The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 348

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng walked back to Wei Yunlong's office.

At this time, the police have come, because the police in Jincheng are under the jurisdiction of different districts. Shen man and Xiao Li are in charge of the Eastern District of the city. This is the downtown area. So the person coming is a policeman whom Lin Feng does not know.

After the police made a written record and got a detailed understanding of the situation with the party concerned, they took photos at the scene and asked people to take away the impermanent body. Then, they went downstairs to see the scene of the fall.

Because of many human and material evidence, Lin Feng and others were not convicted, but they needed to be summoned and present at any time.

After the police went down, because the office belonged to the scene of the accident, it was not suitable to damage it now. So Wei Yunlong took the people up a floor and went to the office of the chairman Wei Zhentian.

At this time, the doctor also arrived, gave Jin Lengyu a simple bandage, and then hung water.

Wei Yunlong praised Lin Feng and expressed his sincere thanks.

People also thank Lin Feng in succession. If it wasn't for Lin Feng today, I'm afraid everyone would die.

After such a soul stirring event, Su Jing and others gradually calmed down. Su Jing could not help but think about the business of Jin family. He recalled that Wei Yunlong did not compromise under the circumstances of being so coerced by third master Cui. Who does this business want to give?

Dongsheng Group and the backers are all out, he does not give face at all. What other forces in Jincheng can make Wei Yunlong care so much?

Su Jing doesn't understand. She wants to know who she lost to!

But at this time, Lin Feng said to Wei Yunlong: "thank you, don't say, in fact, I am very satisfied with your performance!"

"Thank you, Dr. Lin!" Wei Yunlong nodded repeatedly.

Lin Feng said, "well, who have you signed up with for this project?"

"No, it's not signed yet!" Wei Yunlong road.

"Good! Then you can sign with Dongsheng Group! " "Dongsheng Group is very suitable for cooperation," said Lin Feng

All the people present were stunned. What does Lin Feng mean by this?

Jin Lengyu thought, who is suitable for cooperation, has nothing to do with you!

Su Jing, on the other hand, laughed dispiritedly. She and the director of sales and public relations all worked together and couldn't win the project. What can you say?

Wei Yunlong was also stunned. Didn't you say you took the project yourself? How to return it to Dongsheng Group now?

He asked Lin Feng, "Doctor Lin has no idea about this project?"

Because of the presence of Jin Lengyu, it was not convenient for him to say so.

"Have an idea!" Lin Feng said: "my idea is that this project should be handed over to Dongsheng Group. After all, I am the security guard of Dongsheng Group. It is a great honor for our company to cooperate with this project."

"Doctor Lin is serious about this?" Wei Yunlong asked.

"Seriously!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, I think this project can be given to Dongsheng Group!" Wei Yunlong said.


Su Jing and others were stunned and couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

"Did I hear you right? Did you give it to us? " Jin Lingyue said in disbelief.

"Yes, that's it for us?" Ye Yuwei also said with big eyes.

"Yes, to Dongsheng Group!" Wei Yunlong said: "after all, Dongsheng Group is rich in capital and is also a new mining magnate. The Jinjia mining industry in Jincheng can cooperate with Dongsheng Group. It is a win-win cooperation between the powerful and the powerful."

Su Jing is still in a state of ignorance. In Lin Feng's words, this project has become a member of Dongsheng Group?

What method did Lin Feng use?

What's more, Wei Yunlong also asked for Lin Feng's opinions and opinions. After Lin Feng told Dongsheng Group, he praised Dongsheng Group again. What's suitable for cooperation and strong alliance!

Wei Yunlong, you didn't say that before!

Su Jing was very shocked. Now he recalled what Lin Feng said at that time. Lin Feng said that the project was not so difficult, just serve him well.

So what Lin Feng said is true!

Although he is careless, there are his reasons between the lines.

Su Jing was completely shocked by Lin Feng today. His understanding of Lin Feng has risen to a higher level. Lin Feng can surprise her every time. No wonder his father, Tang Dongsheng, is respectful to Lin Feng. It turns out that this person is really not an ordinary person!

Not only Su Jing was surprised, but ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue were even more surprised that their eyeballs were falling off.

I forgot to eat or sleep for several days, but the result is not as useful as others?

Isn't Lin Feng a security guard? How can a security guard have so much energy?

Jin Lengyu is very receptive to this result. She also thinks that Dongsheng Group is suitable for cooperation. Moreover, she doesn't care who she cooperates with. Her goal is to explore the whole city and find the four objects assigned by the leader.

As for who to cooperate with, it was just a gimmick, so she was very relieved to give the decision-making power to Wei Yunlong."Well, it's a happy day for everyone. Let's go to dinner together." Wei Yunlong said.

"I will not go!" Jin Lengyu is back to the extremely cold appearance before.

She is now hanging a hanging bottle on her head, and her legs are unable to walk normally. In addition, she is extremely sad in her heart. How can she have the heart to eat?

"Mr. Wei, I won't bother you today. After all, a lot of things have happened in your company. Let's sign a contract and have a meal together some other day to express our sincere cooperation sincerity of Dongsheng Group." Su Jing said.

Wei Yunlong thought that the bloody scenes just now still lingered on, and he had no appetite. He said, "well, we will sign the contract after three days."

"Great!" Su Jing stood up and shook hands with Wei Yunlong.

Then, don't go downstairs on the sidewalk.

"Doctor Lin, don't sit down any more!" Wei Yunlong didn't expect Lin Feng to follow Su Jing too!

"Oh, I can't. I have to go back to work, or no one will look at the door!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah Wei Yunlong was speechless for a while, but he showed Dongsheng Group the door. It was extremely wasteful!

Then, he said, "the miracle Doctor Lin must come some other day, and I will treat you warmly."

"OK!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then, she went downstairs with Su Jing and others.

They got into Su Jing's Cadillac car and drove out of the parking lot of Changsheng Group building.

But at the same time, a black Toyota Camry also drove out, closely following Cadillac.

In Camry's car, a young man with a mean appearance was driving. He said to the fierce bald head in the front passenger's seat: "big brother, boss long asked us to engage in Lin Feng. Unexpectedly, there are three beautiful girls. Hey, hey, hey, let's do it together?"

"These three beautiful girls are really exciting. OK, kill Lin Feng first, and then take all these three beautiful girls down!" The bald head said maliciously.

Lin Feng had already seen the car behind him through the rearview mirror. He couldn't help but smile and said to Su Jing, "don't go back to the company, or let's go to the villa to celebrate."

"Good idea, good idea!" Jin Lingyue said.

Such a large project won, Dongsheng Group will have a huge income, this is to celebrate.

Ye Yuwei also agreed.

Su Jing nodded and drove to Swan Lake Villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!