The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 344

"Big brother, you must die now, because you die, I can and beautiful woman hey, hey, ha Lin Feng jokingly said.

"Asshole, you bet on me. Do you think you really killed me?"

Taotie gnashed his teeth. This was the most embarrassing time he had been working for so many years. At this time, he was extremely resentful and wanted to cut Lin Feng into meat mud.

"In order to be able to unlock a lot of postures with beautiful women, I think I may be able to play super often!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Jin Lengyu blushed and frowned and said, "Lin Feng, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Jin Lengyu has been keeping his body like a jade for more than 20 years. He has never touched a man's hand. Where did he listen to Lin Feng's explicit words.

Impermanence's death makes her very sad and sad, so in order to help impermanent revenge, she agreed to Lin Feng's request on impulse, but now she wants to come, she has some regrets in her heart.

Thinking of a lot of postures mentioned by Lin Feng, she felt a great shame in her heart. She did not touch a man, which does not mean that she did not understand men. If Lin Feng really wanted to pose with her, she really didn't know what to do.

But at this time, most of her mind was still in the battle. Seeing that Lin Feng did not gain any advantage, it was hard to say whether she would win or lose. So she thought too far away, and all of them were fussing about themselves.

At this time, Lin Feng was already ready. He was like a hunting wolf. His eyes radiated the fierce light and directly shot at Taotie.

Taotie and Lin Feng look at each other and feel a tremor in his heart.

This Lin Feng's eyes, how so ferocious, so that a look, he has a feeling of being pierced by the eyes.

However, Taotie has not killed people like a dog, but also came out of the dead. He has seen countless guys with fierce eyes, but how strong he is, let's say something else!

But Taotie did not dare to take it lightly. He put his hand under his leg and pressed the red button of his knee prosthesis. He listened to the mechanical sound of "Zizi". His prosthetic leg was more bright than before.

"Yo, are you oiling the prosthesis?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Lin Feng, let your horse come here!" he cried

"Don't worry, it's coming!"

Lin Feng says, hind leg pedal ground, hurtle toward front one.

"Whoosh -"

the whole person, like an arrow from the string, rushes directly to Taotie.

Lin Feng's speed, with a gust of wind, an instant to Taotie in front of a punch to Taotie's abdomen in the past.

Taotie is not a vegetarian. He just pressed the button to adjust the prosthetic limb to the best combat state. The prosthetic limb will play 150% of the effect. Of course, this is also a loss. After a battle, even if he wins, he needs to repair his prosthesis again.

He used this function only once. At that time, he fought with kakun, the heavy artillery of the holy body army. However, he turned on the combat readiness state. As a result, both sides were hurt. He took the opportunity to escape and cut off contact with the holy body army.

The past can not bear to look back, at this time in the face of Lin Feng such a strong enemy, he naturally did not dare to relax.

See Lin Feng a punch come over, with a very strong momentum, he hid back, and then a foot to Lin Feng counter attack.

That foot is very heavy, because his prosthetic leg will increase inertia and strength according to his body's movements. Originally, the kick out of one leg is 300 pounds, and with the help of this prosthesis, it will achieve a terrifying effect of 450 pounds.

Therefore, this leg is much heavier than that of ordinary martial Taoist.

If you kick in the vital part of a person, you will die on the spot. Even if you kick to other parts of your body, you will also be disabled.

Lin Feng did not rigidly connect this leg, directly bent over and hid in the past.

Taotie sneers in his heart. Lin Feng, you are just like this. Even I dare not take a leg. He suddenly feels that his chance of winning is much more.

After that, Taotie took turns to sweep his legs in turn. He did not give Lin Feng a chance to breathe, but he still dodged.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "are there any more powerful ones?"

"Well, you can beat me and talk big!"

Taotie snorted coldly. All his strength was put on his right leg, but his left fist went to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng ducked again, however, Taotie's right leg was kicked over by Lin Feng's head at a very fast speed.

The speed of this leg is amazing.

But Lin Feng this time, did not choose to avoid, but directly stretched out his arm, toward the right leg kicked, block up.

"Keng --"

a sound like a blunt collision sounded, and Lin Feng's hair and clothes were blown by the wind swept up by this leg, but the man did not move.


Taotie's heart was startled. His foot almost used all his strength. As a result, the other side didn't move at all. It was a bit of a slap in the face!

After a few days, Lin's heart was swept away.Lin Feng is still not slow to extend his hand, "Keng Keng Keng" all block.

"Ah --" Taotie was a little bit crazy. He used both hands and feet and kept hitting Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng retreated to one side and said, "Feng Shui turns around. This time it's my turn. You take the move."

Said, Lin Feng with the way of Taotie, directly toward Taotie swept past.

Taotie blocked with his hand, but he felt a sharp pain in his arm. A strong force made him stagger to the left for several steps.

However, this is not over, just when he has just established himself, he hears Lin Feng yelling: "bully the heaven and bully the earth!"

He jumped up in the air and chopped down towards the head of Taotie.

Taotie's hands were cross on his head, but he was almost kneeling down by Lin Feng.

Taotie reluctantly stood up, but saw Lin Feng is a back sweep legs, mouth big drink way: "Oolong wag tail!"

Taotie had just finished his last stroke, but it was another fierce sweep. He had no choice but to try to block it again, but it was not as effective as the previous block. Lin Feng broke the block and kicked him directly on his left rib.

Taotie was kicked out directly and hit the wall with a bang. The fake paintings of Fuchun mountain were shaken off.

"Wow! How wonderful

Now people are open-minded. They think that Taotie is terrible enough. As soon as Lin Feng does it, he is in a bad position. The strength of Lin Feng is quite terrible. It is so terrible!

Taotie is very unwilling. He doesn't believe that Lin Feng will be so strong. In his heart, Lin Feng is almost equal to himself. Is Lin Feng really playing super long because he wants to have sex with a beautiful woman?


Taotie immediately denied his idea!

He adjusted the state, the body accumulates strength, and launched an attack toward Lin Feng.

He has done his best in this attack, and the strength of every punch and foot is incomparable.

However, this time, Lin Feng didn't hide any more. Instead, he met him directly. The sound of their fists and feet was incessant. Lin Feng's movements were natural and unrestrained. The more he fought, the braver he became. However, Taotie was defeated. He only had the ability to parry but not to fight back.

A moment later, Taotie was forced to the corner, is the end of the force.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a bit of cold light and hit Taotie hard.

This group of speed is extremely fast, Taotie want to hide is too late, so they bravely take the punch with both hands.

However, Lin Feng's fist was stronger than the previous one. Taotie didn't expect that his own efforts to resist it would not help.

Lin Feng's fist is like a poisonous dragon flying diamond. It breaks through Taotie's defense and directly hits Taotie's chest. The huge impact force makes him directly fight back and forth Hit the wall.

"Poo --"

the mouth of Taotie is sweet and spits out a mouthful of blood directly. It feels like the chest is on fire, and the pain is unbearable. The whole body seems to be scattered and has no strength. Know this, be hit by Lin Feng key!

Lin Feng came forward and grabbed his throat. Then he put his lips close to his ears and whispered, "tell me, why do you want to find blood jade? Who are you hitting the boss

The corners of his mouth were bleeding and gasping for breath.

"Tell me the truth, I may save your life!" Lin Feng continued.

"No comment!" Taotie said, suddenly raised the knee, a poison dart shot from the knee.

Lin Feng had been on guard for a long time, and the poison dart flew out from between his legs.

"Hum, I'll kill you now, if you dare to play dirty when you're dying!" Lin Feng said, raised his fist to fight gluttonous.

At this time, he heard a cry of "ah" behind him.

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