The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 346

At the moment when Taotie was about to pull the trigger, he heard Lin Feng say: "it's a terrible crime if you don't correct your mistakes."

With the fall of the voice, Taotie only felt a flower in front of his eyes. Lin Feng was hard to see with the naked eye, so he came to Taotie.

A few tenths of a second. What? All of a sudden?

Taotie was in a panic and shot Lin Feng with a pistol, but Lin Feng hit her elbow.

"Bang" a sound, the gun is released, but at the same time the gun was also shot down by Lin Feng on the ground.

In a flash, Lin Feng held Taotie in his throat and hit him firmly.

"Forehead cough --"

Taotie's face turned red, as if his throat had been cut in the wrong position. He curled up in pain and coughed violently. It seemed that his breathing was extremely not smooth.

"If you lose, you'll be caught with your hands!" Lin Feng cheered.

But at this time, Taotie's eyes flashed with a flash of cold, and suddenly ran up, directly embracing Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng - you and I die together -" Taotie's leg leaped fiercely, pulled Lin Feng directly to the broken window, and was about to fall.

"How cunning you are Lin Feng tried to break free. Because of his great strength, Taotie's hand was immediately broken away. Taotie's face was not reconciled, and he fell directly towards the building.

"Ah --"

Taotie sends out the final shout, and then, with a loud bang of "bang", he falls into a mess and dies instantly.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "Alas, death is not willing to repent, poisoning is too deep!"

"Ah - the man jumped down?"

"Is he still alive? You go and have a look

"It must be dead!"

All of these people seemed to be revived in a flash, and they looked down the stairs one after another.

"Don't look. You're safe. Now call the police." Lin Feng said.

At this time, these people realized that it was Lin Feng who saved them. For a moment, Lin Feng became their hero.

Everyone picked up their mobile phones to shoot Lin Feng, hoping to leave the appearance of their Savior.

And that hostage directly to Lin Feng knelt down, crying and said: "thank you, thank you for saving me!"

Lin Feng blocked his face and said, "OK, it's not a big deal. It's everyone's responsibility to punish the evil and promote the good."

Someone asked Lin Feng, "what's your name, great Xia?"

"Do good without leaving a name!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, a person who was not very standard in Mandarin said: "I heard that just now. The silver called him Lin Feng."

Because the pronunciation is not standard, Leng is to say "Lin" like "Lei"!

"Ah? Lei Feng

On hearing this, they were immediately angry and adored.

Lin Feng didn't have time to chat with them. He turned down the building and ran to the prosperous group building.

Because he wants to save people.

Inside Changsheng Group building.

A group of people surrounded Jin Lengyu. There was an ice block on the inside of Jin Lengyu's thigh. His whole state was ok, but it was Lin Feng who made one of her legs numb. Up to now, she doesn't feel like a broken leg.

Jin Lengyu's heart is full of twists and turns. He can't poison the dart. He didn't kill him. Did Lin Feng give up one of his legs?

After all, if there is no blood flow for a long time, the whole leg will be useless.

She was worried and said to Wei Yunlong, "you Changsheng Group does not open a hospital, call some skilled doctors to come!"

Jin Lingyue also said in one side: "yes, boss Wei, you see, Mr. Jin is like this, either call a doctor, or, hurry to the hospital!"

Wei Yunlong said: "Mr. Jin, it's not that I don't send you to the hospital. In fact, I think the best doctors are not as good as Lin Feng."

"Lin Feng knows medical skills?" Jin Lingyue was surprised.

I haven't heard of him before.

Wei Yunlong said: "it's not only medical skills, but also the master of our family. We all rely on him to save us. He is a miracle doctor."


Several other beauties are stunned, and Lin Feng in a company for so long, but no one has heard of his medical skills.

Don't talk about them. Even Su Jing and he live under the same roof, and have never heard of his medical skills?

Return the miracle doctor?

Did you cheat Wei Yunlong with some quack skin plaster?

Su Jing always thinks that Lin Feng's deceptive ability is unparalleled in the world! He must have lied.

"Boss Wei, you have to think twice about Lin Feng's medical skills. I think it's better to find a regular doctor!" Su Jing said.

The meaning of the words is obviously that Lin Feng is irregular.

"What's more, Lin Feng's situation is still unclear. I suggest that Mr. Jin's injury should not be delayed any more." Su Jing said.

"All right." Wei Yunlong picked up the phone and called the nearest hospital to send a doctor over.We all know that Wei Yunlong didn't send Jin Lengyu to the hospital directly because everyone wanted to wait to see Lin Feng return.

Lin Feng and that disabled person just now, both of them played with flying people in the air, and they directly ran into the blue ocean building. All the people watching were frightened.

"Will Lin Feng be ok?" Ye Yuwei looks at the building opposite, worried.

"Lin Fengji has his own nature!" Su Jing said. She would like to believe that Lin Feng has always been the king of bad luck.

Wei Yunlong called the doctor and called the police.

In this case, he couldn't help either. In addition to calling the police, he could only put his hands together and pray for the outbreak of Doctor Lin's universe and defeat the enemy.

While waiting for the result anxiously, the door of the office suddenly opened.

Lin Feng came in safe and sound.

"Why do you look so dignified? It's time to cheer Said Lin Feng!

"Dr. Lin, great!"

Wei Yunlong was so happy that he almost jumped up, but because of his identity, he tried to suppress his joy.

"Dr. Lin, what about the disabled? I knew you would beat him as soon as you did it Wei Yunlong felt that he was becoming Lin Feng's brain powder.

Lin Feng is first-class in curing diseases and saving people, and everyone's fighting is also first-class. He is so powerful in saving and harming people, which is the idol standard of Wei Yunlong.

Lin Feng took a look at Jin Lengyu and then said faintly, "dead!"

"Ah?" Wei Yunlong said, "how did you die?"

Lin Feng said: "he would die of his own injustice. He was shocked by my handsome. He fell down and died!"

"Oh? And he fell to death? " Wei Yunlong didn't believe Lin Feng's words. He was so powerful that he fell down on his own?

After all, he witnessed that the man killed Wuchang with one foot, which was really fierce.

"Of course Lin Feng didn't explain much, but looked at Jin Lengyu with a smile: "JINDA beauty, you have to fulfill your promise."

"Hum!" Jin Lengyu snorted coldly, and then said, "you just poked my leg a few times, and my whole leg is unconscious. What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, I forget it if you don't say it!" Lin Feng went to Jin Lengyu and said, "you are not poisoned by the dart. I directly use my sunflower acupoint pressing hand to seal your acupoints in a short period of time, so that the blood can circulate. Otherwise, the poisonous gas will spread and you will die!"

"Do you still order acupoints?"

Everyone was shocked.

Isn't it only in movies that acupoints appear? In reality, is there such a technology?

Lin Feng said: "it's not difficult to point. It's difficult to control the strength. I learned it a few years ago. Of course, my acupoint practitioners are also very superficial. I don't know how to point many acupoints."

Lin Feng is very modest.

But the people around are very shocked, I rely on, can really point hand. This is the master, this is the master!

Wei Yunlong startled Lin Feng and said, "Doctor Lin, you are a God. I have never seen such a God as you. No wonder Gao Qingshan wants to worship you as a teacher. Now I want to worship you as a teacher. Please accept me!"

"Sorry! I don't accept male apprentices! " Lin Feng said, "what, let's start saving people!"

"How to save people?" Wei Yunlong asked.

Lin Feng came forward, holding Jin Lengyu's legs in both hands and saying, "separate your legs. I'll help you with drugs!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!