The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 345

Lin Feng looked back and saw that there was Jin Lengyu right behind him.

The poison dart was evaded by herself, but it was directly stabbed on Jin Lengyu. Jin Lengyu was sitting on the sofa, pale.

Lin Feng quickly let go of Taotie, ran to Jin Lengyu and asked, "where is the poison dart?"

Jin Lengyu points to her inner thigh in pain.

Lin Feng looked at Jin Lengyu's thigh root and saw a needle in the thigh root.

Lin Feng started to pull out the silver needle.

Because of the embarrassment of the dart, Jin Lengyu subconsciously wants to block Lin Feng's hand.

"Don't move!"

Lin Feng took a big drink, pulled out the silver needle directly, and then his fingers measured several times at the wound, as if he had found an acupoint. Suddenly, the middle finger of his index finger was closed together and he jabbed several times.

"Ah --"

Jin Lengyu only felt that one of her legs was numb and weak, and then she lost consciousness.

Lin Feng pulled out the needle and said to Jin Lengyu, "sit down and don't move."

Then he said to Wei Yunlong, "go find ice and help Jin Lengyu cover the wound!"

At this time, the Taotie stood up unsteadily and said with a sneer: "Lin Feng, save people quickly. Be your good man. I lost to you today, and I will give you double in the future. You wait for me!"

With that, he unscrewed half of one of his prosthetic limbs and pointed to the French window of the building in turn.

"Bang --"

from the stubble of his prosthetic limb, a rope is shot out, which breaks through the glass of the building and directly rushes to the blue sea building opposite.

Lin Feng saw that rope. At that time, at the election meeting of the drag racing party, Huoshen was unconscious in a car accident. Outside the wall, this rope flew in and directly wrapped around Huoshen and pulled Huoshen away.

Enough to see two things.

First, Vulcan was really saved by this guy.

Second, this rope is very tough!

One end of the rope is a sharp bullet shaped object, which instantly breaks through the glass of blue ocean building and rushes into the blue ocean building. When it meets the first column, the bullet head suddenly cracks, and something similar to a suction cup appears inside, which is directly and firmly attached to the column.

Taotie sneered: "Lin Feng, I'll see you later. When I see you later, I'll make your blood splash three feet and your head fall to the ground!"

After the cruel words, he pressed the button of the prosthetic limb, the rope shrinked rapidly, and he rushed out of the window.

Lin Feng is a big drink: "kill people want to run? Where is that easy? You wait for me, I'll come right now

Say, whole body muscle tenses, hind foot a pedal, run out directly, embrace on gluttonous body.


They smashed the whole piece of glass into pieces, like a thousand in the mid autumn in the wind, drawing an arc and crashing into the opposite building.

This scene is very breathtaking. At this time, both of them are in the high air of more than 20 floors. If anyone looses his hand, they will fall to the bottom of the building and be crushed to pieces.

Taotie didn't expect Lin Feng to be so desperate. Without any protection, he even followed him out. This man was too desperate!

"Lin Feng, you are so disgusting that I will kill you!" Taotie said fiercely.

He wanted to give Lin Feng a hard blow, knock him unconscious, and then fall down, but he found that his body position, completely unable to make strength.

At this time, he found that the pistol was no longer around his waist, because his belt had the adsorption function, so the fight did not shake off the pistol.

He directly drew out his pistol and shot at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng directly contained his arm and did not let him move.

Looking at the blue sea building nearby, Taotie asked angrily, "Lin Feng, are you not afraid of death?"

"I will not let go of anyone who is not kind to blood jade!" Lin Feng said coldly: "death will not let go!"

"Bang --"

the two people directly smashed the glass of blue ocean building and crashed into the hall of blue ocean building.

"Ah -"

in the hall, there was a burst of chaos, and white-collar workers who were working in an orderly way suddenly ran around in fear and screamed in panic. These two people were like visitors from the outside world, which made white-collar workers who were seriously working in a panic.

After landing, Lin Feng rolled forward and stood up to kick Taotie directly.

