The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 347

"What? Are you smoking? " The crowd was stunned.

"Yes Lin Feng said: "now we must suck the poison out, otherwise in a short time, the blood will circulate again, when the poison spreads all over the body, people will die in an instant!"

"Ah Everyone was surprised.

Wei Yunlong said, "Doctor Lin, please help Mr. Jin suck it quickly."

"Wait!" Jin Lengyu's face was slightly red and said, "my poisoned part is too sensitive. Can I have another woman to suck it?"

With that, his face became more red.

Her words reminded people that they were worried about her safety just now, but they didn't expect the poisoning part. The poisoning part of her thigh is close to the root of her thigh, which belongs to the private area.

"Well, it makes sense to find a woman to take drugs!" Wei Yunlong said, "I'll ask if there are volunteers in the company."

"Don't go! It's no use going there! " Lin Feng said: "after you have searched for volunteers, the golden beauty has long been in vain!"

Wei Yunlong thought for a moment and said, "which one of the beauties here is willing to stand up?"

"It won't work either." Lin Feng said: "first of all, they can't inhale. They can't suck clean. Second, they can't be poisoned by themselves. It's very dangerous! It's irresponsible to JINDA beauty and the people who help her suck! "

"What about that?" Wei Yunlong was helpless.

Lin Feng smiles: "what else can I do? I can only condescend to make do with it and give it to the golden beauty! "

"Dr. Lin, it's... A pity to you!" Wei Yunlong didn't think it was wrong. He just felt that Lin Feng was too aggrieved. After all, Dr. Lin had such a high status, but he wanted to condescend to help people take drugs.

"It's nothing!" Lin Feng said, glancing at Jin Lengyu in his eyes and laughing to himself, but on the surface, he said: "saving one life is better than building a seven level pagoda. Even if it is very dangerous, I am duty bound! Who made me a man of noble character since I was a child

"Ah Wei Yunlong thumbs up: "Doctor Lin, a real man!"

Su Jing and others also have a burst of admiration. They think that Lin Feng is really a man at the critical moment. Most people dare not do it, and they won't do it. Such a man really gives people a sense of security.

But Jin Lengyu was flustered. He had not touched a man for more than 20 years, but he was being sucked there today. It's too shameful.

"But, I..." Jin Lengyu also wanted to refute.

"Oh, golden beauty, it's too late. Hurry up, or you will not only lose your leg, but also your life." Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Jin, don't do it. It's important to help!" Wei Yunlong also advised.

Jin Lengyu pondered for a moment and finally nodded: "well... OK!"

Then he added: "but you should be light. I'm very... Sensitive."

"Don't worry, Miss Kim. I'll be very careful." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then to other humanitarians: "what, the scene in the future is not suitable for children. Please avoid it first!"

Wei Yunlong quickly said: "everyone, Doctor Lin wants to practice medicine to save people. I'll take you to the next door for a cup of coffee first."

Su Jing and others followed Wei Yunlong out to the rest room next door.

Lin Feng closed the door and said to Jin Lengyu, "sit on the sofa, lean back on the sofa, and relax."

Jin Lengyu did it with a red face.

Lin Feng continued: "the skirt is a bit in the way. Let's go to one side."

After biting her teeth, Jin Lengyu held out her delicate hand and gently pulled her skirt to one side.

Seeing that the range was very small, Lin Feng was not very satisfied, and then said, "I can't help you clear the poison like this. Let it go. I'm saving you!"

"Can't you do it yourself?" Jin Lengyu cried with shame.

"Well, you said it yourself Lin Feng came forward and directly overturned the skirt, and had a good view.

"What are you doing?" Jin Lengyu was flustered.

"I think it's in the way." Lin Feng said, "OK, let's go."

He lowered his head and sucked it up in the middle.

"Zizi, hissing... Zizi... Bah... Hissing..."

Jin Lengyu did not dare to move, but the excitement still made him cry out.

"Ah... Be gentle... Ah..."

Jin Lengyu covered her mouth, and her head did not go to other places. Her face was red to the root of her neck.

This position!

The sound!

All this!

What a shame!

Jin Lengyu was ashamed and angry in his heart. He had lived so much and had never been so ashamed. He wanted to kill Lin Feng.

But when you think about it carefully, people are also sacrificing their lives to save themselves. Who can blame? Then he comforted himself: no way, his life is in his hand, let him go!Jin Lengyu closed his eyes and let Lin Feng ziziyou!

After about half an hour or so, Lin Feng said, "that what, OK!"

Jin Lengyu seemed to have survived a long winter, and finally opened her eyes, with a trace of confusion and joy in her eyes, and said, "is the poison all cleared out?"

"Well, it's almost all right. I'm using some drugs to clear the toxin, so it's OK." Lin Feng Road.

"Should I thank you?" Jinlengyu road.

"Yes, you should thank me, but you are not going to stay with me for the whole night. It's not too late to thank you then!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah?" Jin Lengyu said, "Lin Feng, don't you cheat on me. Didn't that man fall to his death when he fell down? You didn't kill it

"He was surprised by my handsome, just fell down!" Lin Feng said.

"Nonsense!" Jinlengyu road.

"Well, if I wasn't there, would he fall downstairs? I'm not sure you're all out of business now! " Lin Feng Road.

"But it is true!" Jin Lengyu murmured.

"So you, vice president of King's group, keep your word!" Lin Feng Road.

Jin Lengyu was very clever. She turned her eyes and said, "by the way, you and my sister love each other? You haven't broken up until now. You can't do something sorry for my sister, and I can't! "

"I'm sorry for your sister after a night with you? Don't talk nonsense. Your sister just left me without saying hello. Do you still use this morality to restrain me? Do you think it's reasonable? " Lin Feng said, "so, I'm not your brother-in-law. Don't kidnap me morally."

With that, Lin Feng turned his head, but his eyes showed a sad sadness, and even his eyes were red.

"Well, your injury is almost over. I'll make an appointment with you some other day." Lin Feng went out of the house directly and told Wei Yunlong to get some medicine for him to disinfect and detoxify.

He found a quiet place and called Lao Hu.

"Hello, Lao Hu, I have a head-on battle with the people of the mysterious organization today!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah? Have you ever tried to extort a confession by torture and ask the other party what organization it is? " Lao Hu asked.

"No!" Lin Feng said, "that guy will never follow me! But I can tell that the man has something to do with the Legion of the holy bodies

"Holy body Legion?" Lao Hu repeated: "the Western scientist Hu Jin is dead, the holy body army is not in a low state, how can they go to Jincheng to rob blood jade?"

Lin Feng said: "so I guess that the mysterious organization you are talking about should not be the holy body army. However, you should help me to find out whether there is such a person as Taotie in the holy body Legion. If you find out, it will be clear at once!"

Lao Hu said, "OK, I'll send someone to check it out." , the fastest update of the webnovel!