out and have a look."

"Good!" Xiao Li Dao.

"Officer, I'll say one more word. I heard a noise in the garage just now. You can go and have a look!" Lin Feng Road.

Shen man pursed her lips and didn't speak. She took Xiao Li to the garage. Lin Feng laughed and followed Su Jing and others.

Soon everyone came to the garage and Su Jing pressed the remote control.

The garage door quickly lifted up, at this time, a gust of cold wind from the garage pavement, like the north wind howling in winter!


Xiao Li sneezed: "is this the garage? Are you sure it's not a cold storage? "

The crowd looked inside. After a burst of frost, they saw several brand-new cars lined up in the garage. Beside these cars, there were three people in rigid shapes.

Two of them hold each other tightly, like a pair of lovers who will never die.

And the bald man in front of him is holding his head and shivering.

They are all white ice cream, eyelashes, eyebrows, a piece of white, just like three white eyebrow heroes!

The embarrassment of these three people is in sharp contrast to the dignity and elegance of those chartered cars.

"Are they the three?" Shen man asked Su Jing.

"Mm-hmm, it's the three of them!" Su Jing pointed to her bald head.

"You three, come out!" Shen man gave a big drink.

At this time, the three talents slowly recovered, their big bald heads almost cried, and said, "thank God, if we don't come, we'll all be ice sculptures!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Come out to me!" Shen man has a straight face.

The three men were extremely slow. They were frozen and helped each other for a long time before they walked out of the garage.

Su Jing was surprised. When did the garage let off air conditioning?

"Lin Feng, is it you who let off the air conditioner?" Su Jing asked.

"Ah, yes, I think your car will get hot at high speed, so I want to cool down the motor!" Lin Feng said: "I didn't expect to freeze the three of them into stupid x, ha ha ha!""Ah As soon as the three men heard this, they were not angry at all.

But there's no way. The police are here. This time it's a disaster.

Three people were handcuffed by Shen man and pushed into the car, while the fourth was sent to the hospital by Xiao Li.

Su Jing and others finally put their hearts down and walked back to the villa with Lin Feng.

Not in the mood to cook, Su Jing took the red wine that she had treasured for many years, opened it, and chatted with everyone.




at the same time, the Western District of Jincheng city.

In a spacious villa.

This is the residence of long Xiaoqian, the leader of the Longkou group. He returned to Jincheng from Japan three days ago.

Long Xiaoqian was sitting on a red pine relief chair, full of anger.

He banged on the table and angrily said, "the matter has not been done, but was first caught by the police, these wastes!"

"Dad, who are you looking for?" "I thought Lin Feng was dead!" Longshao said with a sad face

"What's the hurry? It's not over!" Long Xiaoqian's face was full of anger.

Long Xiaoqian returned to Jincheng a few days ago and learned that some changes had taken place in Jincheng during the past few months.

After passing the poetry conference, the order of Phoenix was firmly seated on the throne of the four major associations in Jincheng.

After the death of Chai Gou, the God of fire also lost its ground, and Chen Da finally took over.

The support Gang disintegrated, and Cui San Ye was seriously injured and hospitalized. There was no leader.

The business of Shen's group contracted, and Changsheng Group and Dongsheng Group accounted for half of the total.

However, since ancient times, the general trend has changed all the time, and nothing remains unchanged. All these dragons can understand.

But he couldn't stand one thing, that is, his son Longyang, was repeatedly humiliated by an unknown security guard.

At the last poetry conference of the order of Phoenix, his son was beaten by Lin Feng and humiliated in the water. This matter, for Longkou group, was extremely humiliating!

Longyang is the son of long Xiaoqian, the young master of Longkou group, and will be the leader of Longkou group in the future. However, if he is insulted by outsiders, what is the face of Longkou group? How can Longyang establish its position in Jincheng?

What's more, it happened at the poetry meeting of the order of Phoenix. However, Jin Fenghuang didn't even interfere with it. Instead, he gave Lin Feng the status of the Royal chief adviser of the order of Phoenix.

Isn't this clearly against the Longkou group?

A small order of Phoenix, just promoted to the four major associations in Jincheng, dares to be so arrogant. It seems that she should be given some color to see.

And this Lin Feng, a small security guard, is so bold. Can you provoke the Longkou group?

So he sent four killers to kill Lin Feng first.

As a result, I didn't expect that the four stupid people didn't kill them, and they just entered the police station.

"Waste!" Long Xiaoqian hammered the table again.

"Dad, those people won't give us up, will they?" Long Shao asked anxiously.

"No, they dare not!" Long Xiaoqian said.

"What are we going to do next? Continue to send people to kill Lin Feng? " Long Shao asked.

"No, I have my own arrangements!" Long Xiaoqian said.

"Well!" Long Shao nodded, and then said: "the Golden Phoenix, I look angry, but that woman is really beautiful!"

"Do you like it?" Long Xiaoqian asked, "she is nearly thirty years old."

"Only in this way can it have charm. She is much more charming than those little girls. She is super attractive." Long Shao Dao rubbed his hands and lost his way.

"Well, since you like it, I'll arrange it for you!" Long Xiaoqian said, "Golden Phoenix, Lin Feng! If you dare to touch my son, I will ask you to pay the price immediately! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!