And the Taotie pistol also fell to one side. He was staggering, and before he could stand firm, he was kicked by Lin Feng and hit a desk directly.


with a crisp sound, the desk was smashed to pieces.

Taotie spat out blood again. Lin Feng stepped on him and said, "who are you working for? Do you want blood jade?"

"No... cough, no comment!" Gluttonous mouth spits blood, still does not let go.

"It's said that people in the Legion of sacraments love their prosthetics, don't they? Then I'll give you a taste of heartache! " Lin Feng stepped on his half prosthetic limb with a strong foot, and drank: "say it quickly!"Taotie saw his prosthetic limb destroyed, his heartache to the extreme.

But the rest of his eyes saw that the pistol was a few meters away from him. He tried his best to roll to the side and grabbed the pistol directly. Facing Lin Feng was a shot.

Lin Feng is very agile, directly a roll forward to hide in the past, directly behind the marble column.

Seeing that he couldn't shoot Lin Feng, Taotie grabbed a white-collar shivering under the table and put his pistol on the white-collar's head:

"Lin Feng, come on, come on, don't you like to save people? Then you save it! I'll kill all of them. I don't want to keep one of them. How many can you save? "

Then he called out to the hall, "no one moves. I'll kill whoever moves first."

Look around, this floor of the office, no less than dozens of people, those people dare not move.

"You are defeated, put down the butcher's knife, they are innocent!" Lin Feng said coldly behind the marble column.

"Oh, you really like to pretend to be good people. Yes, they are innocent. Only I am the villain, right? Ha ha! I'm the villain! Ha ha ha Taotie laughed wildly and said in the end that his voice was somewhat pathetic: "you can only talk big, but who knows what we have experienced? You know what? Do you understand? "

"If you tell me, I may understand!" Lin Feng Road.

"No, you don't understand!" Taotie stood on the ground with one foot, his face was full of grief and anger, and his voice was very sad and sad: "I had a car accident when I was five years old, my parents died, my legs were amputated, my life fell to the bottom of the valley, but I am very glad that I am a positive sunshine person, I think even if I have no legs, I can live as well!"

"But the people around me, always laugh at me, ridicule me as a waste without parents."

"They bullied me, beat me, dragged me into the muddy puddle and let me climb out by myself. I was covered with muddy water. I was exhausted and my mouth was full of sewage. And they stood by the edge of the puddle, looking at me, laughing and peeing at me."

"Do you know what I'm going through when you're all growing up with your parents? Discrimination, abuse, even inhuman abuse

"It's you, the healthy people like you, who let me know about human nature, and let me know that although you are healthy, your soul is extremely dirty. It is also you who let me know that this society is a predator of the weak. If I am not strong, I will only be fooled and bullied by others."

"So, today's me, no one dares to bully me. Moreover, I can control the life and death of others. I'd rather be negative than negative. So today, I want to kill people!"

Taotie's tone is very excited, and his childhood memories make him very sad and angry.

Lin Feng said: "I understand your feelings, but there are still many good people in the world. Don't deny the whole society because of the darkness in the corners. Our society is very harmonious and friendly. When you treat them kindly, they will respond to you kindly! So, put down the butcher's knife! I'll give you a chance to reform! "

"No!" Taotie roared. His eyes were scarlet and his mouth was covered with blood: "Lin Feng, unless you jump down from this building, I will release everyone! Aren't you the Savior? You jump, you jump

Lin Feng said coldly: "this is the last time I advise you. If you don't stop, you won't have a chance to see the sun tomorrow."

It is undeniable that the experience of Taotie is very tragic, and even Lin Feng has been soft hearted for a moment.

But it's not an excuse for you to harm society.

"Hum, Lin Feng, don't pretend to compare with me. You are not qualified to pretend to compare with me now!" "You don't jump, do you? OK, I'll kill one to show you. Lin Feng, these people will die because of you. Ha ha

Taotie said, with a strong hand, toward the white-collar temple, pulled the trigger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!