The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 349

Swan Lake Villa.

Su Jing drove her car into the garage.

Swan Lake Villa is a very luxurious community, the quality of the house is excellent, and the garage is equipped with a warm winter and cool summer temperature regulation system.

After the car stopped, Su Jing and others wanted to get out of the car and go out, but Lin Feng suddenly said, "wait, let's take the side door."

Because the garage has a side door that leads to the basement of the villa.

"By the side door? What's the side door for? " Su Jing didn't understand.

Isn't this your own home? How ugly it is to be furtive! Especially with two beautiful subordinates.

"Let's show you around the basement!" Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha!" Su Jing said with a cold smile: "it's mysterious. If you want to go through the side door, you can go by the side door. Let's go to the front door!"

Su Jing took Ye Yuwei and Jin Ling out of the car and said, "go, let's go out!"

Lin Feng hands a spread, helpless a smile way: "wish you good luck ha!"

Seeing Su Jing and others out of the garage, Lin Feng lowered the garage door, then sat in the car, lit a cigarette and smoked.

At this time, Su Jing and others came out of the room, and the three of them walked around the gate, chatting and laughing.

At the gate, Su Jing opens the door and invites Ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue to come in.

However, at this time, from the green belt nearby, several hooded gangsters suddenly rushed out, pushed Su Jing and others into the villa, and then turned back and closed the door.

"Don't move!"

The gangster yelled and took out a dagger to frighten Su Jing and others.

Su Jing and others were surprised and soon calmed down.

The gangster was a little muddled, and the head of the group yelled: "girl, aren't you afraid?"

"Scared!" Su Jing said.

She was really nervous and regretted that she should listen to Lin Feng.

"Afraid?" The gangster said, "if you are afraid, don't you cry out in fear?"

"Ah Su Jing looks at Ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue. They are also surprisingly calm.

Three people experienced just now more terrifying exciting scene, for now, seems to have been a little surprised too big waves.

But this makes a few gangsters feel very shameless!

Nima, how many bad things she has done for so many years, that time, she didn't frighten people into crying. As a result, today, three weak women have a calm face.

The chief gangster felt greatly humiliated. This is the most embarrassing moment in his many years of gangster career. This is an insult to his professionalism.

He pulled off the headgear and showed his bald head and a face of incomparable ferocity.

"Ah --"

Su Jing and others screamed with fear.

"Well, you're scared to death!" "Do you know you're afraid this time?" said the gangster

"How ugly!" Su Jing said.

"Yes, how can anyone grow up like this?" Ye Yuwei said.

"It's so ugly, it really scares me!" Jin Lingyue.

The bald man suddenly realized that this group of people was not frightened by his momentum, but by his appearance, and suddenly there was a burst of anger.

"Big brother, you are not professional, how can you show your face?" One side of the younger brother reminds way.

"Don't worry, none of these people will stay today!" The bald man resentfully said: "first rape, then kill!"

"Ah? You said it earlier! We are suffocating to death The others took off the headgear, too.

"Big brother, how about if we drag them into the house first?" Asked a wretched voice nearby.

"No way!" Bald guy said: "dragon boss let us deal with Lin Feng, we have to deal with Lin Feng first, and then play with these women peacefully!"

"Well, so do you!"

"Old four, go get the rope and tie them up!" Said the bald man.

A long, thin gangster ran out and soon came back with a few ropes in his hand.

Four of them started together and soon tied up Su Jing and other three people.

At this time, the three of Su Jing had 10000 grass mud horses galloping by. Today may be the most exciting day in their lives.

First, I went through a thrilling negotiation, and then I wanted to relax. As a result, I came home and met with hijacking.

They were not afraid that day, but they were not nervous.

At this time, Su Jing and others understood Lin Feng's practice. No wonder Lin Feng didn't let them out of the garage. They had already discovered it.

But why didn't Lin Feng stop us! Su Jing was a little angry.

However, she is also a reasonable person. She thinks that she is still stubborn. It seems that every word Lin Feng said has his own reason, so we should listen to his opinions more in the future!

The three of them were firmly tied together, and then watched by the little old four.The other three, out the front door, headed for the garage. Because they see Lin Feng has not come out of the garage, guess Lin Feng is still inside!

Lin Feng heard the footsteps, pinched his cigarette end and went directly from the small door to the basement.

The three men went into the garage and looked around for people, but they couldn't find anyone.

At this time, Lin Feng pressed the button, the garage door came down directly and closed, and then he pressed a low temperature button.

This low-temperature button is only available in high-end garages. Sometimes the car speed is too fast. When I come back, I use this low-temperature physical cooling device.

The three gangsters were shocked.

"Big brother, why is the door closed?" A gangster used to push the door of the storehouse, but the building quality of the community was very good. The garage door was as heavy as a mountain. He pushed it a few times and did not move!

"Big brother, there's an iron gate here!" Another said, then pulled a few times, and then said: "unfortunately, it can't be pulled!"

The bald man said, "be quiet, don't disturb the outside! I'll call the fourth



The two men nodded.

The bald guy took out his cell phone and called in the past, but no one answered at that end.

"Shit, old four doesn't answer the phone!" The bald man scolded.

"Old four likes watching movies most. He always turns his mobile phone on mute for fear that others will know." Said a gangster.

"NIMA's, I'll smash his cell phone when I go out. Paralyzed, what's the use of mobile phone for him?" The bald man said angrily.

At this time a person said: "I go, how cold, how there is air conditioning inside?"

"Yes, it's cold. What should I do?"

"Come on, hug, let's hold each other!"


The two gangsters were held together.

And the bald guy's eyes are red.

What's the matter with NIMA?

I didn't succeed in killing people. I was trapped in the garage first.

At the same time, Lin Feng has already walked up the first floor from the basement.

He walked very quietly and there was no sound, but Su Jing's eyes were sharp, and she saw Lin Feng, and she was very happy.

"Beauty, can you still laugh? In a moment, you're going to be killed by us. Wait and cry Gangster old four cold way, he back to Lin Feng, did not see!

At this time, Lin Feng quietly walked to the back of the fourth, grabbed the ashtray next to him and knocked on his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!